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Wintersday and Achievement points

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I think those "(annual)" achievements should give some AP.

Ideally 3 per achievement but I'd settle for even 1 just because I personally hunt achievements and because I don't like seeing when achievements don't display [don't have] points.

Plus, people are asking for more AP but it seems like we're getting less, even expansion didn't have that many yet rewards go up to 60.000, so if I have 35.000+ after 5.5 years I'll need another 5 or more to reach 60.000.

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Pretty much my only disappointment with this patch was the shortage of AP. This has been an issue for a while now and it seems to be worsening not improving despite here being a fair amount of feedback about the lowered amounts. PoF was one of the least rewarding content drops for AP in the entire game.


I like getting festival AP and I was looking forward to getting a lot more this festival, but options are limited this year since I finished near enough 2 tabs last year.


I probably wouldn't mind at all if new content releases weren't so stingy on AP

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