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PvP Matchmaking Experiment: December 13, 2017

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Something I noticed, though its of no relevance in unranked... I get put in the same team with the same people quite a lot if I dont wait a bit with queueing to de-sync. At the same time, if I wait 3-5 min between queues, I get new players and still queuepop in 1-3 min, so its not because of small playerpool.



No clue what my rating is, I havent played ranked in ages because of the shenanigans going on there with wannabes and ap hunters. I think it should be quite volatile still atm, and probably around silver to gold level. At least the players I get placed with arent very good, but not total noobs either. Just the usual gw2 players with basic understanding of conquest mode.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Abelisk.4527" said:

> First game of unranked: I ask "what is your ratings?"

> Person A: 0

> Person B: 867

> Person C: i don't have one


> My rating is 1613. Queue took me less than 4 minutes, I believe.


Keep in mind that people can't actually see their unranked skill rating. Players have a separate rating for unranked, since it's used so much for experimentation and messing around.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"Abelisk.4527" said:

> > First game of unranked: I ask "what is your ratings?"

> > Person A: 0

> > Person B: 867

> > Person C: i don't have one

> >

> > My rating is 1613. Queue took me less than 4 minutes, I believe.


> Keep in mind that people can't actually see their unranked skill rating. Players have a separate rating for unranked, since it's used so much for experimentation and messing around.


Oh, my bad. I see thanks for the response.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"NICENIKESHOE.7128" said:

> > Curious on what happen if you teamup during this experiment though, does MMR just kinda take the average of two?


> It takes the average of the pair.


Hi, I would like to report that I currently love your new match making....


I popped into a few games with a friend who just managed to hit 1k AP, level 18 pvp rank and just about all of our games had a 50 point difference.... The other team had players matching my skill and his skills, so I was able to handle the players that were a bit more skilled than he was by keeping them busy on side points while my team and the rest of their team focused on mid.


(Australian players, longest queue time was 3 minutes)

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Noticing a huge variation in queue times, and huge variations in player's skill in a match. Still. It's not a perfect test, as players often play outlandishly bad things and learn a new class in unranked frequently, not knowing what their buttons do. Also, the presence of large groups (4queue teams) makes some wonky matchmaking.

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Summary of my Experience :


In duo Q (Unranked) games were still one sided, although we had some close games, real problem was meta : we kept getting on the enemy team more meta comps than in my actual team, although games haven't been felt one sided.


In 4-5 men premade (Unranked) I got a lot of close games, a good 50% win ratio.


The average Queue time I had, both in duo-Q and actual premade was about 10 minutes, so was more than acceptable.


Overall It felt much better, so thumbs up, tbf anything that can improve Matchmaking is welcomed and approved!

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I don't want to be rude but the top 5% of players desires for quick queue times should not be driving the bus for the majority. I know of no smart business that would lower the overall quality of there product because of the desires of the smallest group of customers. That being said surely the range could expand after a reasonable wait if queues got too intolerable for some people. But it should be an ironclad range for at least 3-5 minutes.

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> @"Rodzynald.5897" said:

> But what about bad players who play strong builds and get carried to the skill rating they do not belong to? There are still bad players with high skill rating and this is pretty much another issue that creates one-sided matches. Yes, I know, every game has those, but based on my years of pvp experience in MMORPG's I can say that in GW2 there is a particulary high ammount of such examples, especially with a rising tendency after HoT launch.


Well, with enough games their skill rating should drop?

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Rodzynald.5897" said:

> > But what about bad players who play strong builds and get carried to the skill rating they do not belong to? There are still bad players with high skill rating and this is pretty much another issue that creates one-sided matches. Yes, I know, every game has those, but based on my years of pvp experience in MMORPG's I can say that in GW2 there is a particulary high ammount of such examples, especially with a rising tendency after HoT launch.


> Well, with enough games their skill rating should drop?


Yeah, but before they do so, they drag a lot of people with them. They shouldn't get into high ranks in the first place. I've already met with at least two people who managed to get to high plat (almost lege) and in a week fall to medium gold. This just proves that MMR does the job to take'em down, but how do they get so high up is wondering. With just knowledge of how to play a class and a little to no logcial thinking about rotation or kiting to get into such high tiers? I do not think it should be like that.


Now on the other hand I don't play strict best meta builds or whatever is the flavor of the month, I do not find them suitable for me and I like to be creative. Everytime I used some other build be it A-tier or something of my own. Throughout 3 to 4 seasons I've seen a rising tendency in my rating from medium gold up to tiers 2-3 in platinum, staying there in a win-loss-win-loss-win... fashion.

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> @"Rodzynald.5897" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > @"Rodzynald.5897" said:

> > > But what about bad players who play strong builds and get carried to the skill rating they do not belong to? There are still bad players with high skill rating and this is pretty much another issue that creates one-sided matches. Yes, I know, every game has those, but based on my years of pvp experience in MMORPG's I can say that in GW2 there is a particulary high ammount of such examples, especially with a rising tendency after HoT launch.

> >

> > Well, with enough games their skill rating should drop?


> Yeah, but before they do so, they drag a lot of people with them. They shouldn't get into high ranks in the first place. I've already met with at least two people who managed to get to high plat (almost lege) and in a week fall to medium gold. This just proves that MMR does the job to take'em down, but how do they get so high up is wondering. With just knowledge of how to play a class and a little to no logcial thinking about rotation or kiting to get into such high tiers? I do not think it should be like that.


Well, that's the rpoblem with short seasons. Because they're so short they need really high volatility on and just after placements, which means if a guy gets carried a bit during those circumstances he gets higher than he should.

Also, again because of how everything is set up, it's way faster to get boosted to high ranks. I mean if you duo pre-made with a plat and above as a silver player you're going to be winning like 20-30 points per win.

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I believe it would have been so much better if mistakes were punished on their own. Nowadays you can do a lot and pop something or something pops for you to run away/keep on fighting.

Yesterday I tried to play a bunker druid and It just confirmed it further for me that you can easily roll into higher ranks with whatever is gimmick-powered or is just simply capable of more things at once. Everytime I was about to die cause I screwed something up, I had an easy way out of almost every tight situation, something I could not do with a, let's say, core hammer. So healing, kiting for days, dealing decent damage at that, I felt kind of bad for some of my opponents because I didn't even try that hard to keep alive in 1v2's and they didn't seem to be some random PvE newbs.. I wish we got back to pre-HoT pvp where there were no "legendary" players running builds that *allowed* to be so incredibly efficient, and baddies had to git gud.

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