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Charr need Love with the upcomming saga.

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I want to bring this thread up again with the saga comming. It's edited though.

Charr horns, fur, faces and manes need some love.

Also bring some more cultural armour plz.


**We are the Only race with horns. We are proud of those horns that decorate our massive heads!**


**Can we please get New horns with nice decorations, antler like ones etc. New fur patterns, new manes that don't look ridicolous but have nice braids/dreads and maybe some decorations like feathers, bones, etc, and new faces, especially for male charr, that less chaotic teeth, that look less ugly, a bit more slender??!!**


Ppl came up with many good ideas läst Timrå this Theas was up, Plz do so again!


Give this a thumb if u agree!

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I would love


• charr new base customization with blood legion homelands xpac

• norn new base customization with far shiverpeak xpac

• asura and sylvari base customizations added whenever they can since they kinda already had their moments

• new stuff for all races in the self style kits

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