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Lack of difficult content

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> @"Aerlen.5326" said:

> No.

> No.

> No.

> No.


> People like you have made this game a living hell for those of us who are skilled but who either have some disability or don't care to play "I Want To Be The Guy" every time Anet creates new content. I blame people like you for HoT being a ridiculous mess and "Hearts and Minds" being stupid hard and all the garbage "artificial difficulty" in Living World Season 3. This game already has challenges for most players - the problem is the high tier elites find exploits, bugs, and ways to cheese it or they just do it so many times that it becomes easy and then they cry and cry and cry for more things while the rest of us are either ticked off, can't do it, gave up, or are still finding it challenging.


> You have raids and high tier fractals. Go do them in green gear.


The game is not stupid hard. You just need a build made for the content. I play with a glass cannon and I think difficulty is just normal. I don't use exploits (lol) or even a good build, I just made it myself. If you think HoT is hard you probably haven't played it enough, I had a hard time day 1, now it's easy. And he is talking about big groups, even if you have disability you cannot think any of the content is challenging when in big groups right?

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There is a difficult content called WvW.

Your opponent is human. They can range from innocent to deadly. They are ever changing. While one group of human can be easy to kill but another group of human can be also seen as avatar of demi-god. Their looks can be deceiving thus you can never let your guards down or you will fail the content.

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> @"Silencio.2604" said:

> > @"Aerlen.5326" said:

> > No.

> > No.

> > No.

> > No.

> >

> > People like you have made this game a living hell for those of us who are skilled but who either have some disability or don't care to play "I Want To Be The Guy" every time Anet creates new content. I blame people like you for HoT being a ridiculous mess and "Hearts and Minds" being stupid hard and all the garbage "artificial difficulty" in Living World Season 3. This game already has challenges for most players - the problem is the high tier elites find exploits, bugs, and ways to cheese it or they just do it so many times that it becomes easy and then they cry and cry and cry for more things while the rest of us are either ticked off, can't do it, gave up, or are still finding it challenging.

> >

> > You have raids and high tier fractals. Go do them in green gear.


> The game is not stupid hard. You just need a build made for the content. I play with a glass cannon and I think difficulty is just normal. I don't use exploits (lol) or even a good build, I just made it myself. If you think HoT is hard you probably haven't played it enough, I had a hard time day 1, now it's easy. And he is talking about big groups, even if you have disability you cannot think any of the content is challenging when in big groups right?


I would like to agree as well. I am playing revenant with a fresh griever exotic gear, elementalist runes and the new elite spec. I still carry my berserker trinkets that I got through LS3 and laurels. Finished POF and the new episode quite easily.

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> @"Aerlen.5326" said:

> No.

> No.

> No.

> No.


> People like you have made this game a living hell for those of us who are skilled but who either have some disability or don't care to play "I Want To Be The Guy" every time Anet creates new content. I blame people like you for HoT being a ridiculous mess and "Hearts and Minds" being stupid hard and all the garbage "artificial difficulty" in Living World Season 3. This game already has challenges for most players - the problem is the high tier elites find exploits, bugs, and ways to cheese it or they just do it so many times that it becomes easy and then they cry and cry and cry for more things while the rest of us are either ticked off, can't do it, gave up, or are still finding it challenging.


> You have raids and high tier fractals. Go do them in green gear.


That last sentence made me laugh hard. I really don't know why, but it did.


The funny thing is, yeah... certain things get hard/challenging when you make it hard/challenging.


Sometimes hear the excuse of "I shouldn't have to nerf my own self for a challenge", but um.. why not?

Even in Fractals you can can do them normally or there's little machines usually in the beginning of them for you to make much harder than they were set to by default. You don't have to set it on or not.

Same as you don't have to use the best armour/weapons (you got) to do it either.

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I would like some new Tequatl fights, perhaps we can beef up a World Bosses everything a Raid wing gets released, for example we could have beefed up Shadow Behemoth in conjunction with the Underworld Raid for example. As far as demanding METAS goes I never want to see anything bigger than Silver Wastes, I think Istan was a good balance.

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> @"Davin Miler.2810" said:

> > @"Kiza.5630" said:

> > Sorry but no thanks. I hope we will never again see open world content that is tuned up so much that dedicated and tightly-knit communities form around it just to play it. I love the current concept where I can decide to organize an event just by putting up an entry on LFG and gather people for it. Some of them will still fail if you don't organize players. And that is how the majority of people in the game play.

> >

> > All of them vary in difficulty already. Palawadan is not easy per se. It's just that the game can't scale it high enough. It's a complete joke with 1.5 full squads on the map where everything will just melt in AOE fields.

> >

> > Serpents' Ire has become quite difficult as mostly newbies play it these days. I've done it recently and it failed once and was very close to failing the other times. If you tune that up, even more people will get frustrated and never attempt it again.

> >

> > TL;DR: please keep designing open world content for rag-tag crews gather via LFG rather than communities who play it together regularly. Make 50-man raids if you must.


> 50 man raids is basically what I'm going for. That's something you need to coordinate and be skilled for. Currently our community is really falling apart due to the fact that anyone can just set up a squad and win basically any event. Our community was built around completing difficult content as a team and it is really sad to see it slowly die when people would rather not even commit to joining us on TeamSpeak and set up their own squad.


Play Wildstar then.

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> @"Dashiva.6149" said:

> Maybe it is nostalgia, but I remember the Marionette meta being decently difficult in Open World, mostly because it required some detailed coordination and not just being a zergfest. I hope they bring it back in some way or form.

Not because of detailed coordination, but because it was possible to fail the platform fight part due to inadequacy of a _single_ player. In an event that was calibrated (according the devs) at slightly above average player skill level.

Also, aggro management was really important on some of the platform fights, and yet the fights used the standard aggro mechanics, with often disastrous consequences. Especially when coupled with presence of ranger pets, mesmer clones or necro minions.


That... wasn't an optimal choice in the open world.


(notice, that vinewrath, while based on similar general design, does not have that flaw)


> @"Lambent.6375" said:

> When was teq scaled down?

> The only teq change I remember since the revamp is when they changed his health pool, and allowed him to be crit.


After the revamp they've decreased his health pool at least once, changed his scaling mechanism areas so cannon defence regions would not scale off the people fighting right under teq, made similar adjustments to the battery defence events (originally each scaled according to the total number of players at every battery and laser), and finally **made each megalaser shot cause 5% damage to teq** (that last one was huge, because it allowed the current strat of pushing him straight from burn to battery defence).


All of those happened well before the hp adjust due to condi changes.



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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> Not because of detailed coordination, but because it was possible to fail the platform fight part due to inadequacy of a _single_ player. In an event that was calibrated (according the devs) at slightly above average player skill level.

Yeah, that. There was no way for the platforms to assist each other, so a lot of the time you'd beat the boss on your platform only to fail because one platform couldn't (assuming the platform even had enough people on it to begin with, which they didn't always).


Also one of the platform bosses tended to lay down a giant AOE right where you spawn in, so you could end up downed before you could even react.



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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> If you want to play hard encounters you have to content of fractals and raids, imo open word must stay accessible for every average player (not just the majority of open world, all of it).


Raids will be nerfed soon enough too so all can play it for challenge dont sell too well

(Raids arent really that hard its more of mechanics than dungeon but if you know what too do its very easy)

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > If you want to play hard encounters you have to content of fractals and raids, imo open word must stay accessible for every average player (not just the majority of open world, all of it).


> Raids will be nerfed soon enough too so all can play it for challenge dont sell too well

> (Raids arent really that hard its more of mechanics than dungeon but if you know what too do its very easy)


This is only your fantasy, anet never stated that they were going to nerf raids and I really doubt they will ever nerf them, however, even if they would, that doesn't change what I think: buff raid's (or fractal cm) difficulty, not open world.

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> @"Davin Miler.2810" said:

> > @"Kiza.5630" said:

> > Sorry but no thanks. I hope we will never again see open world content that is tuned up so much that dedicated and tightly-knit communities form around it just to play it. I love the current concept where I can decide to organize an event just by putting up an entry on LFG and gather people for it. Some of them will still fail if you don't organize players. And that is how the majority of people in the game play.

> >

> > All of them vary in difficulty already. Palawadan is not easy per se. It's just that the game can't scale it high enough. It's a complete joke with 1.5 full squads on the map where everything will just melt in AOE fields.

> >

> > Serpents' Ire has become quite difficult as mostly newbies play it these days. I've done it recently and it failed once and was very close to failing the other times. If you tune that up, even more people will get frustrated and never attempt it again.

> >

> > TL;DR: please keep designing open world content for rag-tag crews gather via LFG rather than communities who play it together regularly. Make 50-man raids if you must.


> 50 man raids is basically what I'm going for. That's something you need to coordinate and be skilled for. Currently our community is really falling apart due to the fact that anyone can just set up a squad and win basically any event. Our community was built around completing difficult content as a team and it is really sad to see it slowly die when people would rather not even commit to joining us on TeamSpeak and set up their own squad.


no thank you thank you no!!! to any of this at all pve does not need or want 50 person raids at all !!! not only that but pve is not meant to be ( team ) pve is best done solo with no help from no one at all. only time you need that many people is for world events to win at the very best . which them should been put with wvw or pvp or guild halls at best . :# :#

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> @"Davin Miler.2810" said:

> > @"Kiza.5630" said:

> > Sorry but no thanks. I hope we will never again see open world content that is tuned up so much that dedicated and tightly-knit communities form around it just to play it. I love the current concept where I can decide to organize an event just by putting up an entry on LFG and gather people for it. Some of them will still fail if you don't organize players. And that is how the majority of people in the game play.

> >

> > All of them vary in difficulty already. Palawadan is not easy per se. It's just that the game can't scale it high enough. It's a complete joke with 1.5 full squads on the map where everything will just melt in AOE fields.

> >

> > Serpents' Ire has become quite difficult as mostly newbies play it these days. I've done it recently and it failed once and was very close to failing the other times. If you tune that up, even more people will get frustrated and never attempt it again.

> >

> > TL;DR: please keep designing open world content for rag-tag crews gather via LFG rather than communities who play it together regularly. Make 50-man raids if you must.


> 50 man raids is basically what I'm going for. That's something you need to coordinate and be skilled for. Currently our community is really falling apart due to the fact that anyone can just set up a squad and win basically any event. Our community was built around completing difficult content as a team and it is really sad to see it slowly die when people would rather not even commit to joining us on TeamSpeak and set up their own squad.


I'm going to guess you never played WoW during vanilla, or you would never suggest something like 50 man raids. Here's the problem: when you have that many people in order to succeed you have to make the boss mechanics so simple or 75% of the players will die in the first minute leaving the rest unable to complete the task. In a group that size you'd be lucky if even 10 people know how to move out of the fire or (heaven to bid) switch focus to some adds that spawn. And that's even if you manage to get 50 people into a single coordinated group long enough to get to the boss.

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