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(Spoiler) Path of Fire release discussion


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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> That first line doesn't sound like Braham to me but the male norn PC. This wouldn't be the first time folks mistook the two.


> The end line from the male human PC to Balthazar to stay and fight doesn't seem to me like Balthazar is running away but that he is constantly ignoring the PC. For example in the only shot of importance in the trailer, Balthazar knocks the PC and crew down but then promptly ignores them as he turns to face the Dragon. Similar to Heart of the Volcano. It's a series of "the commander is not of my interest I will not be distracted!"


> > @Maethor.2810 said:

> > 1:01 shows a dragon approaching Balthazar. It could be depth of vision, but it seems too small to be Kralkatorrik himself. But from a distance, it looks too fleshy to be a champion a la The Shatterer. It looks almost like a more grown Aurene. Later on at 1:06 we see Balthazar fighting a dragon (mostly a wing over his head) but we can see on the left side of the screen some skin with crystals growing out of it. Yellowish crystals and not the typical purple crystals from Kralkatorrik's corruption. Judging by the background being the same as the shot of the dragon flying in, I'm assuming that is the same dragon. My guess is some relative of Glint, whether it's a suped up Aurene, Gleam, or some other offspring (as we did see a ton of eggs in the Dragon's Lair mission).


> Keep in mind that Krakatorrik has been confirmed to have absorbed Mordremoth's magic. He likely took in a lot of Zhaitan's too.


> That would give him the power to create fleshy Dragon minions and have a yellow-green hue to them if they house death and plant magic.



Good point; I forgot that bit of information. However, I'm inclined to think that isn't the case here after going back and taking a look at the Death-Touched & Vine-Touched in Ember Bay. They did have yellow in their colouring, but in every model the yellow that we see is blended into green. Darker green for the Death-Touched and lighter green for the Vine-Touched. I didn't see any hint of green of either hue around the crystals on the body of whatever dragon or creature it is in the trailer in the battle shot.


Though, by the time we get a better look, we'll know what it is.

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The form of his mind's outer shell was also a multi-faceted, green crystal or emerald in Edge of Destiny, if I recall correctly. Actually, now that I think of it and going with the much more preferable theory that the Elder Dragons have a specific vision and an end-goal in mind for themselves and the world other than just being hungry, it was theorized that Kralkatorrik's greatest desire is to have everything there is, and is envious of all that he cannot get or become. He is the personification of envy and unhealthy perfectionism; he's literally green with envy.

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