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The great QoL Improvements list

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Emergency Priority:

* Color Blind Mode! There are people who can’t play or can’t play all modes because they literally can’t see things like ability marker circles.


High Priority:

* Shareable Build templates

* Shareable clothing templates

* Shareable dye templates



* Reduce the amount of excess clicking, ie the loads of useless confirmation popups (for banners, when you get items from the Mystic Forge or crafting, completion of story content where there is no choice to make, etc.) These may individually be minor but they add up over time.

* Account-bound gathering slots (perhaps for gems) for use with infinite tools or just so you don't have to take up so much inventory by having everyone carry 10-15 slots of tools.

* Full harvest by default. There is no reason to have to click multiple times to fully harvest a node.

* Always display stat setups, instead of forcing people to memorize what each is, ie Dire Vs Sinister.

* Add an indicator in-game for items that are salvageable for insignias and inscriptions. Shouldn't need to constantly look at the wiki or memorize stat set names for this.

* Integrate the equipment, dyes, wardrobe, and outfit panels into one panel. That way you can set everything without having to duck into multiple panels, and can see all the color setups before you have to spend charges. having them separate is just duplicate functionality.

* Let us consume multiple food/utility items at once and stack the duration, instead of having to constantly mouse over and check our skill bar (very useful for raids). Note this is different from the metabolic and utility primers as they extend the normal duration to match their own, whereas this is just stacking the normal durations.

* Give us a library in our home instance to store book items so they aren’t clogging inventory. Otherwise we just delete them and read the wiki if we want to go back.

* Tonic wardrobe, housing all infinite and finite tonics and accessible by any character whenever they want to use a tonic transform.

* Show actual stat change amounts for the character you are on for percentage food on mouseover (ie show what 3% or ferocity into power will actually mean for the character you are logged in as).

* Equip second ring and accessory with menu (ie “equip offhand”) as can be done with weapons, instead of always replacing the first ring or accessory unless manually dragging in the equipment menu.

* Icon in LFG for groups that shows they are in full maps (but doesn’t show if you are in the map in question). Would save a lot of trying to change maps and getting an error message.

* Ability to lock or queue reward tracks for PVP and WVW rather than defaulting back to a random track (usually CoF) when your current one is completed.

* Option to switch guide between story and event/map completion mode, without having to finish the story.

* Option to have chat display region next to all messages. Saves a lot of “are you NA or EU?” when trying to gather groups or set up events.

* Option to display account name or selected nickname next to all messages. Helps identify people, as most people are known by account, not character, of which they have many differently named.


Classes & abilities:

* Animation Lock – Abilities with animation locks (ie Hundred Blades) should immediately unlock on hitting the dodge key. The need to manually unlock by moving a little before dodge will respond makes these abilities unwieldy and leads to TONS of missed dodges.

* Classes with alternate forms – Have a way to look at the alternate form abilities without actually transforming. Especially pertinent for Druid and Necro, since their transforms are on a timer and have to be built up by combat, so it is hard to transform just to be able to read the abilities.

* Stealth abilities – An actual countdown would make stealth much more usable, instead of the simple status icon we have now. Right now you just have to know how long you have. Given how stealth works, something near the center of the screen would be more appropriate than a tiny icon in the status bar, since doing anyone dumps you out anyway.

* Engineer – Return from down/dead state in the same kit you were using when you went down, instead of resetting to default weapon.

* Revenant Herald – The Channel wheel beneath the feet of a Rev in Glint makes it hard to see the terrain. An alternate tracking method would be of great help (perhaps next to the change legend icon or above the dodge bar).

* Ranger – Sword 2 and 3 require so much room and are so hard to control that they make sword almost unusable in areas with complex terrain and/or lethal drops. A slight rework to how they function to make them more controllable and less subject to terrain vagaries would bring the weapon back to usability.


Trading Post:

* Let us queue up items to buy and sell on the TP and buy or sell them all at once.

* Search for skin instead of specific weapons. Getting hundreds of duplicates due to stat variations when you are just looking to unlock and salvage is not useful.

* Search for locked skins.


Mystic Forge:

* Let us queue up repeated mystic forge transmutations instead of having to re-add the items over and over.

* Remember forged items (MF recipes) so we don’t constantly have to jump in and out of the game to look things up on the wiki. The discovery aspect is only fun the first time.

* Let us just find recipes for high-level stuff like legendaries that we just look up on the wiki. We shouldn’t have to leave the game to play it.

* Let us access the bank from the mystic forge panel. Ideally this would function as it does in the crafting panel (and in conjunction with MF recipes), but at least add an access tab so we can move relevant items to inventory without running back and forth to the bank.

* Expand the left panel. We need more space for manipulating the panels, rather than a giant, mostly empty art panel that has no function.



* Let us auto-craft sub-items in a recipe instead of having to dig down and do every item one by one. This also avoids overcrafting since you can’t accidentally craft 3 of something when the final item needs only 2, etc, and would make it easier to determine if you can craft something since you would be told how many you can craft PERIOD, not just based on what sub-items you happen to have currently crafted.

* Remember selected sorting/categories in the crafting panel (so we don’t have to turn off crafting levels every time we log in).

* Expand the left panel. We need more space for manipulating the panels. Have subrecipes open TO THE SIDE instead of on top of things. Have the ability to open multiple subrecipes at once.



* Put a button for Deposit All right on the interface, instead of in a sub menu.

* Have an option to put such a button for sort/compact as well.

* Salvage all and deposit button as well. A single button will cut down radically on the amount of clicking.

* Multiple sorting options not dependent on the bag you buy would be nice too.

* Have an option to outline or otherwise mark non-sorting and invisible slots when bag view is off. Right now you have to either leave bag view on or arrange for your slots to line up just right and remember it, which can lead to accidents.

* Ensure that, if possible, when two one-handed weapons are replaced by a two-handed weapon, both weapons end up in the same bag as the two-handed weapon came from. Currently, the off-hand weapon can end up at the first available slot, which can cause issues with organization and can make it sellable and/or salvageable when it shouldn’t be if an invisible bag was being used for spare weapons.

* Auto-stack items in shared inventory slots. If I have all my keys up there they should just stack there instead of in a separate slot.

* Key/map item wallet. For example the 9 map event items from Bitterfrost should at not be taking up inventory space on every character. This discourages going back to the map because you would rather just not have this junk in your inventory.

* Account bind map items instead of soulbinding them. For example the 9 map event items from Bitterfrost should at least be able to be swapped to other characters.

* Options for displaying multiple currencies (and key levels, if in wallet) at the bottom of the inventory, ie show Gold, Karma, Gears, and Crowbars when in Verdant Brink, as these are the relevant things to know in VB. Also an option to display on the UI somewhere so they can be tracked without opening inventory.

* Cut down on the deletion confirmation, and make it contextual. Once you have completed a collection and the item has no use, for example, you shouldn't have to do anything to get rid of it.



* Make ascended ring, trinket, etc. drops stat-selectable as armor and weapons are, and add HoT and PoF stats to the selection pool for all ascended drops. Right now most non-armor/weapon ascended drops are so low value due to useless stat combos that they aren’t even salvaged (not worth the very expensive ascended tools), they are just deleted. This would also remove the multiple tabs from the vendors for separate core and HoT stat selection, although this may run into issues with there being multiple classes of account. At least improve the labeling to make it easier to tell which stats the items you are looking at can have.

* Allow consume all on encrypted fractal boxes (decrypt as many as you have keys).

* Show fractal levels available on daily pane for daily fractals, instead of making us go into the achieve panel to figure out the numbers.

* Show fractal identity on recommended fractals.


Action Camera:

* Fix areas where action camera breaks interaction (for example, during the cannon sections of the final core story instance).

* Fix cases where even though you are attacking something it is not targeted.

* Fix cases where the target will shift back to the main boss even though you have targeted on minions (for example during intermediate phases of the Gerent fight) or will shift to minions even though you have targeted the main boss (for example the bandits during Sabetha).

* Fix cases where camera interacts badly with terrain, rendering players blind due to the camera being behind them (ie when walls are too tight and you have to look in a certain direction).

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I would be immensely happy with one change to the targeting markers, both the circle at the base of the target and the moving arrow icon above it should have customizable colors. I accept my never-ending struggle with targeting at this point, that one change would at least make that struggle a little more manageable. I am not colorblind, however a red marker in a sea of red is very frustrating. Any other changes I would like are, at this point, a pipe dream and I have utterly given up asking for them, I just want to be able to see what I'm targeting.

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  • 6 months later...

> Options for displaying multiple currencies (and key levels, if in wallet) at the bottom of the inventory, ie show Gold, Karma, Gears, and Crowbars when in Verdant Brink, as these are the relevant things to know in VB. Also an option to display on the UI somewhere so they can be tracked without opening inventory.


Definitely provide an toggleable option to display the active zone's currencies and keys in the HUD for instant tracking. Right now, very tedious to open the inventory, open the wallet, then scroll down a long ass list to find the right currency and key types.

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As a newly returning player this week, I am just purely overwhelmed at the amount of currencies in this game. Is it really that hard to consolidate old and new currencies? Is it really this necessary to have THIS many currencies in a game? As an example, how terrible would it be if in the US, each _state _had its own currency? It would quickly become a convoluted mess. It's why the EU made the Euro. Too many currencies, ArenaNet, and you need to make it easier for people to return to the game with the inventory management systems listed above by the OP. I agree entirely with everything they said.

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> @"Boogiepop Void.6473" said:

> * Salvage all and deposit button as well. A single button will cut down radically on the amount of clicking.


This is already possible.. Unless I'm missing something and don't know what it is you mean. (Edit: just realized your original post is 7 months old)


Also, you forgot the ability to [convert Apply Now skins into transmutation charges](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/12146/suggestion-allow-converting-apply-now-skins-already-unlocked-into-transmutation-charges "convert Apply Now skins into transmutation charges"). :)


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To add to this

* Fix the Achievement API to show EVERY single achievement that has been earn-able (Can't even see newer festival categories anymore in "HIstorical")

* Improve Collection categories to not be so bloated with collections from different expansions (Make a Core Collection, HoT Collection and PoF Collection tab for example)

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