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What are some builds viable for fractals in power?


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minmax for longer fights:




change blood magic for soul reaping for slightly more personal dps and solo parts.

blood magic with vampiric aura is a net dps gain in grp-parts and the best support necro has to offer. helps keeping up that scholar bonus on your group.


change heal and shadow fiend in short fights (e.g. shout heal and well of corruption).

also change shadow fiend if some utilities are needed (worm in the unrated fractal at tom, to block projectiles... flesh worm also for skiping parts... posion cloud for projectile hate... spectral armor as a stun-break and longer shroud... a condi clear if necessarry).


trinkets: use "berserker + valkyrie" (not marauders) for slightly more HP.

do not use valkyrie stat (armor/weapons) anymore, its a net dps loss due to food/utility changes. berserker is minmax with "berserker + valkyrie" as accessories for some more hp if needed.


have fun, cheers

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More efficient is to start in GS

Well, Nightfall (GS 4), Grasping Darkness (GS 5), Gravedigger (GS 2)


Go to axe (at this point the actual rotation starts)

Axe 2, Horn 5

Go into shroud

4x AA chain

Leave shroud

Axe 2

Swap to GS


3x AA (until a second Gravedigger and weapon swap/shroud is off cd)

Gravedigger, Nightfall (GS 4), Grasping Darkness (GS 5)

**Then option A:**

Start at the beginning by a weapon swap to axe (easier rotation, allows for more ranged damage and is actually slightly better now due to the axe changes. but can result in a problem with chill uptime)

**Option B:**

Go into shroud

3x AA

Leave shroud


3x AA


Swap to axe, start at the beginning



- both rotations change slightly when yo dont/inconsistently have alacrity and quickness. prioritize gravedigger and axe 2 over the rest of the skills. adjust rotation accordingly (mostly less AA. Also Nightfall + Grasping Darkness do not fit in a set rotation then)

- Avoid swapping into axe when shroud is on cd.

- Dont use shroud 4. its only good for aoe cleave on trash-mobs. AA in shroud is unfortunately still stronger

- Use CC when needed (avoid using GS 5 if you want to break a CC bar very precisely)

- GS 5, Shadow Fiend and GS AA (therefore full chains) is your 100% chill uptime for your dmg-multiplier

- Always weave in the well when it is off cd but prioritize Gravedigger and axe 2 before the well if they are off cooldown too.

- If you use a focus instead of the horn - at the point of weapon swapping into axe, use focus 4 and then axe 2, then go into shroud AA. that way focus 4 is rdy again when you leave shroud. Use it ofc


Below 50%

Do Gravedigger and 4, 5 on GS.


Be aware that using Shadow Fiend cancels the next Gravedigger if you hold down the key for Gravedigger below 50% target health. (Same caution when you use GS 4, 5 and the Well. Stop using the Gravedigger key during the animation, then use the other skills when GD is finished and after the cast of the other skills start using the Gravedigger key again. Otherwise you interrupt GD and it gets on CD which is a dps loss)



For ranged fights use axe. maybe switch from Horn to Focus... obviously. It got a lot better with the recent upgrade in dmg (axe inherits the former traits dmg buff on default now). Axe 2 traited with Spiteful talisman (CD reduction) makes it almost worth using now.

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