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Resistance feels useless


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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > Thread is odd ... I'm actually trying make a build that makes resistance absolutely broken on my Spellbreaker. I must be doing something wrong :)

> >


> That’s Gamebreaker itself, not resistance :wink:



Even if he made a perma res build


The fact remains that only 2 profressions have access to actual usable resistance uptime


The the fact resistance is a regular boon so it can be removed or corrupted


So even this guys perma resistance build would go to hell vs a corrupter or spellbreaker

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> @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > Thread is odd ... I'm actually trying make a build that makes resistance absolutely broken on my Spellbreaker. I must be doing something wrong :)

> > >

> >

> > That’s Gamebreaker itself, not resistance :wink:

> >


> Even if he made a perma res build


> The fact remains that only 2 profressions have access to actual usable resistance uptime


> The the fact resistance is a regular boon so it can be removed or corrupted


> So even this guys perma resistance build would go to hell vs a corrupter or spellbreaker


Good thing those aren't the only opponents being faced ay? The point here is that resistance is far from useless EVEN if there are some builds that have the ability to remove it. Just like anything else, if you want the most from it, you need to build around getting the most from it.


Sitting around and claiming something has no value because it has a counter shows a strong lack of understanding of how PVP works in general, not just in GW2.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> > > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > Thread is odd ... I'm actually trying make a build that makes resistance absolutely broken on my Spellbreaker. I must be doing something wrong :)

> > > >

> > >

> > > That’s Gamebreaker itself, not resistance :wink:

> > >

> >

> > Even if he made a perma res build

> >

> > The fact remains that only 2 profressions have access to actual usable resistance uptime

> >

> > The the fact resistance is a regular boon so it can be removed or corrupted

> >

> > So even this guys perma resistance build would go to hell vs a corrupter or spellbreaker


> Good thing those aren't the only opponents being faced ay? The point here is that resistance is far from useless EVEN if there are some builds that have the ability to remove it. Just like anything else, if you want the most from it, you need to build around getting the most from it.


> Sitting around and claiming something has no value because it has a counter shows a strong lack of understanding of how PVP works in general, not just in GW2.


The boon effect itself is powerful


Its useless because it is inaccesible by 80% of the professions or if they do have it they cant build for it as you say, engineer for example gets 2s resistance from med kit 5 on a 20s cd, med kit skills arent affected by alchemy so there is no way of getting extra resistance out of it asides from the 40% boon duration trait


Also useless cuz of corruption and boonstrip

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Inaccessible to 80% of the professions doesn't make it useless and neither does boon stripping. That's like saying Might is useless ... because it can be stripped. :/ or Aegis is useless because my thief doesn't have access to it. Those things do not make Resistance useless. It's really dishonest to sit there and pretend Resistance is useless. A boon that makes you immune to conditions, in a condition heavy competitive environment will never be useless.


> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> Even HIT POINTS feel useless in this meta :(


Yes, my HP gets stripped all the time ... must be completely useless. ;)

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> @"Cynz.9437" said:

> Resistance was on first place just a bandaid fix for the actual problem: too much condi spam. Then condi spammers cried that condi doesn't stack so now we have even more boonhate. Now resistance is a joke vs classes that have strong condi builds and absolutely broken vs classes that don't have much condi but rely on them to stay alive (e.g. blinds). How to ruin class balance and powercreep everything 101.


Pretty much this happened when they overbuffed condis. They were like too much condis lets put in boon that negates all.


Dhuumfire and terror was already too much but then came hot and pof and dmg creep.


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> @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> The boon effect itself is powerful


> Its useless because it is inaccesible by 80% of the professions or if they do have it they cant build for it as you say, engineer for example gets 2s resistance from med kit 5 on a 20s cd, med kit skills arent affected by alchemy so there is no way of getting extra resistance out of it asides from the 40% boon duration trait


> Also useless cuz of corruption and boonstrip


That doesn't mean its useless. It just means 80% of classes dont need it. Because most classes already have very good condition removal if built for it. The few that dont some have it and others don't Revenant and Engineer need it most in my opinion as they have pretty crappy condition counters/removals. Engineer i think could do with actually good access to it, Revenant has solid enough access again if they build for it with it coming from 2 different legends.


Boonstrip and corruption this only counts for 2 classes really. Necro and Mesmer. Spellbreaker can boonstrip, but ive yet to see a condi spellbreaker so removing Resistance isnt too bad. Its against Mesmer and Necro that its an issue. Though i would still say its not useless because it can be removed/corrupted by a few classes. Now if every class could boonstrip or corrupt specifically Resistance, then i would agree. That however isnt the case.


Once Mesmer get their over the top condition duration nerfed into the ground like it should have already been! then i think it will become more valuable. Though this is more aimed for a Revenant as they have DREADFUL condition removal. Unlike Warrior....


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It is not useless, but corruption is too easy accessible for some certain classes which also happens they are so good at area conditions denial and a lot of barriers. It is a cotail full of cancerous components... if aoe condition, barrier and corruption are separated into 3 classes, i think there will be less of a complain.



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resistance woudl be best if removed completely out of the game and be redesigned into an Attribute as part of the overall change of the Attribute System gettign changed to Dual Effects...


Then could be Resistance as Attribute one, which has as its two effects:


1) Reduces Condition Damage

2) Improves the Efficiency of your Break Bar, making you more resistant versus Hard CC Effects, thus making it harder to stun you or to launch you ect. pp


So if you put much points into this Attribute, you would suffer then on alot lesser Condition Damage from enemies, which doesn't then anymore simply ignore all your defense, because Rsistance woudl be then your direct form of defense against Condition Damage, which doesn't get ignored like Toughness and the Defense Value of your Armor Set. Plus you would have some defense against Hard CCS, cause Resistance woudl drastically reduce the Durations on how long you can be Hard CCed and it woudl significatly decrease for your enemies their chances, that their Hard CCs instantly can affect you at all on the usage of the first CC Skill beign used against you, cause it wouldn't instantly make your Breakbar break - it woudl require then more constant CC beign used agaisnt you coordinatedly, to brign your breakbar to 0, before you can get stunned, plus the game having then finally also something like a Delay Time (the time the breakbar needs to refill), in which a stunned player would be in that time immune to follow up CC, so that you can't get freakign finayl anymore perma CC'ed to death... Rework then Stunbreak Skills just to refill up the Breakbar of a Character and everythign would be fine.


This way would solve the new Resistance with its Dual Effect as Attribute several issues of the game at the same time.


- Reduction of Effect Clutter, due to 1 total obsolete Boon lesser in the game

- Easier to balance this way, as it becomes part of your Character Build directly and you have now to build your Character for it, if you want to profit from it, what will balance your build out in your DPS output (Give and Take) You can#t have then anymore super DPS, whlie being at the same time total immune to Condi all the time

- We would finally have a direct counter against Condition Damage, without that Toughness needs to be used for that, because it works already for direct damage and would be too OP, if it would reduce both damage types at once together. resitance always felt from the moment of its introduction with Hot only like a cheap band aid fix to the root problem of this game, that is in real its desastrous Condition System that ANet just wanted to quick fix only with this OP boon !!


Do that then with all other attributes as well and let them have all two effectas instead of one (helps also in reducing the total amount of Attributes) and the game woudl be alot more balanced again and would provide also finalyl better synergies for defensive attributes to make them more equal to the offensive ones.


Merge Vitality with Healing Power for example.

Merge Power with Expertise

Merge Toughness with Concentration

Merge Precision with Ferocity and remove therefore Fury from the Game

Add Agility as a new Attribute to have one, which improves our Endurance Regeneration and Skill Reharge Times by a percentage/Initiative Regeneration and remove therefore Vigor Alacrity from the game


Simple way to let this game get rid of 3 completely obsolete Boons that are Resistance, Vigor and Fury, which would be alot easier to balance, if their effects woudl get kind of integrated into the attribute System and by this woudl become more part of your direct Character Build , instead of being Buff Effects that clutter this games combat system only unneccessarely full.

Same thign can be doen with Conditions. there are also some (at least 3) totally obsolete conditions, which could be instantly removed, and no one would really miss them if their effects get kind of merged with other Conditions or reworked into side effects of Traits or Class Skills directly to make this way the Classes more unique, instead of having too many classes have access too easily to too many Conditions... (Torment, Taunt and Bleeding are these 3)

Torment should just get merged with Cripple.

Taunt is obsolete and is nothign but just an opposite of Fear.. the game has already enough CC effects with Stun, Daze, Fear, Cripple, Chill, Knockdown, Launches and Pulls, Taunt isn't needed at all and simply too much. Those few skilsl n traits that cause Taunt, shoudl just get reworked to Fear or any of those other cc effects.

Bleeding is just too boring..the game has already too much DoT conditions then are good for this game, currently 5 are at least 1 too much, and theoretically it are seven, because Necros can turn if traited Chill and Fear also into a DoT condition...

Bleedign adds also nothign interesting to the game, its just only a middle powered thing practically between Torment and Burning and by design currently the most used DoT condition amogn them all, because its the most easiest one by design to give to any class very easily to skisl and traits, because simply everyone is able to make someone else somehow bleed if you attack them...

But do we really need this as a condition, if it can work also just as a side effect of a skill??? I think it woudl be better, if Bleedign becomes just a side effect of specific skills, when you deal critical damage with them, that as result of the critical hits, your enemy bleeds for a few seconds, without the option to remove this instantly by a condi removal skill, making the fact, that you got criticall hit (wounded) also more MEANINGFUL AND IMPACTFUL for combat design, so that receiving critical hits doesn#t just mean onkly, that you get more damage, than usuage from an attack, but that the damage you receive, will ongo also for a few seconds later over time and coudl this way potentially lead to you defeat over a delayed time, if you don't react quickly to being critically wounded by your enemy.

And this again woud reduce the effect flustercuck that is right niow GW2 for years in regard of condi and boon spam.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:


> Too many times I've walked into WvW and went through an entire fight seeing "immune" "immune "immune" "immune" "immune". For a boon to completely block an entire damage with 100% uptime capability with ease, is a bit far fetched. We don't see 100% uptime on physical damage immunity so why do we see it with conditions? It only takes 2 to 3 revs to completely mitigate an entire damage type from an entire zerg for an entire fight.


Forgive my ignorance but what do you mean by "immune"? My understanding of resistance was that it doesn't stop conditions being applied to you, but it stops their effects from acting on you until resistance wears off - after which they act on your character as normal. So where would the immunity come from?



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> @"Ojimaru.8970" said:

> > @"gmmg.9210" said:

> > It does stall condi's but with the already long duration of condi's, and with resistance being shorter duration, it doesn't seem to counter that well.

> > Also resistance (the boon that counters condi's) can be stripped and turned into chill. Why?? This was meant as a counter and there's a counter to the counter.


> It's interesting to see this sentiment when it wasn't too long ago that Spellbreakers were nigh untouchable by conditions due to their Resistance spam. Resistance needs a counter because it negates the effect of ALL conditions. Without being to strip or convert it, condition damage would essentially become completely useless instead; which doesn't really help with balance either.


Just like alacrity.. Resistance is a terrible boon idea which breaks the balance and causes more issues than it solves.

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> @"Deifact.3095" said:

> > @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:


> > Too many times I've walked into WvW and went through an entire fight seeing "immune" "immune "immune" "immune" "immune". For a boon to completely block an entire damage with 100% uptime capability with ease, is a bit far fetched. We don't see 100% uptime on physical damage immunity so why do we see it with conditions? It only takes 2 to 3 revs to completely mitigate an entire damage type from an entire zerg for an entire fight.


> Forgive my ignorance but what do you mean by "immune"? My understanding of resistance was that it doesn't stop conditions being applied to you, but it stops their effects from acting on you until resistance wears off - after which they act on your character as normal. So where would the immunity come from?


Yep. I dont recall ever seeing "immune" when i have put conditions on someone with Resistance. In my opinion, on Revenant it should be changed to a different thing. Same effect but instead of it being a Boon. Its a buff. So it cant be removed, duration cant be increased and so that the duration can be more easily set via balancing and meaning it cant be removed or corrupted. This i think would give Revenant a BIG help as its one of the few ways they can deal with conditions as their dreadful removal is so spread over that you need like 4 legends and staff in order to be any "decent" and even then, its useless against Scourge and Mesmer as they can either remove or corurption boons, with Resistance being a BIG part of their anti conditions...

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