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"Aw, What's his name?" Pet Name Thread


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Off the top of my head:

Badb and Nemain the ravens

Macha the black moa

Sneachta the snowy owl

Panger the jungle stalker

Panger Bán the snow leopard

Baintreach the black widow

Ferndia the fern hound

Nighteyes the wolf

Rake the hawk

Bill the blue moa

Bucky the siamoth

Rattigan the murellow

Yeah... I sort of lost the theming towards the end hehe.

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> @Chrury.4627 said:

> > @DerJoker.9081 said:

> > Bristleback: OP Range Instakill

> > Smokescale: OP Melee Instakill

> > Electric Wyvern: OP CC Instakill

> > Tiger: OP OneHit Kill


> With names like that, I'm surprised you don't have a Rock Gazelle listed. ;)



OH yeah, forgot about that....? ?

Rock Gazelle: OP Thief Instakill

Jacaranda: OP Soulbeast Heal

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  • 10 months later...

Blue Moa: Kwehthulhu

White Moa: The Moa You Know

Pink Moa: Samurai Flamenco

Black Moa: Not A Chocobo

Red Moa: Spicy Chicken Nuggy

Brown Bear: Honey

Murello: One Ugly Mofo

Arctodus: Lakoda

Jungle Stalker: Cortana (after my bf's cat)

Snow Leopard: Frostpaw

Jaguar: Shadow

Tiger: Tigris Prime

Lynx: Not a Tigris

Carrion Devourer: Clicky

Drakehound: Doggo

Alpine Wolf: Winter Fang

Fern Hound: Sylvia

Wolf: Jethro (after my German Shepherd)

Salamander Drake: Cayenne Pepper

Marsh Drake: Cilantro

Ice Drake: Puff N Chill

Raven: Nevermore

White Raven: All The Time

Pig: Occifer Bacon

Fire Wyvern: Flammenwerfer

Electric Wyvern: Brian Johnson (AC/DC Lead Singer)

Bristleback: Steve Rustles (after my badass rustley rose bush that survives the yearly onslaught of sawfly larvae, aphids, and cheapskates who try to pick his flowers; if i get PoF this might move over to the Iboga)

Smokescale: Anets Whipping Boy (really don't think he should have been nerfed as badly as it repeatedly was, still think the other pets needed to be brought up to its level. TRACK PETS! TRAAAAAACK!)

Shark: Original Sharky (because some day people will forget that Flesh Golems weren't always able to swim) (Formerly called "Quint")

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Since this thread got Necro'd and my last post here was almost exactly a year ago, I'll list my crew again with some updated names.


My **Smokescale**, Ashes, is still my main boy with the same name. I also had him featured in a commission for my Ranger which you can find here: https://imgur.com/a/r3WwRrJ


The rest are:

**Wolf -** Bandit

**Rock Gazelle -** Rockwell

**Jacaranda -** Woodrow

**Bristleback -** Barney

**Tiger -** Violence

**Snow Owl -** Polaris

**Raven -** Felony

**Jaguar -** Starless

**Siamoth -** Buckley

**Fern Hound -** Jasmine

**Cave Spider -** Martha

**Jungle Spider -** Dolores


And the funny named ones:

**Shark -** Sushi

**Pink Moa -** Dirty Bird

**Iboga -** Pokey

**Brown Bear -** Batman

**Pig -** My Ex Boyfriend

**Sand Lion -** Sandstorm By Darude

**Hyena -** Chuckles

**Salamander Drake -** CINDERella

**Krytan Drakehound -** Scooby

**Armor Fish -** Ugly


My most commonly used pets as a WvW main are:

Smokescale (Ashes), Wolf (Bandit), Snow Owl (Polaris), Siamoth (Buckley), Rock Gazelle (Rockwell), Tiger (Violence).

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Before I went full Soulbeast I had:

Electric Wyvern: Shocking But True

Fire Wyvern: Toaster Oven


Now, I am back to my old pattern of Main pet name and Secondary pet name which is from an UnderOath song:

Smokescale: Too Loud To Hear

Snow Owl: Too Bright To See


Finally for kicks I ran a pig for a while and called him My Bacon. He would get the best comments from other players. :)



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> @"phaidetublacke.6048" said:

> Before I went full Soulbeast I had:

> Electric Wyvern: Shocking But True

> Fire Wyvern: Toaster Oven


> Now, I am back to my old pattern of Main pet name and Secondary pet name which is from an UnderOath song:

> Smokescale: Too Loud To Hear

> Snow Owl: Too Bright To See


> Finally for kicks I ran a pig for a while and called him My Bacon. He would get the best comments from other players. :)


> Echo


Next time try running pig and naming it "Chris P Bacon"

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> @"Rognik.2579" said:

> River drake: Sir Francis

:open_mouth: My salamander drake has the same name...


I named all my pets as I got them. Too long a list, but here are a few:


Jungle Stalker: Spotticus (My #1 sidekick)

Bristleback: Artichoke

Electric wyvern: Sparkplug

Blue Moa: Bluberd Uv Happynes

Murellow: Marshmallow

Black bear: Darth Smokey

Lashtail devourer: Vash the Lashpede

Sand lion: Sandrew

Fire wyvern: Toastemort

Fanged Iboga: Audrey Three

Blue jellyfish: Little Cthulhu


Expect I'd get banned if I told you my reef drake's name, though. Named after a notorious movie from 1936.



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