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Bells and trying to get a part


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This is really frustrating. I don't know if it's changed, but it's impossible to get the part I want in the bell ringing thing. I've always done the middle part. It's the only one I can do well. This year, the interface is really weird. As soon as you can get the dialog, other people are clicking faster than me, I guess, but the whole dialog closes when someone picks something, so I have to talk to him again? And then, all that's left is the upper part. There is also no option to go to another stage in between songs if a part is open on the stage you are at.


I don't know what happen, and maybe I didn't play last year, or there is some bug that no one is reporting and 'everyone' is taking that middle part this year, but it's really frustrating, and I don't know how to get it, and don't expect anyone to do anything, but needed to pound on my keyboard and yell at the screen! :angry:


And thank you for listening. :)

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