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WvW better this reset with condi nerf?


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Weaver can still chain lightening blast down a thief in less than 1 second, but that is power. As for the condition damage, it seems worse for the thief. The scourge is just a hard fight. And for someone who sometimes uses caltrops, the nerf really hurt against marauder/durability warrior or dps scourge. I haven't gotten back into warrior yet, the pof balance kinda made me feel noobish when I met some classes, like the weaver. So I shelved it until a better balance. A friend assures me weaver dies easy to revenant, but I have had a lot of trouble with it on warrior and thief. The scourge is still pretty op, but I'm only looking from a thief perspective. I just don't know how to approach it, get close and get stunned, slowed, and loaded with conditions, thief just does not have a lot of condi clear. It is best for me to keep my distance when roaming, though I do poke the bees nest a now and then to see if I can catch a button smasher. Anyways, its ok. There are still a lot of classes that find thief hard to beat, that is the nature of the game.

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hammer zergs are back, but people haven't updated their counter builds and some tags don't know what to do against cor.

it''ll be stab wars again soon, however I think it will balance better in the middle post update. however cleanse is still pointless and I'm dying 'post event' loads it needs more tweaking

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As a roamer its "better" in the sense that cancer builds (ie scourge) have most definetly gone down by a considerable amount. The ones left will soon adapt though and I have seen some already do it by bringing less duration and more damage. Condi scourge is still a veritable walking anti-PvP circle. You just cant fight near them.


On the flipside, extreme damage builds are getting more and more prevalent, especially from the spellbreaker, holo and revenant direction. Common gank classes such as mesmers and thieves I honestly see about the same amounts of as all year, both condi and power. The spellbreaker in particular is still completely broken IMO, doing berserker damage at above minstrel levels of tanking.

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> @"Rennie.6750" said:

> Worse. There were many ways to deal with conditions. Now it's all about revenants hammer 2 spam, and there's no real way to deal with it in a zerg. It's just massive spike damage you don't see coming. And suddenly, you're dead. Fun.


Power revs were always op.

Even during the condi meta, this class stands out as the only class that could still deal a lot power dmg.

CoR opopop.

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> @"Rennie.6750" said:

> Worse. There were many ways to deal with conditions. Now it's all about revenants hammer 2 spam, and there's no real way to deal with it in a zerg. It's just massive spike damage you don't see coming. And suddenly, you're dead. Fun.


was like that when scourge was rocking every1 ass..

i played hammer rev and was having a blast when every1 was condi, it was fun but no1 believed me that it would take few more revs to just blow up whole enemy scourge backline.


none the less yes the hammer 2 is quite OP has always been like that tho.

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Well, people we warned before the change that nothing was indeed going to change. The scourge itself dropping conditions on players isn't the problem, **it's when multiple condition classes are dropping conditions on 1 player that's the problem.** The funny thing is though, as I kept stating in previous threads:


- This is no different than multiple melee whacking 1 player

- This is no different than multiple ranged focusing 1 player

- This is no difference than someone sitting under multiple meteor showers

- This is also no different than sitting under multiple arrow barrages


But yet due to people's complaining, conditions get an adjustment, but much to people's chagrin, conditions only lost their burstiness, but not their overall damage, the tick was just extended to ensure the full damage (as it should). This also has an unintended consequence, some classes do extra damage to players with conditions on them, so of course, when you have a barrage of conditions on you now due to them ticking longer (vs a shorter burst then gone), you're actually taking more damage in a fight. Not only that, when you look at the biggest offender of dealing out torment (scourge), and the fact it does **more damage** as the player moves, the longer it ticks, the **more damage someone takes**. Then of course when this is paired up with confusion, it makes it even worse.


You do realize there is no where else for Anet to go from here other than returning the burstiness nature to conditions right? You can't nerf condition damage per say because it's supposed to be equal to physical damage. If you extend the ticks even more, players will take far more damage in a fight. The only way to take less, is make them tick for less but increase their damage to be equal to physical.


So now players are left with the exact same option that many of us keep telling you, get off your melee, go grab a ranged class to deal condition offenders.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> Well, people we warned before the change that nothing was indeed going to change. The scourge itself dropping conditions on players isn't the problem, **it's when multiple condition classes are dropping conditions on 1 player that's the problem.** The funny thing is though, as I kept stating in previous threads:


> - This is no different than multiple melee whacking 1 player

> - This is no different than multiple ranged focusing 1 player

> - This is no difference than someone sitting under multiple meteor showers

> - This is also no different than sitting under multiple arrow barrages


> But yet due to people's complaining, conditions get an adjustment, but much to people's chagrin, conditions only lost their burstiness, but not their overall damage, the tick was just extended to ensure the full damage (as it should). This also has an unintended consequence, some classes do extra damage to players with conditions on them, so of course, when you have a barrage of conditions on you now due to them ticking longer (vs a shorter burst then gone), you're actually taking more damage in a fight. Not only that, when you look at the biggest offender of dealing out torment (scourge), and the fact it does **more damage** as the player moves, the longer it ticks, the **more damage someone takes**. Then of course when this is paired up with confusion, it makes it even worse.


> You do realize there is no where else for Anet to go from here other than returning the burstiness nature to conditions right? You can't nerf condition damage per say because it's supposed to be equal to physical damage. If you extend the ticks even more, players will take far more damage in a fight. The only way to take less, is make them tick for less but increase their damage to be equal to physical.


> So now players are left with the exact same option that many of us keep telling you, get off your melee, go grab a ranged class to deal condition offenders.


My Guard did do long range until they turned staff melee, now guard is useless in wvw. Also melee doesn't put multiple aoes with conditions in a million places, how does that compare?

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