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(VIDEO) WvW Soulbeast, 2nd vid up


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Pure Glass (17k health). Looks like Marks/beast/soulbeast, which is a death sentence anywhere in WvW other than sitting on a ledge and sniping a person or two. As soon as someone would turn his way and breath, he'd be dead. I ran a similar build for kicks, and it surprises people. But no condi clear, no defense stats, pure zerk (not even marauder). Most likely scholar runes. A cool breeze would kill them. And most classes aside from warrior could reach him on those perches with condi and/or aoe spam if they were paying attention.


Any class can look like a god when full glass/dmg traits/skills and 0 defense. Sit on a ledge, snipe some folks, kill 5 people, die 50 times, edit out the 50 deaths from video. etc.

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> @"OGDeadHead.8326" said:

> > @"Remix.2086" said:

> > Hope you enjoy.


> Masking your skillset, why?


I don't want every single ranger running this. There's too many in wvw as it is.


> @"mulzi.8273" said:

> Pure Glass (17k health). Looks like Marks/beast/soulbeast, which is a death sentence anywhere in WvW other than sitting on a ledge and sniping a person or two. As soon as someone would turn his way and breath, he'd be dead. I ran a similar build for kicks, and it surprises people. But no condi clear, no defense stats, pure zerk (not even marauder). Most likely scholar runes. A cool breeze would kill them. And most classes aside from warrior could reach him on those perches with condi and/or aoe spam if they were paying attention.


> Any class can look like a god when full glass/dmg traits/skills and 0 defense. Sit on a ledge, snipe some folks, kill 5 people, die 50 times, edit out the 50 deaths from video. etc.


You'd be surprised how useful auto signet of stone is. And as for the condi's, as long as I'm not trying to go toe-to-toe with a Condi player I have enough cleanse to avoid their big burst. Then I kite them and 1 shot em. Normally Condi builds are super slow, so charge and gs3 gets me far enough away to start laying hate.


And I'm definitely off a perch more than I'm on one in this vid. Lol

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> @"Remix.2086" said:

> > @"OGDeadHead.8326" said:

> > > @"Remix.2086" said:

> > > Hope you enjoy.

> >

> > Masking your skillset, why?


> I don't want every single ranger running this. There's too many in wvw as it is.



I mean we can see LR, SoS, QZ and RaO in the video anyway, but OK. I wasn't looking for the heal but I'm sure it's there.


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> @"mulzi.8273" said:

> Pure Glass (17k health). Looks like Marks/beast/soulbeast, which is a death sentence anywhere in WvW other than sitting on a ledge and sniping a person or two. As soon as someone would turn his way and breath, he'd be dead. I ran a similar build for kicks, and it surprises people. But no condi clear, no defense stats, pure zerk (not even marauder). Most likely scholar runes. A cool breeze would kill them. And most classes aside from warrior could reach him on those perches with condi and/or aoe spam if they were paying attention.


> Any class can look like a god when full glass/dmg traits/skills and 0 defense. Sit on a ledge, snipe some folks, kill 5 people, die 50 times, edit out the 50 deaths from video. etc.




It's probably something like this.

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> @"Cufufalating.8479" said:

> > @"Remix.2086" said:

> > > @"OGDeadHead.8326" said:

> > > > @"Remix.2086" said:

> > > > Hope you enjoy.

> > >

> > > Masking your skillset, why?

> >

> > I don't want every single ranger running this. There's too many in wvw as it is.

> >


> I mean we can see LR, SoS, QZ and RaO in the video anyway, but OK. I wasn't looking for the heal but I'm sure it's there.



Sorry man. If there wasn't just as many soulbeasts as scourges in wvw I probably would post the build.

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> @"Remix.2086" said:

> Hope you enjoy.



@"Remix.2086" , I am sorry to say, but like @mulzi.8273 said this build it's only for show. I ran this build too for test the new changes on GS. Yes you do a very high damage in a very short period of time. You can kill in 2-3 sec any class if they are sleeping or just bad players. But if they dodge and use 1 defensive skill/utility , you are most likely dead. Your Signet of Stone has a CD of 70 s or 56s if you use Brutish Seals. Every fight you showed us is only how you damage the enemy (who are fighting with other ally of you, or they are on CD or just they don't know how to play), I didn't see any enemy who proper fight with you (dodge, block, teleport etc).

In the same time hiding your utilities prove nothing more that you are that kind of selfish player who don't deserve to be watched. We the old rangers know very well what utilities we should use for burst/high damage, new players maybe not. I don't see the point to hide your utilities, maybe only if you use some hack who gives you 0 CD, other way I don't see the point :) . You are afraid that all rangers will use your build in WvW? Lol, imao etc, guess what, every possible build (glass cannon, survival, bunker, support) is already posted on this forum. Most of the players already tested all kind of build, that's why many of us told you ( and to new players) that your build is not a build for real fights in WvW.


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I wouldn't go as far as to say its not a "real" wuv wuv build. Its a pick build. I'll run something similar if I'm raiding with my guild and I feel like we have a decent frontline that I can kite around. If we're running skinny on frontline though I'll be way too susceptible to pick. Its fun for what it is. Not sure why any one would hide the utilities, that seems shady. Like others have mentioned its not a ground breaking build but if you're a maestro at kiting its a fun and fairly effective build. Just don't get hit by... well anything really. As for heal and no obvious traited utility condi clear I'd wager it was bear stance.

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> @"Mr Pin.6728" said:

> I wouldn't go as far as to say its not a "real" wuv wuv build. Its a pick build. I'll run something similar if I'm raiding with my guild and I feel like we have a decent frontline that I can kite around. If we're running skinny on frontline though I'll be way too susceptible to pick. Its fun for what it is. Not sure why any one would hide the utilities, that seems shady. Like others have mentioned its not a ground breaking build but if you're a maestro at kiting its a fun and fairly effective build. Just don't get hit by... well anything really. As for heal and no obvious traited utility condi clear I'd wager it was bear stance.


Agree with you, this build is only for backline or staying on the wall. You can't fight in open space vs almost any class. We are not Spellbreaker to wear berserker gear and still survive in 1 vs 1 or 1 vs many :) . And my comment was because :

>"@mulzi.8273 said:

Pure Glass (17k health). Looks like Marks/beast/soulbeast, which is a death sentence anywhere in WvW other than sitting on a ledge and sniping a person or two. As soon as someone would turn his way and breath, he'd be dead. I ran a similar build for kicks, and it surprises people. But no condi clear, no defense stats, pure zerk (not even marauder). Most likely scholar runes. A cool breeze would kill them. And most classes aside from warrior could reach him on those perches with condi and/or aoe spam if they were paying attention.


Any class can look like a god when full glass/dmg traits/skills and 0 defense. Sit on a ledge, snipe some folks, kill 5 people, die 50 times, edit out the 50 deaths from video. etc.


>@"Remix.2086 "

**You'd be surprised how useful auto signet of stone is. And as for the condi's, as long as I'm not trying to go toe-to-toe with a Condi player I have enough cleanse to avoid their big burst. Then I kite them and 1 shot em. Normally Condi builds are super slow, so charge and gs3 gets me far enough away to start laying hate.**


And I'm definitely off a perch more than I'm on one in this vid. Lol"



So basically @"RMiller.4632" want to contradict @mulzi.8273 , that this build is not only for backline and wall, but also for fight 1 vs 1 in open space etc ...

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> @"Remix.2086" said:

> It's funny you say that because no one's guessed it yet. My next vid will have more 1vX. And highlight it's capabilities in small scale.


> This build is very similar in play style as old school thief. Meaning I can kill 1-2 people before anyone reaches me. Making 1vX's quite doable.



Well, or you are the best Ranger I'v ever seen, or just didn't happen to meet someone at least good like you are, because I killed every glass cannon ranger since PoF.

If you can kill also 2 people before they reach you, definitely you are God mode. Sorry but you are rly funny.

Please in next video you want to post, try to find some good players.

And belive me 100% they will not nerf your build ... because they don't care about glass cannon , but for survival/bunker who don't die and kill 1 by 1 another classes ;) .



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I'm pretty sure it's MM/SK/SB

Bear Stance - SotH - Sic em - not sure - SotP

And yeah gear pretty much full offense with 1 or 2 Marauder pieces to get 17k hp


MM: lesser SoS/probably signet trait/not sure

Sk: primal reflexes/ spotter/ not sure

SB: can't really tell here cauae he only snipes random people but i'd guess: UU/EoS/OS

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> @"Hepatolith.6389" said:

> I'm pretty sure it's MM/SK/SB

> Bear Stance - SotH - Sic em - not sure - SotP

> And yeah gear pretty much full offense with 1 or 2 Marauder pieces to get 17k hp


> MM: lesser SoS/probably signet trait/not sure

> Sk: primal reflexes/ spotter/ not sure

> SB: can't really tell here cauae he only snipes random people but i'd guess: UU/EoS/OS


interesting. lol

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If he's running skirmishing, and I do suspect he is based on gameplay, his grand master is most likely vicious quarry. That would synergize with live fast from the soulbeast trait line which would explain why he would use worldly impact above north west alpine camp out of range before bursting with rapid fire.

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> @"Mr Pin.6728" said:

> If he's running skirmishing, and I do suspect he is based on gameplay, his grand master is most likely vicious quarry. That would synergize with live fast from the soulbeast trait line which would explain why he would use worldly impact above north west alpine camp out of range before bursting with rapid fire.


Yup, i rewatched from my PC this evening, and his GM has to be Vicious Quarry, and Live fast is correct as well. Also he runs Farsighted, Lb trait and Essence of Speed 100%

Hydro and Energy on GS x)

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There's no secret magic build that does so much damage that it'll break the game if people found out, hiding the skills and pretending that it'll turn the worst players into pro snipers isn't going to change that.


Also, insulting people isn't going to help your subscriber and view count, it does the opposite. I'll be sure to avoid your videos in future.

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I don't think that anybody commenting here wants to play the build.


If anything OP, you need some perspective. The reason why this conversation has devolved into its current form/topic is because you posted a video that does nothing to highlight any particular skillset or skilled fighting of any sort.


Frankly, it's just a build showcase in which you've hidden the build.


Your reasoning behind doing so and your logic is irrelevant; people are frustrated that you hid the only reason to even give the video a view, and you're now insulting them, and ultimately trolling everyone.


You can make your own decisions about what to do with this information, but at least now you'll be aware that this conversation/reaction thread isn't going to shift in a position direction.

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I didn't report you. And like I said before, I don't need your build, I know how to make mine.

I didn't dislike the videos neither.

Regarding your fight, it is very simple for someone who knows classes to see if your opponent know or not how to play.

And in almost all your fights they prove they don't know. It's simple.

If you rly were reading my comments , you were see that I played this type of build for fun/troll.

My concern was only when you said that you can easily beat 1 or 2 players with your build. And I told you that you can't beat a proper roamer player (with a proper roamer build) in 1 vs 1 , but 1 vs 2. And I specify this only because I don't want new rangers to get wrong build for roaming in W3, because after that they will complain and hate this class.


If you had just put the film and recognized that this it as not not a build for real fight in 1 vs 1 or 1 vs 2, believe me I wouldn't wrote nothing.

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> @"OGDeadHead.8326" said:

> > @"Remix.2086" said:

> > I made the vid because it's fun to watch. If people didn't think so, cool. That's their opinion.


> FYI, I liked the vids. I was just curious as to why you were masking the skillset, that's all.


You're good. You didn't try to get all uppity with me. I told you why and you accepted it. > @"psizone.8437" said:

> > @"Remix.2086" said:


> > There will be more vids because all this Salt is hilarious.


> They won't be posted here if you get forum banned, which could happen fairly soon with the way you're talking to people.


Oh no. Please no. Whatever will I do. Oh wait there's Reddit. Oh and my friends will gladly post a link on the forums for me lol. Wah wah I'm so mean. > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> @"Remix.2086"


> I didn't report you. And like I said before, I don't need your build, I know how to make mine.

> I didn't dislike the videos neither.

> Regarding your fight, it is very simple for someone who knows classes to see if your opponent know or not how to play.

> And in almost all your fights they prove they don't know. It's simple.

> If you rly were reading my comments , you were see that I played this type of build for fun/troll.

> My concern was only when you said that you can easily beat 1 or 2 players with your build. And I told you that you can't beat a proper roamer player (with a proper roamer build) in 1 vs 1 , but 1 vs 2. And I specify this only because I don't want new rangers to get wrong build for roaming in W3, because after that they will complain and hate this class.


> If you had just put the film and recognized that this it as not not a build for real fight in 1 vs 1 or 1 vs 2, believe me I wouldn't wrote nothing.


Except it does. I have a 1v3 in the second vid. Will you consistently win 1v1's or duels? No it won't and I never claimed it will. But the chances of being a roamer and you come across an unblockable 1 shot ranger is slim to none. The only classes that have a passive invul is warrior, thief, engi, ranger. 9/10 an ele will throw up magnetic aura. 9/10 A dh or guard will use shield or the f3,2? Idk I don't play guard. The clip right before the first 1v1 with the "real roaming" ranger was a 1v2 against a rev and that staff ele. I started recording during the stomp on the rev.


The thing about my build and you stating the people aren't good roamers is, how do you know? I literally don't give them the chance to prove it. You're saying you'd have the reactions to stop 3k a hit rapid fires that blind side You? After you've ran across me a few times you'd catch on. But I'd be able to blow you up at least once if not twice. As you've pointed out and my video displays, almost everyone gets caught off guard.


And once I've blown up 1. Blowing up the next is easy with gs and smoke/gazelle beastmode.



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