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How would mounts work IRL?


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> @"Rognik.2579" said:

> > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > This cements my opinion. If one of the greatest Mesmers isn't doing it, and commoners don't own portable gates, Rangers aren't summoning animals like Pokémon.

> > There is no good option for an instant living mount/pet beyond unmelding.

> Perhaps the magic rangers use is specific to their pets and can't be applied to sapient creatures, like humans, asura and the norn. An April Fool's update suggested that the rangers have a personal kennel (which is why pet selection is defaulted to K), which they probably use to swap in their pet, either the hot swapping similar to weapon swap or the layout that can only be done out of combat. Perhaps the ranchers use a similar magic to give everyone a stable (although I can't justify it defaulting to X except that it's near AWSD).


It was an April Fools update.....

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> @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > @"Rognik.2579" said:

> > > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > > This cements my opinion. If one of the greatest Mesmers isn't doing it, and commoners don't own portable gates, Rangers aren't summoning animals like Pokémon.

> > > There is no good option for an instant living mount/pet beyond unmelding.

> > Perhaps the magic rangers use is specific to their pets and can't be applied to sapient creatures, like humans, asura and the norn. An April Fool's update suggested that the rangers have a personal kennel (which is why pet selection is defaulted to K), which they probably use to swap in their pet, either the hot swapping similar to weapon swap or the layout that can only be done out of combat. Perhaps the ranchers use a similar magic to give everyone a stable (although I can't justify it defaulting to X except that it's near AWSD).


> It was an April Fools update.....


Which invalidates any of the actual updates, but not the terminology itself.

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> @"Rognik.2579" said:

> > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > > @"Rognik.2579" said:

> > > > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > > > This cements my opinion. If one of the greatest Mesmers isn't doing it, and commoners don't own portable gates, Rangers aren't summoning animals like Pokémon.

> > > > There is no good option for an instant living mount/pet beyond unmelding.

> > > Perhaps the magic rangers use is specific to their pets and can't be applied to sapient creatures, like humans, asura and the norn. An April Fool's update suggested that the rangers have a personal kennel (which is why pet selection is defaulted to K), which they probably use to swap in their pet, either the hot swapping similar to weapon swap or the layout that can only be done out of combat. Perhaps the ranchers use a similar magic to give everyone a stable (although I can't justify it defaulting to X except that it's near AWSD).

> >

> > It was an April Fools update.....


> Which invalidates any of the actual updates, but not the terminology itself.


What? No. The game was never actually updated: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2017_April_Fools Also I'm not invalidating terminology. Kennel, shortbow, and ranger continue to mean the same thing after the event as they did before.

* Nightmare Court Kennelmasters continue to abuse their pets without them leaving.

* Rox's original pet Skewer is still dead. Her primary pet is Frostbite, and she seems to also manage Garm. Two pets not 50+

* the only people teleporting anything are Mesmers and Engineers.



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So are you telling me that rangers don't have a mystical kennel, in which they keep all of their pets? It seems a better explanation for why only one pet is out at a time with the PC rangers. The Nightmare Court breaks their fern hounds until they fall to Nightmare, which is why they stay with them. Rox said in the latest living world update that Garm has retired, and he was long treated as something above a simple pet while still under Eir's care. As for teleportation, the scourge are able to teleport people around with their shades, too, so you can't say any one class is incapable of things. Remember that Kasmeer and Marjory have done things that players can't within story, such as remote portals or a bone bridge from out of a wall. You can't be so narrow about what is and isn't possible in the game.

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> @"AlanaKitsune.8237" said:

> I know I'm just over-thinking a game, but did anyone else wonder how the mounts could work? It's interesting because other types of key commands have a kind of real-world explanation: The inventory is a bag or box that you carry, the glider could fold up on your back when not in use, and I could even see Rangers being able to keep their pets as sort of magical pokemon, in a type of energy state until needed. The mounts are weird though. You just summon them at a moment's notice, sometimes in dangerous or remote areas. I don't think they could be like the pets because not every profession has that kind of nature magic.

> What do you guys think?


I have a mount irl it's called a horse.

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> @"Rognik.2579" said:

> So are you telling me that rangers don't have a mystical kennel, in which they keep all of their pets? It seems a better explanation for why only one pet is out at a time with the PC rangers. The Nightmare Court breaks their fern hounds until they fall to Nightmare, which is why they stay with them. Rox said in the latest living world update that Garm has retired, and he was long treated as something above a simple pet while still under Eir's care. As for teleportation, the scourge are able to teleport people around with their shades, too, so you can't say any one class is incapable of things. Remember that Kasmeer and Marjory have done things that players can't within story, such as remote portals or a bone bridge from out of a wall. You can't be so narrow about what is and isn't possible in the game.


Nope. No mystical kennel.


Sand Swell plunges into the ground through Tyria and emerges within sight. It is not teleportation. It is forced shadowstep. Actual Mesmer/Engineer/Necro/Revenant/etc portals are rifts in the space-time continuum; they aren't through the ground. And only Mesmer/Engineers/Raid Bosses teleport people other than themselves. Also, Scourge is an elite spec, core Ranger is not.


Kasmeer and Marjory are "real" people. So is Rox, and so was Eir. Your character is fake. Pet swapping, skill swapping, trait swapping don't exist in the lore. Rangers have one to two pet companions they keep with them.


This isn't Pokemon.


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> @"Tolmos.8395" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > My headcanon for ranger pets is that all the ones my character uses are actually following her all the time, but most of them are out of sight doing their own thing, only the ones she currently has equipped are actively participating. (This also justifies me swapping pets randomly, so they all get some 'free time'.) Mounts could be the same.


> lol That would make your pets total jerks in some situations. Get ganked by 10+ centaurs and beaten within an inch of your life? There's fluffy over in the bushes going nom nom nom on some greenery, watching impartially as you and your current active pet cling on to the last vestiges of life, your hand raised to the sky in an attempt to drag yourself to your feet once more... but alas, you are beaten down and killed.


> And what does fluffy do during all this?


> Nom nom nom. Oh such an interesting thing to see nom nom nom.




So good =) *rolls on the floor*

Reminds me of some of the players in the Living World maps...

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> @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> Kasmeer and Marjory are "real" people. So is Rox, and so was Eir. Your character is fake.


I swear, it's almost like you don't really want answers to your questions, and just want to argue whenever people give out relatively reasonable responses.


If you want to deal with "real" people, though, in the various Elonan instances, if you mount up, your allied NPCs will as well. However the PC summons the mount, so do they. So either there is a mystical stable somewhere that people can magically call their mounts from, or the mounts are eternally following your characters around, somehow hidden behind the camera, even when you turn around to see them.

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> @"Rognik.2579" said:

> > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > Kasmeer and Marjory are "real" people. So is Rox, and so was Eir. Your character is fake.


> I swear, it's almost like you don't really want answers to your questions, and just want to argue whenever people give out relatively reasonable responses.


> If you want to deal with "real" people, though, in the various Elonan instances, if you mount up, your allied NPCs will as well. However the PC summons the mount, so do they. So either there is a mystical stable somewhere that people can magically call their mounts from, or the mounts are eternally following your characters around, somehow hidden behind the camera, even when you turn around to see them.


Are you serious? Do you not understand this is a video game? Not everything is a representation of how things work in the lore.


We can walk into an orphanage and spam choking gas directly at the orphans and no one dies or cares. It's not because orphans are immune to poison in the lore, its because this is a video game.


There is no indication the game has developed beyond the https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Zaishen_Menagerie_Grounds of Gw1.


Edit: general rule, if it's something you can't change in combat it's not lore because combat mode doesn't exist in the actual story.


If you jump off a cliff with a raptor it won't despawn when you hit the ground.


* It will die and you will be seriously, if not mortally, wounded.

* Any pet you had with you that was not safely secured or melded is also dead.

* You are unable to resurrect either the mount or the pet, but a Necromancer could reanimate them.

* This careless action could be construed as animal abuse and make it harder to recieve additional pets/mounts from breeders that know you like to kill animals.



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@"Daniel Handler.4816"


Because this is a game, we have to assume its lore an unfinished product. Unless, of course, you have a crystal ball that sees into the "real" world of Tyria. If this is the case, could you please give us a heads up on the next Expac?


Profession training is vague, we all know this to be true. But isn't that half the fun of RPG's, trying to figure out how our characters do the things they do? This is why you can't really argue against any point using factual information from the game - we only see what the Pact Commander sees.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> @"Daniel Handler.4816"


> Because this is a game, we have to assume its lore an unfinished product. Unless, of course, you have a crystal ball that sees into the "real" world of Tyria. If this is the case, could you please give us a heads up on the next Expac?


> Profession training is vague, we all know this to be true. But isn't that half the fun of RPG's, trying to figure out how our characters do the things they do? This is why you can't really argue against any point using factual information from the game - we only see what the Pact Commander sees.


First off this game is not the only source of lore. And even if it were, you can't argue a point without evidence.


* I can't say you are going to kill my cat in real life just because your life is an unfinished story and you could hypothetically do it.


Trying to use game mechanics as evidence has already been contradicted.


* Rox's pet died.

* no NPC swaps pets

* the Zaishen menagerie has no teleporter

* Only Mesmers and Engineers have the education to teleport the living

* teleportation services cost money

* mounts are kept in pens/cages


Second, we don't see what the commander sees, that's not how the camera works.


Edit we don't hear as they do either. Our ears follow the camera.


Third, profession training is not vague. We know the subjects, energies involved, difficulty, etc. We just don't know how it's taught.



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> @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> First off this game is not the only source of lore.

After the dumpster fire that was Halo, I now consider games the only source of lore in a game franchise. It’s cleaner and easier that way.


> @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> * Rox's pet died.

> * no NPC swaps pets

> * the Zaishen menagerie has no teleporter

> * Only Mesmers and Engineers have the education to teleport the living

> * teleportation services cost money

> * mounts are kept in pens/cages


-When did this happen?

-Most of the rangers we see fight without pets. It’s clear the Commander has different training.

-Perhaps a similar area exists in the mists, like the PvP lobby? This could also be considered “teleporting” in a lore friendly way.


-This is actually lampshaded in Rata Sum and Divinitiy’s reach flavour conversations. Walk around those cities and you’ll realise Asura charge exorbitant prices because they can, not because they must.

-Unbound mounts are kept in pens/cages. Or are you suggesting I saddle my personal raptor/bunny/skimmer at a random plot specific point in the brand durring the final part of PoF or carried my mounts to Istan in that tiny boat?


> @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> I can't say you are going to kill my cat in real life just because your life is an unfinished story and you could hypothetically do it.

You could, but you won’t because there are too many unknowns. Unknowns are hard to fill without the relevant information, aren’t they?


> @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> Third, profession training is not vague. We know the subjects, energies involved, difficulty, etc. We just don't know how it's taught.

You argue against me, but then proceed agree with me that we don’t know how professions are taught. Your argument baffles me.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > First off this game is not the only source of lore.

> After the dumpster fire that was Halo, I now consider games the only source of lore in a game franchise. It’s cleaner and easier that way.




This conversation has nothing to do with the novels. You are being confused by information found in either Gw1/Gw2 or the promotional material/interviews for the games. And you don't understand how much you should suspend disbelief when playing a video game. The former is forgivable, the latter is not, and both combined make having this discussion pointless.


I'm done responding. Your philosophical prowess is too much for me. I can't understand so many things.


* Why do many NPCs stand perfectly still and repeat the same dialogue? Are they having a stroke?

* Why do mounts and some pets disappear when we go underwater?

* Why do bodies dissappear after a few seconds?

* When do we wash, sleep, poop, eat, etc?

* Why aren't they building more houses?

* Why is it acceptable to cast destructive magic indoors and around non-combatants?

* Why can't we sit in chairs?


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