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Suggestion: Title/Proof for having made one set of Legendary Armour


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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> It is a royal PITA to have to go back to my Warrior just to ping stuff whenever I play one of my other characters....


So don't play with people who care about it. Or save the chat codes. Or offer up a link to your toon via GW2 efficiency. Hardly seems worth the extra effort on ANet's part, especially since having a set of legendary armor only proves you were dedicated, not whether you are going to pull your weight in a PUG raid.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > It is a royal PITA to have to go back to my Warrior just to ping stuff whenever I play one of my other characters....

> especially since having a set of legendary armor only proves you were dedicated, not whether you are going to pull your weight in a PUG raid.


Way to miss the point.


The point, my dear, is that a each piece of legendary armour represents 25 LI which, unlike LI itself, cannot be neatly stored in your materials storage and pinged on all characters as needed.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > > It is a royal PITA to have to go back to my Warrior just to ping stuff whenever I play one of my other characters....

> > especially since having a set of legendary armor only proves you were dedicated, not whether you are going to pull your weight in a PUG raid.


> Way to miss the point.


> The point, my dear, is that a each piece of legendary armour represents 25 LI which, unlike LI itself, cannot be neatly stored in your materials storage and pinged on all characters as needed.


The very fact that a workaround has to be done in order to "ping" items as proof of anything is the point, and Anet should not spend any energy at all for entry barriers that are purposefully enforced by other players. This is literally a non-problem because it's artificially created by players, so either players themselves deal* with it, or stop playing with a purposeful (social) handicap. A more concrete example would be asking for Anet to introduce NPC henchmen because people want to go solo into group content. Note this is not a criticism to people who impose the barriers (I think this is pretty much fair game on your own LFG's), but rather that nothing should be expected to officially encourage or deny such player-only interactions within the game.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > > It is a royal PITA to have to go back to my Warrior just to ping stuff whenever I play one of my other characters....

> > especially since having a set of legendary armor only proves you were dedicated, not whether you are going to pull your weight in a PUG raid.


> Way to miss the point.


> The point, my dear, is that a each piece of legendary armour represents 25 LI which, unlike LI itself, cannot be neatly stored in your materials storage and pinged on all characters as needed.


I'm sorry you misunderstood my point entirely. LI only proves dedication; it doesn't confirm skill. If you want to join teams that care about LI, great; that's your choice. But I can't agree that it's worth ANet's time to cater to the minority that insist upon proxies before letting folks join their group, especially since there are already plenty of work-arounds.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"Dzjudz.9142" said:

> > Yeah I really like my Envoy's Herald title for that (750LI proof), they could add something like Envoy's to note people who made their first set.


> Exactly. Finally someone who's of a sensible mind.


I'm not questioning whether or not a title should be given (IMO it would then be fair to give titles for any legendary or at least a progressive one for making X legendaries, of any kind, then X+Y legendaries, and so on), but you want a title _specifically_ for the purpose of using as killproof. And this is the part which makes no sense. Nothing in-game requires any player to prove they have killed a certain enemy to use the LFG tool, let alone the very enemy which gives said killproof.


If you want a title for making a set of legendary armor I'm all for it, and I'd say let it come with titles for making legendaries in general as well rather than for any particular one; getting a title for any "practical" purpose that does not truly exist as a game feature however, would not be in line with Anet's own policy of accessibility (and contrary to what non-raiders say, Anet has done quite some effort for raids to be accessible, the LFM being one example of).

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> @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > > @"Dzjudz.9142" said:

> > > Yeah I really like my Envoy's Herald title for that (750LI proof), they could add something like Envoy's to note people who made their first set.

> >

> > Exactly. Finally someone who's of a sensible mind.


> I'm not questioning whether or not a title should be given (IMO it would then be fair to give titles for any legendary or at least a progressive one for making X legendaries, of any kind, then X+Y legendaries, and so on), but you want a title _specifically_ for the purpose of using as killproof. And this is the part which makes no sense. Nothing in-game requires any player to prove they have killed a certain enemy to use the LFG tool, let alone the very enemy which gives said killproof.


You can say it makes no sense all you want, but the reality of how raiding as evolved is what it is.


I'd rather make the whole LI requirement system go away as it creates quite a catch 22-situation as a huge barrier of entry for new raiders, but...


Yeah, it is what it is and it aint going to change just because you stubbornly shoot down my suggestion.


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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> I'd rather make the whole LI requirement system go away as it creates quite a catch 22-situation as a huge barrier of entry for new raiders, but...


You have the power already to join groups that don't ask for LI (or not to ask for it yourself). The "LI requirement system" doesn't exist, except in the minds of those who insist that they won't create groups without it.


The motives are understandable: people would prefer that PUG raids succeed first time through and they want some way to ensure that all team members can contribute to that success. The problem is that LI isn't a good predictor in the first place; it's just easy.



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > I'd rather make the whole LI requirement system go away as it creates quite a catch 22-situation as a huge barrier of entry for new raiders, but...


> You have the power already to join groups that don't ask for LI (or not to ask for it yourself). The "LI requirement system" doesn't exist, except in the minds of those who insist that they won't create groups without it.


You can close your eyes, plug your fingers in your ears and shout from the top of your lungs in order to try and ignore the LI system all you want, it won't change the reality of it. "Groups that don't ask for LI" are close to non-existent - you and I both know that.


But I digress - this is not what this topic/suggestion is about. Your and mine thoughts on the LI system are irrelevant to the suggestion I am making.



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> @"Lunarlife.5128" said:

>Also why not build more legendary gear if you're going to raid on it?


They're all hideous except the Heavy. Also


> @"Lunarlife.5128" said:

> That or have a title that backs you up.


Exactly what the suggestion here is about, LOL. There should be a title that starts out at once set, then gets fancier as you complete the wardrobe.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"Lunarlife.5128" said:

> >Also why not build more legendary gear if you're going to raid on it?


> They're all hideous except the Heavy. Also

I agree that the armor can look odd/off, but hey transform it! I thought the main point of legendary gear was to stat swap it so you don't have to carry around 6 sets of ascended gear.


> > @"Lunarlife.5128" said:

> > That or have a title that backs you up.


> Exactly what the suggestion here is about, LOL. There should be a title that starts out at once set, then gets fancier as you complete the wardrobe.

In terms of existing titles maybe try: Undefeated, Committed, Silent Savior, or Demon's Demise might all work for now until they do add a title for Leg set.

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Still, I don't find the Medium/Light attractive in either normal or combat mode.


For _my characters_ in any case.


The Light one looks good on humanoid females (Sylvari, Norn, Human) but on my Charr Male Necro it looks eh....


The Medium... yeah. Just terrible, IMO.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> It is a royal PITA to have to go back to my Warrior just to ping stuff whenever I play one of my other characters....


To be honest though, the source of the problem isnt missing titles, but rather that Anet didnt foresee the whole "killproof" thing as being necessary for pug raids. I honestly dont know how Anet envisioned how raiding would be done in GW2, probably they thought only guildgroups / friends would raid.


Not toxic at all, that concept. /sarcasm off


The problem also, is that the raid legendary armor looks like it... well looks. Im still surprised something THIS ugly and clunky and undye-able made it into GW2. But well, its not a gemshop outfit, so I guess Anet didnt put too much resources into it.


Be glad we got at least a "killproof" title for 650 LI and exp on wing1-4. You only have to make 2 other full legendary sets for that, no matter that they are ugly as sin and badly animated to boot, with horrible dyes to top off the whole big fugly mess thats the legendary raid armor. Maybe in 3 years the sets get fixed to work without shaders and then you already have them.


And after all, you can still transmute the legendary armor or just wear a gemshop outfit to hide it.


Btw, Im working on getting the account bound mats for my last legendary set. So far the only armor pieces I did like, are the light shoulders. Thats pretty sad for 3 armor sets I put in so much effort, just for a title and to free up some bank space.

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> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > It is a royal PITA to have to go back to my Warrior just to ping stuff whenever I play one of my other characters....


> To be honest though, the source of the problem isnt missing titles, but rather that Anet didnt foresee the whole "killproof" thing as being necessary for pug raids. I honestly dont know how Anet envisioned how raiding would be done in GW2, probably they thought only guildgroups / friends would raid.


> Not toxic at all, that concept. /sarcasm off


> The problem also, is that the raid legendary armor looks like it... well looks. Im still surprised something THIS ugly and clunky and undye-able made it into GW2. But well, its not a gemshop outfit, so I guess Anet didnt put too much resources into it.


> Be glad we got at least a "killproof" title for 650 LI and exp on wing1-4. You only have to make 2 other full legendary sets for that, no matter that they are ugly as sin and badly animated to boot, with horrible dyes to top off the whole big fugly mess thats the legendary raid armor. Maybe in 3 years the sets get fixed to work without shaders and then you already have them.


> And after all, you can still transmute the legendary armor or just wear a gemshop outfit to hide it.


> Btw, Im working on getting the account bound mats for my last legendary set. So far the only armor pieces I did like, are the light shoulders. Thats pretty sad for 3 armor sets I put in so much effort, just for a title and to free up some bank space.


It is actually an official statement from Anet (that was more or less non-officially repeated) that Legendary armor took a lot of works and they actually held it way up there as a small part of the reason for HoT's content drought:


_When we started creating raids, our aim was to produce complex endgame combat that would really give players a chance to demonstrate their skills, abilities, and tactical thinking in overcoming its challenges. As a reward for defeating the raid bosses, we realized early on that we would need something that reflects your success to other players. Enter legendary armor—the ultimate pinnacle of armor in all of Tyria._


_Creating the armor has been a very long and intense process; we’ve never produced any armor set as complicated as the legendary armor. A key original requirement was that the armor should animate. However, when we started digging into what that entailed, it soon became apparent that this wouldn’t be simple: for us to accommodate that design vision required multiple engineering changes to the underlying game engine._ (source http://dulfy.net/2017/04/26/gw2-legendary-armor-coming-next-tuesday/)


I suppose Anet really expected the player base to remain inside their own clusters (of casual and hardcore players) and that casual players would slowly grind their way into raids the same way they eventually did to dungeon. Alas, they gave skins to people who don't care about them and those who only want the skins can't be bothered to work for it.

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before the intro the title - envoy herald... i remember a guy was asking for title for each leg armor and we all jumped in and support that idea.. and we were pushing for it to happen.... later.. arena net granted us raider the title.. but a title for making 3 sets.. which we were all very grateful.. now.. people asking for 1 title per set.. if arena net make this happen, later will be 1 title per piece :p


to be honest, 1 set doesn't feel like so much of an achievement but 3 set is. i don't mind if they make it happen 1 title per set with achievement points but i don't think that is needed.

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> @"Lunarlife.5128" said:

> Copy and past a link of your envoy. Keep it in a text file on your desktop. That or have a title that backs you up. Also why not build more legendary gear if you're going to raid on it?


Using a chat code will most definitely get you laughed out of a group since it will be linking a piece without a rune in it, which screams fake. The type of people asking for KP are likely to know this and... yeah.


I dunno... Personally, after my first set, I made one piece of each of the other two sets before continuing on one of them just so all my toons could have something skinned to link for KP. Annoying, but whatever... It's better than hoarding raid tokens and item drops.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > to be honest, 1 set doesn't feel like so much of an achievement


> Then you've clearly never made your very first legendary armour.



yeah made two sets before they introduce the title. i didn't make 3rd set until they intro the title then i thought yup will do it for the title

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