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Chaos Vortex projectile in large groups


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So I run a cute little condi dual staff mirage build for open world, and during large scale group events like Doppelganger, bounties, basically anything where theres more then like 10 people wacking away at one single target. The projectile of Chaos Vortex doesnt seem to ever actually hit your target, does it get absorbed into all your "allies" since it also buffs allies? I feel like it should at least hit your target once, because if it doesnt, it's a huge dps loss, I just want to know if it's just me, or is this the same problem with other staff mesmer running mirage build.

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The prob I think relates to something listed in another thread. Chaos Vortex uses ground targeting, so as such minor fluctuations in terrain and bad pathing on ANet’s part will result in the projectile disappearing completely. I’ve seen it pierce multiple targets on flat terrain so it does work like that. Just not on a cliff, or a bump for that matter, or a small rock, like very very small rock.

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> The prob I think relates to something listed in another thread. Chaos Vortex uses ground targeting, so as such minor fluctuations in terrain and bad pathing on ANet’s part will result in the projectile disappearing completely. I’ve seen it pierce multiple targets on flat terrain so it does work like that. Just not on a cliff, or a bump for that matter, or a small rock, like very very small rock.


It could be something like that. It would be difficult to tell in a crowded boss fight. However, I'm curious how piercing attacks work in this instance. If it pierces through 5 allies before contacting the boss, does it still continue on its way? It it does, does it still deal damage/condi to the enemy you initially targeted?

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> 5 targets, regardless of friend or foe.


I feel like piercing attacks should strike more targets or at least always deliver their offensive effects to the intended target before being absorbed by friendly players! That is kind of lame if that's happening and how often do significantly more targets stand in a straight line for long enough that the slow-moving projectile on this attack would pass through enough of them to cause a problem either by over-buffing friendlies or dealing too much damage to enemies.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > 5 targets, regardless of friend or foe.


> I feel like piercing attacks should strike more targets or at least always deliver their offensive effects to the intended target before being absorbed by friendly players! That is kind of lame if that's happening and how often do significantly more targets stand in a straight line for long enough that the slow-moving projectile on this attack would pass through enough of them to cause a problem either by over-buffing friendlies or dealing too much damage to enemies.


The speed was buffed, and based on my personal testing. I’m quite happy with staff’s current performance. Try using it in close quarters (up to 600-900 range from target) and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > > 5 targets, regardless of friend or foe.

> >

> > I feel like piercing attacks should strike more targets or at least always deliver their offensive effects to the intended target before being absorbed by friendly players! That is kind of lame if that's happening and how often do significantly more targets stand in a straight line for long enough that the slow-moving projectile on this attack would pass through enough of them to cause a problem either by over-buffing friendlies or dealing too much damage to enemies.


> The speed was buffed, and based on my personal testing. I’m quite happy with staff’s current performance. Try using it in close quarters (up to 600-900 range from target) and you’ll see what I’m talking about.


I generally use staff as my backup ranged option and it's adequate. That's about the best I can say about it. The skills it offers are terrible besides phase retreat, but clone ambush does passable ranged damage with little effort or risk. I don't think it needed the additional kick in the nuts of friendlies absorbing your attacks before they can reach the boss!

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