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Incredibly long loading times, maps not loading correctly/taking way too long to load.


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![](https://i.imgur.com/Qy1q6sX.jpg "")




Pretty much as it states. I feel like there's been some kind of optimization or graphical update. But along with any subtle improvance on my fps, loadtimes went from some 20seconds to 1 minute or longer aswell as maps loading incredibly slow/not loading at all. (granted i do have an old-ish hdd, but none of these problems were apparent until few days back.)


I attempted few options from repairing the client, defragmenting my harddrive, hell even reinstalled gw2 clean, so as to make sure there weren't any corruptions.. Which actually seemed to fix the problem.. It was nice to see that Lion's Arch had been (seemingly) better optimized to drawcall all of the city assets before entering the game. As my last reference of LA was long loadtime and assets taking few seconds to fully load in.


That said, this issue seems abit jumbly. I couldn't find anyone else having similiar problems in recent days or weeks. My guess would be that if there is something broken it would've come with the Winter's Day update? But, again I can't really say.


So I'm now mostly just wondering if anyone else is having similiar issues currently. (Could it be increase of traffic due to WD?) Also raporting in case there might've been some kind of technical hiccup causing these issues. Whatever it is, I'd hope to get clarity, suggestions or a fix to this problem.


I am still looking for the right time to put a little more investment in to my rig, but I'd rather do it later and mainly because of a overall need, rather than to fix a game that's been working fine up until now. : )


Leaving pic of the issue in Gendarran Fields. The game eventually loaded in as I started typing this post, but that took roughly 5 mins or so, not even mentioning that the loading screen took about 2-3mins.






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I've been having this problem too for the last week or so. The loading screens take ages and when the game finally loads, it looks like in your picture. My character is often also invisible and it seems like I'm standing still when moving, except on the minimap.


It's especially annoying for the Wintersday activities; I often get kicked from the JP for "being inactive" before I'm even out of the loading screen, and the choir is impossible to do because neither the sound nor the coloured notes are properly appearing. The race is also quite troublesome when you constantly get stuck behind invisible objects (Not to mention I probably look like a total idiot to others for bashing my raptor straight into concrete walls all the time).


The Wintersday update might be the culprit, but I've seen others propose that the Windows december update or server changes are also possible causes.

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Try deleting %appdata%/Guild Wars 2/Local.dat, and if it exists, Documents/Guild Wars 2/Local.dat. It can bloat with updates and cause greatly increased load times.


Check the resource monitor (ctrl+shift+esc > performance) to see how the drive is doing. It may just be really slow and dying, but you'd probably notice it with slower load times in Windows.


Other software could cause it, the most obvious being anti-virus software. Use the resource monitor to check for any other processes with high disk or CPU usage.


Clean install your graphics drivers and try a different game or run a GPU benchmark to test it.

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Yup, been trying some stuff to improve as per suggested but doesn't seem to do the trick. I even tried some stuff like fiddle with the graphics settings. Thinking maybe it was caused by the LOD or something else of the sort? No change either way.


Gonna post another screen, though this is from amnoon which generally has a heavier strain. Nonetheless, this is roughly after 1-2mins of loading.


![](https://i.imgur.com/Ca9xlDB.jpg "")


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I've noticed this as well, though not nearly as bad as you state.


Slightly longer map load times and once I do load in and all the textures render(<5 seconds) there's SEVERE hitching as I turn the camera or take off running and new buildings/trees/ect. load into memory. It lasts about as long as it takes me to turn my camera 360 degrees then is fine after, even after switching maps.


Strange thing: Warframe started doing this exact thing almost simultaneously with GW2. When it hitches it's a complete 10 second freeze, though.


I know it's not a windows update, I've got mine completely locked down and have had it that way for months. Only updating articles i've researched and found to need.


Everything else(Hellblade,Shadow of Mordor,Project Cars, TW3,ESO) runs as usual though

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I get this, as well. But, in my case it may take upwards of 10 minutes for everything to load in. It's lots of fun...sigh...battling invisible foes. Or trying to navigate somewhere with invisible obstacles. Eventually, though, the problem becomes less and less the longer I play.


I assume it's my potato computer. Someday, I hope for a better one.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I get this, as well. But, in my case it may take upwards of 10 minutes for everything to load in. It's lots of fun...sigh...battling invisible foes. Or trying to navigate somewhere with invisible obstacles. Eventually, though, the problem becomes less and less the longer I play.


> I assume it's my potato computer. Someday, I hope for a better one.


10 min :( poor you

am glad my load very fast pffffffffff

only in areas with tons off players it can take a little longer XD


they need to make GW2 like black desert online no loading screen just 1 very big open area

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My load times seem to have normalized, <20 seconds(first load upon starting the game) into LA near the bank. Initial texture draw times aren't noticeably better, though they weren't terrible for me to begin with.


I've had reports of recent windows updates resetting some peoples power profile configurations. Not changing from Performance to Balanced, that is, but completely changing the processor max/minimum states in those profiles.


Wouldn't hurt to rule that out.


Windows key>search "Power plan">Change advanced Power settings>scroll to Processor Power Management and select appropriate values if needed.

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I'm also having this issue. Might be worth noting two things. 1) It seems the world has loaded behind the loading screen, I can interact with NPCs, move, and cast abilities but the screen is frozen on the splash art for the loading page. 2) if i close the game and open it back up it loads to that place immediately with no issues.

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  • 5 weeks later...

My sister is having the exact same problem. She has MORE than enough processing power to run the game AND has run the game in the past. But suddenly her client hates her. And when I run the repair client, I get an error.




We're working on getting her a new computer but I thought I'd share that people are having this problem on the Mac Client. I'd love to hear what's wrong with her client currently if anyone has any ideas.

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[sorry for second posting admins, but this thread better describes my issues.]


I am as well. I've been wondering if I need to limit my refresh rate or something.


However, I am also experiencing random disconnects and locking up of my comp (especially when running a new character through the PoF intro instance). These disconnects and lock ups are not giving any error messages.


I'm running an RX580 card with 8gb of DDR5,16gb of system RAM, and a Ryzen 7 1800x running at it's regular clock speed of 3.6ghz.


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I wonder how many of you are being hit with coinhive, since GW2 players so often have a browser going in the background. Cryptocurrency mining is taking over the malware industry by storm.


[https://bleepingcomputer.com/virus-removal/remove-coinhive.com-in-browser-miner](https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/virus-removal/remove-coinhive.com-in-browser-miner "https://bleepingcomputer.com/virus-removal/remove-coinhive.com-in-browser-miner")

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  • 2 weeks later...

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