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Suggestion about new races


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Hi guys, do you believe that the implementation of a new race could be like a high level character? Perhaps start at lvl 80, and after some personal story connect to the current expansion story like it was done in GW1. What do you guys think? Still is the issue with all the armors and outfits but probably this could be the way to implement new races while keeping the story progresssing

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Say you are new to the entire game, starting the game at Expansion 3 (Bottom of Earth) because you love the Potato Dwarf race introduced in it. But you find out you're not allowed to do the 'free' part of the story with your lovable Potato Dwarf, you are expected to either start out figuring out how to play with a fully-leveled character in a dangerous and deadly environment, playing a story that makes no sense because you don't know the rest of the previous story...or else you are forced to create a character from one of those OTHER races and slog your way leveling it up, when what you want to do is play your Potato Dwarf.


I came to this game wanting to play an Asura, and if I had been told, no, you have to play a human for the story, I might not have stayed. If I had to figure out how to use my first character starting at Level 80, it would have been hugely frustrating.


So as little sense as it would make storywise, I feel that any new race must be able to start the story from the very beginning.

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@"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" That is actually a really good point..... never thought of it that way. Here I thought making a new race start from a different point and then join up with the rest was a really nice idea. You made me actually have to reconsider it....


This could have worked if the vanilla (now possible f2p) story was repeatable, like it has been since living world season 2... and then add a note saying you are experiencing past events if done on a race that was not previously there (like how factions characters would experience the early stages of prophesies). But I don't see vanilla story of GW2 being changed to become repeatable to accomodate this...


But then really few (if any) races would make sense adding in from the begining.... guess I will hope for playable tengu in GW3....

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Actually, I don't see any reason a Tengu couldn't start from the beginning. I don't remember having significant interactions with them during the story (Or have I forgotten some important story points or heart quests?) , but they were there all along. Aren't there some Tengu in Lion's Arch, after all?


The problem with most existing races, is that we've interacted with them in an 'alien' sort of way. As much as I hate admitting it, our experiences with the skritt could not be very well replayed by a skritt character. We could not play a grawl in the heart quests where humans send us out to drive away the grawl. We could not play a Kodan very well in the sections where the Kodan teach us the ways of Koda. We have always interacted with Quaggans as a completely alien outsider, too.



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You mean like in Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness, when they failed miserably to introduce a side character, that one dude, Trent or whatever his name was? People hated it mostly because they wanted to play as LARA, the ANGEL OF DARKNESS after all. I have to admit, i CAN work (e.g. Halo, the Arbiter), but mostly it's buying 500g of Chocolate ice cream just to figure out it's 250/250 Strawberry/Chocolate - I'd return it.


I came here to be an Asura, this is what brought me here, keeps me here and will keep me here. As soon as I am not a floppy-eared midget, I feel unwell and "wrong" when playing, as if wearing clothes of the other gender. When I suddenly have to play some random dude or dudette, I would not feel any attached and just look forward to get my actual alter ego back: Zedexx. If it keeps going on and on, I'd probably either quit or not buy that expansion.

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> @"Zeefa.3915" said:

> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" That is actually a really good point..... never thought of it that way. Here I thought making a new race start from a different point and then join up with the rest was a really nice idea. You made me actually have to reconsider it....


> This could have worked if the vanilla (now possible f2p) story was repeatable, like it has been since living world season 2... and then add a note saying you are experiencing past events if done on a race that was not previously there (like how factions characters would experience the early stages of prophesies). But I don't see vanilla story of GW2 being changed to become repeatable to accomodate this...


> But then really few (if any) races would make sense adding in from the begining.... guess I will hope for playable tengu in GW3....


I'm confused. Why would the Core Personal Story have to be repeatable for a new race to be added? Either there would need to be a new branch for the PS, or the new race-character would need to play one of the existing races' first part of the PS.

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> Say you are new to the entire game, starting the game at Expansion 3 (Bottom of Earth) because you love the Potato Dwarf race introduced in it. But you find out you're not allowed to do the 'free' part of the story with your lovable Potato Dwarf...


It's rather the same with any content in a new expansion. You're not allowed to use Mounts or gliding until you get to level 80 and open up those maps, gain experience to unlock the mastery (or be level 80 to participate in the story) before you can use that expansions' unique content.


> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

>you are expected to either start out figuring out how to play with a fully-leveled character in a dangerous and deadly environment, playing a story that makes no sense because you don't know the rest of the previous story...or else you are forced to create a character from one of those OTHER races and slog your way leveling it up, when what you want to do is play your Potato Dwarf.


If the approach was to make the new races playable in a level 80 story mode, likely it would be after an achievement granted upon getting a level 80 character. The only scenario where your scenario is applicable is if the player had gotten level 80 on a character but never did any of the story content (i.e. they played WvW or whatever) at which point, we can stop this from happening by only unlocking the new races through an achievement for finishing a certain portion of the story (i.e. HoT and PoF story).


This isn't something new. AFAICR, in FFXIV, to play as the new race, you have to have purchased the expansion associated with that race, played the story up to that point (to unlock the area in which that race resided), which requires you be a certain level before you can make a character of that race. It's likely easier to have their new races play in old story content though since the player isn't ever voice acted.


Even if my memory fails me, the same example can be held to new jobs in that game which require a ton of prerequisites to be reached first.


> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> I came to this game wanting to play an Asura, and if I had been told, no, you have to play a human for the story, I might not have stayed. If I had to figure out how to use my first character starting at Level 80, it would have been hugely frustrating.


Usually, new races are for players that have already been playing the game. Even if there are gates that must be passed before playing the new races, I'm sure guides will be created to speed up those processes (the story content in this game isn't that daunting, nothing compared to the madness of trying to unlock Dark Knight on a new character in FFXIV when I played it).


> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> So as little sense as it would make storywise, I feel that any new race must be able to start the story from the very beginning.


Unless the devs plan to voiceact the new races for the old content, I feel it isn't feasible to expect. I think a smarter move is to lock the new races behind achievements so that a player is familiar with the story. The new races' personal stories would then begin from the standpoint of the world at that point in time before eventually merging with main story of the expansion toward the end. This would bar a player from playing the HoT story, for example, with the new race's character, instead informing the player that they must join another player who has that story chapter unlocked to play it.

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