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Desert Borderlands Map as EB Map (with some modifications needed) and new map concepts

Rasp Sabreblade.5421

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So hear me out.

The reason I though is this, the map is huge and has a large area in the middle that is going unused. I think Anet should drop a huge Exalted style stonemist castle in the middle with an Exalted Lord and slide a few things to make room to add in 2 more towers – each one would be placed between what is the current opponents starting place and the Keep directly north of them. The other thing that would make the map really cool is adding the NPC races/mobs at the tower champs – Itzel, Nuhoch, modrem, wyvern, Chak and Xocotl. Yep, that means removing the Lich champ, but any of the other races could have the same mechanics. The Fire, Air and Earth keep can stay as they are, and yes the Chak tower would be underground like the fire keep and we have seen how well Anet has handled massive underground area like Rata Novus and the Ley-Line Confluence area. Just take those assets and reuse them. Yes, more adjustment in terms of detail would be required, but I really think the concept is sound.


Not only this, but we could almost have a new boarderlands map for even Living World Map Anet puts out. Pick a zone in the map (since the maps are fairly large) and take the current Alpine borderlands asset placement/arrangement (camps, towers, keeps, and garrison) and fit it to your existing map. It would be nice to change the theme of the towers and keeps, but just having new terrain and themes would be a big start. Yep, some maps could be broken in terms of how close something is to the other, but Anet would just need one person to monitor it and then have the appropriate person(s) move the asset ever so slightly. So instead of players just complaining, they ask for positive feedback on placement of assets and then make the changes bi-monthly. We got 6 living world maps, and even if only half to a third of those maps would work in this scenario, we could have 2-3 new WvW borderlands maps. Bitterfrost, Lake Doric, Ember Bay and Siren’s Landing could be some really awesome WvW maps. Draconis Mons would be a really interesting EB map if it was designed with a triple helix style pathways with updrafts that everyone could use in the center of the map around the Stone mist castle area. A new feature would be supply depots (like a treb, cata, siege golemn) that cost 80-100 supply but provided bomb skills while in flight to drop on walls or gates. This would be up to a 900 range throw bomb mechanic, because if you are to close the archers could shoot you down, plus this range would help facilitate the issue with people trying to fly over the walls. The invisible flight mastery would come into play here. However everyone who picked up a bomb could use the up drafts without having the mastery for it. Ballista's would become an important for shooting players down.


What does everyone think about this?


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I would like that. Honestly how can anyone say new maps aren't a priority? My eyes are bleeding from alpine and EB. I actually like desert visually, but nobody will go there so its like having no option. I'm hardly going to play there on my own. Eotm is just weird and also quite dead. Honestly I personally want some kind of city WvW map.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Are you asking to replace EBG with DBL with modifications?

> Or are you asking to tweak DBL into an EBG style map and run it along with EBG?


> Because, you're going to get two vastly different answers here. Hell to the no on the first one, ok sure to the second one.



I mean to tweak DBL into a EBG style map so that we would have two battlegrounds maps that could be on rotation. Sry if I wasn't clean.



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OP is on the right track with DBL, however it shouldn't replace EBG as others pointed out. EBG is the most effective map for the game mode all around. The design of it still works for current and all old metas of WvW, but we can't even say the same about Alpine. Alpine was designed around the Orb mechanic. Everything down to north camp and the keeps on the map was designed to cater to the protection or assault of the orb. There hasn't been an actual Orb in 4 years or longer.


DBLs problem is its too massive and has no focus point or point that makes the population of the map gravitate to it. While that "may" work for a skirmish style map like ABL, DBL is square with vertical inclines which increase the time and walking distances of all locations.


Instead of having smaller forces gravitate towards to center of both borderlands through blood lust, their main objectives and points of gravitation should be the edges, nook's and cranny's, chokes, keeps and towers. These are the spots havoc, roamers, scouts, and smaller groups would naturally want to be in. If DBL had a point in the center where the general population gravitates towards, for fights and to assert map dominance like SMC does to EBG, then the map would fall inline perfectly with the rest. However, ABL could use the same effect.



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NO. Desert borderland is the least played map for a REASON. Desert bl map has so many problems, it would need a total REMAKE, not just a rehaul. It is not a matter of learning. In recent months our server has been very often red. The more I play Desert bl, the more obvious the problems become.


In its current form Desert bl should be removed from rotation and perhaps remade into a pve map.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> First blush: no. EBG is currently the most used map, desert is the least used.


> Tweaking desert and changing its focus would be OK, as long as the potential small balance changes continue. Otherwise, we need other things more right now.



DBL has more than had it's shot at redemption. And by it's shot I mean Dev time. They've been tweaking it for years now and it's still a pariah. I personally like the larger map, I liked the original center A LOT, murderball is a riot. But for whatever reason, it's a constant flop. Let's learn from it, but let's admit it's a flop and move on.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> I would like that. Honestly how can anyone say new maps aren't a priority? My eyes are bleeding from alpine and EB. I actually like desert visually, but nobody will go there so its like having no option. I'm hardly going to play there on my own. Eotm is just weird and also quite dead. Honestly I personally want some kind of city WvW map.


This. With destroyable houses and shit. That would be... not really Fitting into the Setting but still...


interesting idea.



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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Are you asking to replace EBG with DBL with modifications?

> Or are you asking to tweak DBL into an EBG style map and run it along with EBG?


> Because, you're going to get two vastly different answers here. Hell to the no on the first one, ok sure to the second one.



What this guy said. EBG is the most important map in WvW, don't remove it. But giving options and alternatives to it is good. And I do think the map would work better as a BattleGround type of map than a BorderLand map (But I think that about all maps, so what do I know).


Still wish they removed the borderland system/HomeMap, and made all maps into Battle Ground maps. And rahter add/remove maps as needed depending on population at any given time. So we don't need to have 50 people in queue at reset, and 10 people divided over 4 maps in offtime.

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