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Legendary weapons should be a step above ascended


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This game doesnt need Legendary gear, that is better than Ascended, what this game in fact really needs is a step between Ascended and Legendary gear, to make Ascended gear cheaper, so that this pointless garbage with the idiotic time gated mechanics around ascended materials can be finally removed.


GW2 needs as middle gear type between ascended gear and legendary gear the quality typ of EPIC GEAR, which should be slihgtly harder to receive than ascended items, where Anet can put in then time gating mechanics, but also significantly easier to gain, than legendary equipment.


The difference bettween those 2 gear type is then for Epic Gear, that Epic Gear is same as powerful as like ascended or Legendary Gear, but provides like legendary gear the QOL mechanism of being able to change the gear stats at will, minus having not so extra vagant skins and effects like legendaries have, without arm or footstep effects that stay exclusive for legendaries, so that there exists finally a gear type, that is easier to obtain ,than legendaries, but allows players, which aren't interested in massive bling bling and effect clutter to still get at least the real interesting and useful mechanic out of these items - the QoL that is being able to change stats at will!!


To implement EpiC Gear with this kind of middle thing mewchanic between Ascended and legendary Gear should be normally an absolute NO BRAINER and its very disappointing to see, that anet still forces all of us to work on legendaries, just to get a very useful and important QOL feature, when we players could get that feature that we want also cheaper, but without just all the bling bling and effect clutter, because there exist also alot of püeople out there, which absolutely don't care about blinjg bling and effects, but just want the QoL!!

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Nope, I disagree with your idea OP. One of the appealing aspects of this game is that your suggestion is not reality. The last thing I want is to find out I need to spend time grinding to get an entire set of armor and weapons... That is alot of time away from what i Iove doing.

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> @"Miellyn.6847" said:

> > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

> > > @"Vulf.3098" said:

> > > > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

> > > > Well, the item grind isn't really minimal in any way but ok...

> > > > Still. I agree, OP's suggestion is really bad for a variety of reasons.

> > >

> > > Compared to other MMO's that take several weeks of grinding raids and relying on RNG to get the best end game stat gear makes gw2 pretty minimal in comparison. The fact I can grind RIBA, Lake doric and ls3 for about 3 days to and have a full set of Ascended gear is amazing.

> > >

> >

> > Well yeah, ascended isn't that hard to get. Hell, i even got an ascended weapon chest drop in WvW the other day. Wasn't expecting that lol.

> >

> > But legendary? I'll take a few weeks of RNG grinding over a year of WvW grinding to get enough skirmish tickets...

> > Oh well... Anet's anti grind policy at it's best.


> The anti grind policy was about mandatory grind. Legendaries are not mandatory. MMOs need grind to invest people.


> Legendaries should never be more powerful than ascended.


Well, grind is grind, mandatory or not. The fact that it's not mandatory is a big plus, but still.

But yeah, Legendaries are fine as they are, there's no need for them to become mandatory by making them more powerful.

It's good enough that they look unique and have stat select. OP's suggestion is horrible.


> @"Incarne.4927" said:

> God... the players in this game really are insanely casual. God forbid this game gets some kind of Tank/Healer/DPS roles, it will completely destroy this game... oh wait.


> Anet needs to stray away from this casual BS and introduce some kind of gear progression using dungeons and fractals and raids to their full potential. I login and find no point in doing anything. This games population will tank after a while if something doesn't change. A shame because I really like the combat and the animations/ world design.



Go play raids. There's enough elitism there to drown even your own elitist attitude, and if that doesn't cut it, go play another game if this one is too casual for you.

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I both agree and disagree with the sentiment of this topic. I do feel like legendary weapons should be more unique when compared to other weapons of the same "category" but I don't think that making them plain better then the rest is the way to go. I'd like to see them getting a set of unique weapon skills, this way they could fill their own niche without making regular weapons obsolete. We already have weapons with unique skill sets so it wouldn't be an entirerly new concept either.

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> @"Incarne.4927" said:

> God... the players in this game really are insanely casual. God forbid this game gets some kind of Tank/Healer/DPS roles, it will completely destroy this game... oh wait.


> Anet needs to stray away from this casual BS and introduce some kind of gear progression using dungeons and fractals and raids to their full potential. I login and find no point in doing anything. This games population will tank after a while if something doesn't change. A shame because I really like the combat and the animations/ world design.


I remember people saying the exact same thing about the game dying if gear progression wasn't introduced in the first year after release and, yet, here we are....

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> @"Veprovina.4876" said:

> > @"Miellyn.6847" said:

> > > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

> > > > @"Vulf.3098" said:

> > > > > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

> > > > > Well, the item grind isn't really minimal in any way but ok...

> > > > > Still. I agree, OP's suggestion is really bad for a variety of reasons.

> > > >

> > > > Compared to other MMO's that take several weeks of grinding raids and relying on RNG to get the best end game stat gear makes gw2 pretty minimal in comparison. The fact I can grind RIBA, Lake doric and ls3 for about 3 days to and have a full set of Ascended gear is amazing.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Well yeah, ascended isn't that hard to get. Hell, i even got an ascended weapon chest drop in WvW the other day. Wasn't expecting that lol.

> > >

> > > But legendary? I'll take a few weeks of RNG grinding over a year of WvW grinding to get enough skirmish tickets...

> > > Oh well... Anet's anti grind policy at it's best.

> >

> > The anti grind policy was about mandatory grind. Legendaries are not mandatory. MMOs need grind to invest people.

> >

> > Legendaries should never be more powerful than ascended.


> Well, grind is grind, mandatory or not. The fact that it's not mandatory is a big plus, but still.

> But yeah, Legendaries are fine as they are, there's no need for them to become mandatory by making them more powerful.

> It's good enough that they look unique and have stat select. OP's suggestion is horrible.


No. You can't take a statement and use it out of context. ArenaNet never said they have a anti grind policy and there will be never grind in the game. It was only for mandatory grind. It is the same when people say this game was advertised as casual game. It never was. They never said there won't be any challenge in the game and you can reach everything in every game mode. This is the main reason this game has a pretty bad reputation outside of the game. People take statements and twist them to fit their arguments even if it was never said this way.



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No, legendaries are perfectly fine the way they are. Adding sigil-swap would be ok, else don't change them.


> @"Incarne.4927" said:

> God... the players in this game really are insanely casual. God forbid this game gets some kind of Tank/Healer/DPS roles, it will completely destroy this game... oh wait.


> Anet needs to stray away from this casual BS and introduce some kind of gear progression using dungeons and fractals and raids to their full potential. I login and find no point in doing anything. This games population will tank after a while if something doesn't change. A shame because I really like the combat and the animations/ world design.


The reason this game is as successful as it is (yeah, it is successful if you look at the entire shi**y MMO-market), is 'cause it's not your typical generic MMORPG-experience with the typical generic gear-grind and such things. I also don't get your holy-trinity-crap. Action-Combat-Systems (yeah, I know GW2 has a hybrid-system, but it clearly steers more into Action Combat) are designed to avoid incoming damage so you don't have the generic boring tank 'n spank kinda stuff. That leads to devs having far more possibilities to play with actual gameplay instead of having the gear/damage-treadmill other generic MMORPGs generally have. It's also good that GW2 features the kind of gear-progression it does, 'cause that way, the game is actually more skill- than gear-oriented, which is absolutely fine and should be encouraged.


The problem nowadays is that people always only do stuff for the friggin' reward, especially in MMORPGs. People should just learn to play games mainly for having fun again. Sure, rewards are also a reason to play, but they shouldn't be the main reason. I'm happy that GW2 doesn't force me to do specific content. I had that in other games which forced people to cultivate some really fancy kind of Stockholm-syndrome.

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Everyone seems to hate the idea. Frankly though, I see absolutely no motivation for pursuing a legendary. A slight cosmetic change over the precursor? Not worth it by any means - especially when you can buy cool looking skins that not many people are using. I understand the objection to making them 'must-have' items, but there needs to be SOME reason to go for them, no? Maybe a karma bonus or something? Not so significant that everyone feels obliged to get it, but some payoff for the guy who grinds it out.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> I both agree and disagree with the sentiment of this topic. I do feel like legendary weapons should be more unique when compared to other weapons of the same "category" but I don't think that making them plain better then the rest is the way to go. I'd like to see them getting a set of unique weapon skills, this way they could fill their own niche without making regular weapons obsolete. We already have weapons with unique skill sets so it wouldn't be an entirerly new concept either.


Same goes here.The new skills would either go down the path of racial skills, i.e. being deliberately worse than basic skills and only for flavor. Or, if they were better, you'd find yourself in a GW2 world of "Bannerslave w. Leg. Sword and Horn"-lfg's. Legendaries are good the way they are, the only thing missing are swappable sigils/infusions to make them truly QoL like the armors, trinkets and backpieces are.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> Everyone seems to hate the idea. Frankly though, I see absolutely no motivation for pursuing a legendary. A slight cosmetic change over the precursor? Not worth it by any means - especially when you can buy cool looking skins that not many people are using. I understand the objection to making them 'must-have' items, but there needs to be SOME reason to go for them, no? Maybe a karma bonus or something? Not so significant that everyone feels obliged to get it, but some payoff for the guy who grinds it out.


Stat swapping + guaranteed full stat unlock for current and future stat combos. Pretty good QoL.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> Everyone seems to hate the idea. Frankly though, I see absolutely no motivation for pursuing a legendary. A slight cosmetic change over the precursor? Not worth it by any means - especially when you can buy cool looking skins that not many people are using. I understand the objection to making them 'must-have' items, but there needs to be SOME reason to go for them, no? Maybe a karma bonus or something? Not so significant that everyone feels obliged to get it, but some payoff for the guy who grinds it out.


The reasons to go for the legendary are:

1) I like the skin/effects

2) I need a long term goal. You can sell the old legendaries if you don't like the skin/effects.

3) I want to have a weapon with swappble stats to be more versatile in builds i can play and minimize the sots i use to do that. (This only works in theory because you can't swap sigils/infusions, but that's another thing)


If none of the skins appeal to you, you don't need a long term goal and just want to have max stats. Don't go for a legendary. It's easy. You don't need them at all. Only if they were in any way better than an ascended weapon of the same category you'd need to get one to be "a pro" or "at max".

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After playing this game for years now, its no better than gear treadmill games. The main reason GW is still up there is because of the combat and cosmetic freedom (kinda). Once you've got full ascended, now you're onto the cosmetic grind. There is no point in getting a Legendary other than for cosmetic reasons. Same thing as a gear treadmill but more towards fashion sense. And don't even get me started on the rehashing of assets with Living Season episodes. Gather currency to buy more ascended gear, farm and abuse gold in the zone to work towards ascended gear/ Legendary. This needs to change, the devs sticking to this casual design will drive a player base away, when they themselves said you should play this game how you want to. I don't want to play like a casual, and if you're offended by that then so be it. It's not meant in an offensive way, some people are just casuals. Let there be some kind of gear treadmill somehow, I don't want to farm for fashion anymore I want to farm for something more meaningful. I'm bored.

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> @"Incarne.4927" said:

> After playing this game for years now, its no better than gear treadmill games. The main reason GW is still up there is because of the combat and cosmetic freedom (kinda). Once you've got full ascended, now you're onto the cosmetic grind. There is no point in getting a Legendary other than for cosmetic reasons. Same thing as a gear treadmill but more towards fashion sense. And don't even get me started on the rehashing of assets with Living Season episodes. Gather currency to buy more ascended gear, farm and abuse gold in the zone to work towards ascended gear/ Legendary. This needs to change, the devs sticking to this casual design will drive a player base away, when they themselves said you should play this game how you want to. I don't want to play like a casual, and if you're offended by that then so be it. It's not meant in an offensive way, some people are just casuals. Let there be some kind of gear treadmill somehow, I don't want to farm for fashion anymore I want to farm for something more meaningful. I'm bored.


It's been working for 5 years already and is going to work long after everyone forgets about this thread :)

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> Same goes here.The new skills would either go down the path of racial skills, i.e. being deliberately worse than basic skills and only for flavor. Or, if they were better, you'd find yourself in a GW2 world of "Bannerslave w. Leg. Sword and Horn"-lfg's.

Define better, like I said there wouldn't be much of a competition if they were different enough to be an alternative and not just "the same but better". Also, there wouldn't be any reason to treat them like racial skills because the same reasoning they used to justifying their poor performance can't be applied here. We basically already have something like this in the form of griffons so it wouldn't be unprecedented either.


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> @"Incarne.4927" said:

> After playing this game for years now, its no better than gear treadmill games. The main reason GW is still up there is because of the combat and cosmetic freedom (kinda). Once you've got full ascended, now you're onto the cosmetic grind. There is no point in getting a Legendary other than for cosmetic reasons. Same thing as a gear treadmill but more towards fashion sense. And don't even get me started on the rehashing of assets with Living Season episodes. Gather currency to buy more ascended gear, farm and abuse gold in the zone to work towards ascended gear/ Legendary. This needs to change, the devs sticking to this casual design will drive a player base away, when they themselves said you should play this game how you want to. I don't want to play like a casual, and if you're offended by that then so be it. It's not meant in an offensive way, some people are just casuals. Let there be some kind of gear treadmill somehow, I don't want to farm for fashion anymore I want to farm for something more meaningful. I'm bored.


"Play how you want" is one of the most misquoted phrases by ANet. Something like it appeared on the original game's box. The context was playing whichever profession and build in that profession suited you. That was it. Nowhere did ANet ever use that phrase or anything like it to mean you could have gear progression if you wanted it. They also did not use it to mean that people could get any reward they want anywhere in the game they wanted to play, but that's another thread.


The truth of the matter is that the lack of gear progression has in all likelihood already driven players who wanted that away. Guess who that leaves as a big part of the people playing the game, plus buying gems and XPacs? Yeah, a lot of those left are the people who don't want gear progression. Some of them would leave. Maybe a lot of them.


I am certainly not offended by you expressing your desire. However, what you want is in conflict with what some other people want. They also paid for this game, and they have way fewer alternatives (i.e., other games that offer what they want) than you do.


The original GW had plenty of hardcore players in it, and that game's BiS gear was a lot easier to get than GW2's. So, it isn't necessarily true that no one but "casuals" want the status quo. It could also include people who prefer to play without having to regear all the time. Maybe that's why we saw so many requests for Asc. Armor and Weapon stat switch. Those asking didn't want to waste time regearing every time a balance patch throws a wrench into meta play.


Whether you decide to stick around, or pursue what you want elsewhere, good luck.

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> @"Incarne.4927" said:

> After playing this game for years now, its no better than gear treadmill games.


Have you played other MMORPGs? Compared to other games, GW2 actually has no gear treadmill at all. In other games, with each new patch your current gear becomes outdated and you have to grind one or maybe even more sets of new gear, probably also on a grieving RNG-basis. Be happy that GW2 features a logarithmic gear-progression instead of an exponential one like in other games.

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> @"Umut.5471" said:

> Maybe not by their damage, but they can add sigil swapping on demand like stat swapping.


I was thinking the same thing. Make legendaries further upgradeable (within reason), that has the ability to swap sigil stats on demand much like regular stats. Hell, I'd even like this on armor with runes too

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > @"Umut.5471" said:

> > Maybe not by their damage, but they can add sigil swapping on demand like stat swapping.


> I was thinking the same thing. Make legendaries further upgradeable (within reason), that has the ability to swap sigil stats on demand much like regular stats. Hell, I'd even like this on armor with runes too


Legendary armor already has that feature. That's one of the reasons people ask for it for legendary weapons.

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