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Can't log in (Client issue)

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I know there is someone here who has the same problem and made a thread about it, but I'm leaving MY case here because I need/want help and this is getting irritating.


For the past few days I'm getting this error when trying to log into the client --> https://gyazo.com/d81eee21f14d29add6a8721fb7dd642a


If I somehow manage to get past the client and pick a character to log in, I get this error instead --> https://i.gyazo.com/d54ade0aeb809b0cc6ea25dd60c42e04.png


I don't know WHY this is happening to me now. I've logged into the game (and OTHER games) just fine. The game and/or client are also on my "OK/trust list" on my firewall. I tried fixing the client with a link I found in the forums but the "renaming" part/step is not working. (I get an invalid name error)


Here is the link with the client-repair steps --> https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/201863008-Repairing-the-Game-Client


I really want to get this resolved ASAP because I already missed Halloween due to Hurricane Maria. (Yes, I live in Puerto Rico and I'm a survivor. I am VERY lucky to be here or have internet) I rather not miss my 2nd favorite holiday of the game.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Do you have any command line arguments on your shortcut? Specifically -assetsrv

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Command_line_arguments


> If so, remove it.


> If you continue to have issue, you can contact the CS Team via the 'Support' link above/below and 'Submit a Ticket' for assistance.


> Good luck.


Well I managed to get the GW2.exe repair to work, but it didn't really do anything for me other than speeding up my client-log in and ONLY for that moment. I still had the issue of not being able to log into the game, and once I was out of it, I'm back to square one with the problems/screenshots I showed.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Ok, but the command line argument I asked about was -assetsrv. I'm guessing you weren't using it...


I wasn't using it, but honestly I'm not sure what you're talking about. I'm not very good with computers. I only got this far with help and reading instructions and such.

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It sounds like you simply have a poor connection to the servers. It doesn't really matter if other games work, since the path you're taking across the internet is going to be very different. It only shows that you have a connection up to a certain point.


In short, you'll likely need to a VPN. Assuming the other games have servers in the US, at least you have somewhere to start from. If none of the servers were in the US however, worst case, you simply have a poor connection to the US and very limited options. For VPNs, TunnelBear is a popular choice by players, whereas support has recommended the free versions of proXPN and WTFast.


If you want to first test your connection, you can use PingPlotter to constantly ping the servers. Ping **auth1.101.arenanetworks.com** for NA or **auth2.101.arenanetworks.com** for EU. Note that most of Amazon's network will ignore pings, which will result in blanks or falsely shown has having high packet loss.


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