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Christmas gem store Gift


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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > "I paid for this game, I demand free gifts!"

> >

> > You got exactly what you paid for. Stop acting like an entitled child.

> >

> > EDIT: And if it turns out you *didn't* pay for this game (i.e. free to play) then you have **NO** right to demand free items from the gemstore when you haven't even supported the developers that made the game in the first place!


> FYI free players cannot post on the forum. You must have a paid account to log in.


> They can however participate in the Wintersday event and get all the items that come from the presents and achievements, like everyone else. So in a sense they do get free items.


Thanks for that bit of info about f2p accounts. A lot of f2pers I've met seem to have the attitude of "I won't pay for it because I deserve it. I'll wait til it's free". That entitlement and attitude are things that I just cannot abide.

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Is it a requirement for a gift to be free? I'd consider a gift to get (a) thing(s) **to buy** in the GemStore many people on the boards wished/wanted for a long time. Imagine: "We offer you for the next 2 months the following items you guys _have wished_ to be obtainable as sort of a christmas gift."


A great gift would be my never-fulfilling dream of suppressed pistols in this game, even though I had to buy them..



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They gave for christmas, slightly updated wintersday events, new decorations, new minis and an enchanted snowball transformation to grind for, toypocalyps can finally be done with a party and a mount race with mounts for those who dont have PoF.


They gave us something to do in the game. A free hand-out would not be that much at all in comparison.


If thats bah humbug to you, then that is to me akin to looking a gift horse in the mouth.

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