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What i would like to see in the future:


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Well guess what im feeling pretty weak with my necromancer right now.


To begin with:

-It has no real good dmg spec for pve endcontent, its way to inconsistant and reliant on certain factors.

-It has no good fighting spec. You will always need support. Im not playing pvp, but from what i saw from streamers, it seems like noone can properly fight a scourge, cause pvp-people have no brain?. It seems that you will find much more skilled players in wvw, than in pvp. But thats not the point of this post.


Can we get at least one specialisation, that can do something alone? Not always needing a support to heal you and give buffs to you?


Right now its impossible.


Core necro: has almost no mobility, can only give himself might. Else no defenses than shroud, and agian. In shroud you are fcked when opponent choses to cc you.

Reaper: at least a bit mobility, but still no defenses.

Scourge:lot af avoidable ae-spam. The only thing scourge can do


So how about we rework the necromancer utility skills?

It feels like most of them are pretty useless. You press spectral armor to stunbreak a mesmer? You die

You press it, before he can burst you? You still die.

And thats maybe one of the most useful skills.


What about spectral wall. Noone uses it.

Sigill of undeath? Nope way too undertuned. Aweful radius of ressurection with worse casttime not that many affected players than the banner from warriors

All minions, not useable in pvp

Epidemic: only good in pve. But if the tatget dies before epi can reach other enemys, epi will do nothing


So id like to see something, that can fight other classes and not just be like: oh you are the best necromancer player in the world? I still kick your butt because you play necromancer and i one of the other classes.




I think it would be ok, if necromancers could do heavy hits with no casttime like warriors with their axe f1. Without might 10k crit with no casttime? Wtf?


And mesmer is even worse. Almost no casttime on any of his skills.


And what can necro do? 1second casttime fir a 900 range portal, that almost works nowhere because its obstructed?

3/4 casttime on gravedigger which will only do 8k crit at full health targets without having might.




More dodges, some invincibility, invisibility, mobility, better passive sustain, anything. But dont leave it as it is right now.


Its really really frustrating to loose every 1v1 just because you play necro.

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Scourge is in a good spot and Reaper is not too bad (provided the profession is well supported).


Still plenty of terrible skills and traits overall.


Blood Magic and Death Magic could both use a review.


Core Necro needs an overhaul - it's just bad. Only thing it's good for is Life Blasting bad players in WvW.

A-net could dial back on some of the Reaper's shroud decay.


I think some extra sources of stability would be a good idea - if the class is not allowed to be mobile, then it should have a decent amount of stability. Add stability to Spectral Wall / Spectral Armour.


Add stability to Death Shroud 3.

Make Death Shroud 2 a Ground Targeted teleport. Mobility skills are so important in PvP & WvW (small scale).

Increase the range and reduce the cast time on Scourge portal.... it's so slow that it's quicker (almost) to walk to the portal location than to port yourself there.

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> @"Avigrus.2871" said:


> I think some extra sources of stability would be a good idea - if the class is not allowed to be mobile, then it should have a decent amount of stability. Add stability to Spectral Wall / Spectral Armour.


anet doesnt want necro to have stability, they constantly removed or nerfed the few sources we had/have. honestly im fine with that and also that we dont have much mobility. i just would like to see better, waay better sources of life leech. in wvw i lose a lot of 1v1 because the enemy outheals me... some classes like ele can even outheal your power dmg while on a very offensive build already (full zerk+bit of valk).




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> @"JustDemons.4358" said:

> > @"Avigrus.2871" said:


> > I think some extra sources of stability would be a good idea - if the class is not allowed to be mobile, then it should have a decent amount of stability. Add stability to Spectral Wall / Spectral Armour.


> anet doesnt want necro to have stability, they constantly removed or nerfed the few sources we had/have. honestly im fine with that and also that we dont have much mobility. i just would like to see better, waay better sources of life leech. in wvw i lose a lot of 1v1 because the enemy outheals me... some classes like ele can even outheal your power dmg while on a very offensive build already (full zerk+bit of valk).





I would aggree. But: if we dont get mobility, we need to get much more dmg.


Every class can choose if they want to fight, or if they dont want to. Necro cant.


And thats the big issue.


So maybe we need so much dmg, that other classes need to think twice, if they want to attack you.


And i think, lifesteal should be removed completely. It just sux. The scalings are freakin bad. And one of the necros very good weapons is way to slow to make use of the lifesteal.


500 healpower giving me 1 extra health per hit from vampiric aura? LOL. Look at weaver: 1500 heal every 4 seconds + a lot of regeneration + the soothing mist?


And we get: 42+36 life siphon per hit. Insanely bad...


Not to speak of all the leap and blastfinishers and evades ele has.


So maybe we need to add a "heal 2% of the dmg you dealt" instead of lifesteal.


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> @"Nimon.7840" said:


> Every class can choose if they want to fight, or if they dont want to. Necro cant.


> So maybe we need so much dmg, that other classes need to think twice, if they want to attack you.


> And i think, lifesteal should be removed completely. It just sux. The scalings are freakin bad. And one of the necros very good weapons is way to slow to make use of the lifesteal.

Yes, necro dont chose to fight they just can react. either dmg or i would say more control like roots etc... more dmg would prolly be prolematic for pvp. but the point is all the ganker classes should think tiwce if they want to engage a necro... at least they still could chose to fight or not. right now all the other classes can reset like they wish too.


@life leech, i want to see a meaningful life leech. i totally agree that right now its 100% useless. i would like to see a more self sustainable necro... its not fun to fight classes that can 100% outheal your enitre dmg (have seen druids and eles doing that) and then on the other hit u really hard. make life leech a baseline and give more life leech on traits and weapon skills... that prolly just smth to dream about..

i think the dmg for wvw is quite in a good balanced spot... no crazy burst like most other power classes have but good sustained dmg



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