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Can we show some love to warrior?


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I know about all the rage and controversy over the elite bubble, but nerfing that would place warrior back into trash tier. Why can't we provide an alternative to it?


**Can we please decrease the CD of warrior banners, make it work on lords and also lower the health of the lords.**


Instead of relying on the lord to stay alive for an eternity while the opponent grinds it out, it'd be a lot more fun to make holding objectives more active and engaging.


Even if we delete bubble tomorrow, the improved banner would keep warriors desirable

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Banners _are_ one of the things I wish would be readdressed. I mean, I don't feel bad for warriors since the newest expansion, they're hardly the profession that needs the most help in wvw. That said there are three issues with banners.

* They're basically a kit that turns your weapon skills into subpar alternatives.

* They're static once you place them.

* Their passive effects are only in effect whilst the banner is planted in the ground, at which point they're about as useful as ranger spirits. (i.e. not)


Thus the solution I would suggest would be something along the line of:

* Once the utility skill is activated, instead of holding the banner the visual effect would be along the lines of having the banner strapped to the warrior's back.

* The passive effect is always active, so long as players are within the radius.

* Modify warrior profession specific abilities ('f' skills) or weapon skills to have additional effects based on the banner the warrior is wearing. These effects would need to be minor, considering that the warrior is already granting stats to nearby allies. Or perhaps this is not even needed.


That's a big no on battle standards reviving lords, however. That was dumb.


~ Kovu

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> Banners _are_ one of the things I wish would be readdressed. I mean, I don't feel bad for warriors since the newest expansion, they're hardly the profession that needs the most help in wvw. That said there are three issues with banners.

> * They're basically a kit that turns your weapon skills into subpar alternatives.

> * They're static once you place them.

> * Their passive effects are only in effect whilst the banner is planted in the ground, at which point they're about as useful as ranger spirits. (i.e. not)


> Thus the solution I would suggest would be something along the line of:

> * Once the utility skill is activated, instead of holding the banner the visual effect would be along the lines of having the banner strapped to the warrior's back.

> * The passive effect is always active, so long as players are within the radius.

> * Modify warrior profession specific abilities ('f' skills) or weapon skills to have additional effects based on the banner the warrior is wearing. These effects would need to be minor, considering that the warrior is already granting stats to nearby allies. Or perhaps this is not even needed.


> That's a big no on battle standards reviving lords, however. That was dumb.


> ~ Kovu


I'm mainly talking about elite banner. Making it a viable alternative to bubble

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> Banners _are_ one of the things I wish would be readdressed. I mean, I don't feel bad for warriors since the newest expansion, they're hardly the profession that needs the most help in wvw. That said there are three issues with banners.


> Thus the solution I would suggest would be something along the line of:

> * Once the utility skill is activated, instead of holding the banner the visual effect would be along the lines of having the banner strapped to the warrior's back.

> * The passive effect is always active, so long as players are within the radius.

> * Modify warrior profession specific abilities ('f' skills) or weapon skills to have additional effects based on the banner the warrior is wearing. These effects would need to be minor, considering that the warrior is already granting stats to nearby allies. Or perhaps this is not even needed.



this's good feedback :+1:

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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > Oh.

> > Well, that's a no on banners reviving lords.

> >

> > ~ Kovu


> I wish they'd bring that back actually. I miss the epic hour long bag farms. I guess if you care whether the keep flips or not it might be op but for fight reasons I liked it.


This is bad idea.

T3 Smc , iron guard. And banner ? no plz

im BG but i hope anet nerf smc and remove iron guard buff from game


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> @"Jerry CCH.9816" said:

> > @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > > Oh.

> > > Well, that's a no on banners reviving lords.

> > >

> > > ~ Kovu

> >

> > I wish they'd bring that back actually. I miss the epic hour long bag farms. I guess if you care whether the keep flips or not it might be op but for fight reasons I liked it.

> im BG but i hope anet nerf smc and remove iron guard buff from game


If you're from BG, the last thing you need is iron guard


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Warrior has been a joke class for a long time because of terrible design and balance. Broken in small scale, useless in zerging. WoD is basically the only thing that makes Warriors relevant in zergs right now, but still it is comical to see how people play Spellbreaker. Run in like an idiot, act like a bubble bot, waste your cd's trying to get away, and remain useless during the fight while everyone else does the work.


It hurts to see the current state of Warrior and Elementalist, because they were 2 of my main classes. In a meta dominated by aoe and pirate shipping, a class like Warrior was bound to fall behind.

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> Warrior has been a joke class for a long time because of terrible design and balance. Broken in small scale, useless in zerging. WoD is basically the only thing that makes Warriors relevant in zergs right now, but still it is comical to see how people play Spellbreaker. Run in like an idiot, act like a bubble bot, waste your cd's trying to get away, and remain useless during the fight while everyone else does the work.


> It hurts to see the current state of Warrior and Elementalist, because they were 2 of my main classes. In a meta dominated by aoe and pirate shipping, a class like Warrior was bound to fall behind.


Normally I hate you, but now I agree.


Friends? You can date my sister.

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> @"Trajan.4953" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > Warrior has been a joke class for a long time because of terrible design and balance. Broken in small scale, useless in zerging. WoD is basically the only thing that makes Warriors relevant in zergs right now, but still it is comical to see how people play Spellbreaker. Run in like an idiot, act like a bubble bot, waste your cd's trying to get away, and remain useless during the fight while everyone else does the work.

> >

> > It hurts to see the current state of Warrior and Elementalist, because they were 2 of my main classes. In a meta dominated by aoe and pirate shipping, a class like Warrior was bound to fall behind.


> Normally I hate you, but now I agree.


> Friends? You can date my sister.


Its a Christmas miracle B)

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> Warrior has been a joke class for a long time because of terrible design and balance. Broken in small scale, useless in zerging. WoD is basically the only thing that makes Warriors relevant in zergs right now, but still it is comical to see how people play Spellbreaker. Run in like an idiot, act like a bubble bot, waste your cd's trying to get away, and remain useless during the fight while everyone else does the work.


> It hurts to see the current state of Warrior and Elementalist, because they were 2 of my main classes. In a meta dominated by aoe and pirate shipping, a class like Warrior was bound to fall behind.


I main warrior and i couldnt agree more.

I didnt bother buying the xpack, because i am 100% sure anet will nerf WoD to the ground as soon as the sales copy of POF decrease.

But being a frontline on this pirateship condi era is just impossible.

Im left to 2 options. Wait till 75% of the battle is over, when my side already dominated the fight and there are only the leftovers. And ghen i can engage and try to hit some and get a few bags...


Dive in first to clear some of the red circles, die and let the others do the show while watching it from the dead PoV.


We had the frontline shouter build (trooper runes sword+warhorn)

Anet nerfed

We had the destroyer dps build

Anet nerfed

We had the berzerker build

Anet nerfed

We had bannering the lord

Anet nerfed

We had good might makes right

Anet nerfed

We had phallanx strenght getting us a slot on raids (pve)

And even that.. Anet nerfed to the point where it is useless


Kitteb this meta. Even power meta was better. We had op classes? Sure. But still, every class was able to join the fight.

Now it is join the pirateship or go home...

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> @"Jerry CCH.9816" said:

> > @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > > Oh.

> > > Well, that's a no on banners reviving lords.

> > >

> > > ~ Kovu

> >

> > I wish they'd bring that back actually. I miss the epic hour long bag farms. I guess if you care whether the keep flips or not it might be op but for fight reasons I liked it.


> This is bad idea.

> T3 Smc , iron guard. And banner ? no plz

> im BG but i hope anet nerf smc and remove iron guard buff from game



Well yes. I would like it in place of iron guard. And while i'm wishing on a star, lord scaling would be gone too. I miss the things small groups could do. Fond memories of ninja'ing smc as a duo while two enemy zergs fought round the inner on it D:

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So you want to change it so that instead of keep & castle lords on their own are able to survive long enough for defenders to respond, Warriors instead have to constantly be nearby and are forced to commit their elite skill to assisting in allowing the lord to survive long enough for defenders to respond. (And probably dying in the process.)


No thanks. That would actually make a Warrior's life significantly _more_ difficult.


There are a lot of things in this game that need to be looked at. I don't personally feel like this is one of them.


> @"Jerry CCH.9816" said:

> > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > Banners _are_ one of the things I wish would be readdressed. I mean, I don't feel bad for warriors since the newest expansion, they're hardly the profession that needs the most help in wvw. That said there are three issues with banners.


> > Thus the solution I would suggest would be something along the line of:

> > * Once the utility skill is activated, instead of holding the banner the visual effect would be along the lines of having the banner strapped to the warrior's back.

> > * The passive effect is always active, so long as players are within the radius.

> > * Modify warrior profession specific abilities ('f' skills) or weapon skills to have additional effects based on the banner the warrior is wearing. These effects would need to be minor, considering that the warrior is already granting stats to nearby allies. Or perhaps this is not even needed.

> >


> this's good feedback :+1:


Thanks. Though apparently I misinterpreted the purpose of this thread.


~ Kovu

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> @"BassHunteR.7246" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > Warrior has been a joke class for a long time because of terrible design and balance. Broken in small scale, useless in zerging. WoD is basically the only thing that makes Warriors relevant in zergs right now, but still it is comical to see how people play Spellbreaker. Run in like an idiot, act like a bubble bot, waste your cd's trying to get away, and remain useless during the fight while everyone else does the work.

> >

> > It hurts to see the current state of Warrior and Elementalist, because they were 2 of my main classes. In a meta dominated by aoe and pirate shipping, a class like Warrior was bound to fall behind.


> I main warrior and i couldnt agree more.

> I didnt bother buying the xpack, because i am 100% sure anet will nerf WoD to the ground as soon as the sales copy of POF decrease.

> But being a frontline on this pirateship condi era is just impossible.

> Im left to 2 options. Wait till 75% of the battle is over, when my side already dominated the fight and there are only the leftovers. And ghen i can engage and try to hit some and get a few bags...

> Or...

> Dive in first to clear some of the red circles, die and let the others do the show while watching it from the dead PoV.


> We had the frontline shouter build (trooper runes sword+warhorn)

> Anet nerfed

> We had the destroyer dps build

> Anet nerfed

> We had the berzerker build

> Anet nerfed

> We had bannering the lord

> Anet nerfed

> We had good might makes right

> Anet nerfed

> We had phallanx strenght getting us a slot on raids (pve)

> And even that.. Anet nerfed to the point where it is useless


> Kitteb this meta. Even power meta was better. We had op classes? Sure. But still, every class was able to join the fight.

> Now it is join the pirateship or go home...


Condi Berserker had some potential until they nerfed it. Warrior was the first class that I played in WvW, I remember the old hammer trains and shout heals builds. I really loved landing a good Earthshaker and dropping a group, it was so satisfying. After the stability nerf though...it was just not fun at all to play anymore.

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