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Brand new account terminated?

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My brother just created a brand new account and bought the expansions on the Areanet website at the same time. He then downloaded the game and logged in and began creating a character. For some reason he got a notification that his account had been terminated even though he has never even played the game before. Has this happened to anyone or is there any advice anyone can give on how to handle the situation? We started a ticket but he was charged for the expansions so I would just like advice on what to do. I am posting for him because his account was terminated. (Brother's ID is RobotWorgen.4281).


I'd also just like to add that I had no problems whatsoever with my account which is why we find it so strange. He bought the expansions first because I enjoyed the game so much.


Thank you for your time!

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I know this happened to some players where their credit cards were declined or the person reversed the charges after the fact. This causes ANet to deny further service for that account. It could also have something to do with communication with the bank. For example, the transaction errored or something similar. Denial can also occur if the player used a credit card that's flagged because that player did something against the TOS like scammed a player or bought/sold gold or used a hack. Something along those lines.


Unfortunately, without insight or further information, everything is speculation on our parts. It's probably best for a developer to answer your question since they can tell you exactly what happened. Either way, hope things work out for your brother. Despite some of the forum complaints, Guild Wars 2 is a great game. :)


Happy Holidays.

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> I know this happened to some players where their credit cards were declined or the person reversed the charges after the fact. This causes ANet to deny further service for that account. It could also have something to do with communication with the bank. For example, the transaction errored or something similar. Denial can also occur if the player used a credit card that's flagged because that player did something against the TOS like scammed a player or bought/sold gold or used a hack. Something along those lines.


> Unfortunately, without insight or further information, everything is speculation on our parts. It's probably best for a developer to answer your question since they can tell you exactly what happened. Either way, hope things work out for your brother. Despite some of the forum complaints, Guild Wars 2 is a great game. :)


> Happy Holidays.


And the best way for the communication to happen is for your brother to send in a support ticket (he doesn't have to log in to do it) and ask for the reason. That way the issue can get closer to be resolved.

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