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Phantasm question of the group


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My build is old school PU vanilla Mesmer. S + Sc/T. I have been experimenting with leaving phantasms unshattered and using the Phantasmal Force trait in Unranked PvP. ( I am currently in lower Gold, ranked.) I wasn't confident running the new trait at first. Given history, I fully expected that the phantasm damage would never ramp up.

*There have been some promising moments.* The trait seems to be working at least somewhat.


My question: I am seeing very long cast times on my Phantasms and they fail to rez more often than not. What are the causes/cures for this?

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No, I seriously don't understand your question. All Phantasms have a cast time of ½ to 1 second, with the exception being Echo of Memory/Deja Vu with 1½ because it's both a blocking skill and a Phantasm. Again, Phantasms do not rez.


I don't know the cause or cure for a problem I can't comprehend.

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> @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> To "rez" is common terminology for instantiating , conjuring, summoning.


I have literally never heard that, and I have been gaming for near my entire life. My first memories are of Teen Mutant Ninja Turtles and Super Mario RPG on the SNES.


>As noted in the wiki, the term comes from the movie "Tron." It's use in GW2 to mean reviving is a slight misnomer.


This usage is not [noted in the wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rez_(disambiguation)), unless you meant the [Tron wiki](http://tron.wikia.com/wiki/Rez) in which case the misnomer lies with Tron.


> I am asking why my phantasms fail to instantiate most of the time and how I can improve that.


There we go, that wasn't so hard to ask. I would recommend ensuring you have Line of Sight of your target and stay within range of them. You can continue casting while moving, so follow them if they run away or don't try to max range cast them. If you see an opponent go behind cover, cancel your cast to save it from going on full CD.

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I have never heard this use of "rez" before in my life.


Phantasmal Force in PvP and with only Torch Phantasm sounds pretty bad, you're sacrificing CritWrack/AoE Diversion/Cripple CoF/Reflect Dist or Sceptre Trait for a phantasm which is pretty poor at direct damage (this is assuming it lives to attack a bunch which is far from guaranteed).

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> @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> To "rez" is common terminology for instantiating , conjuring, summoning. As noted in the wiki, the term comes from the movie "Tron." It's use in GW2 to mean reviving is a slight misnomer.


> I am asking why my phantasms fail to instantiate most of the time and how I can improve that.

Phantasms might fail to appear if the target got out of your line of sight or attack range.


I've never heard or read the term "rez" used to describe anything other than bringing someone back from the dead or a near death state in a video game. Been gaming since 2003 at least.

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In every MMO I've ever played a "Rez/Res/etc" was always shorthand for a request to be revived by a player in a downed or defeated state. I played FFXI for 11 years and spent most of it on WHM, so maybe I've just heard it used that way so many times that i'm just not remembering it used any other way.

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