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I miss dungeons.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> That's not true. People do dungeons all the time. They are even guilds/loose-associations of players who run a full gamut of dungeons daily.


I haven't seen anyone in my 5 guilds or my friendlist set foot in a dungeon since HoT, so I don't think people do dungeons "all the time" either.



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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > That's not true. People do dungeons all the time. They are even guilds/loose-associations of players who run a full gamut of dungeons daily.


> I haven't seen anyone in my 5 guilds or my friendlist set foot in a dungeon since HoT, so I don't think people do dungeons "all the time" either.


Are you sure that your 5 guilds plus friendslist is representative of the entire community? There are something like 6 million accounts or more. There are probably 50-100k players on at peak periods and many more who play the game regularly.


As I mentioned in the paragraph you quoted, there are actual guilds who organize specifically to do 8 paths per day (as well as looser associations of players and folks who do all the paths). Guilds with newer players tend to do more dungeons, for reasons I hope are obvious.


Probably the biggest issue is not how many people have an interest in doing dungeons, but how many people put up LFGs. I know my core group almost never does; if we have room for one more, we four-person and have someone's alt account leech. One friend & I went through a period of duoing 5-8 paths per week (sometimes more). It was simply easier for us to coordinate us two than to worry about the grab bag nature of PUGging.


People who want to do dungeons still often feel like newbies (perhaps in the game generally or just about the specific path, e.g. someone wanting to run a path new-to-them for the achievement). Whatever the reason, a lot folks don't feel comfortable starting the own LFG. So it wouldn't surprise me at all if 20 people are all looking at 8 pm EDT to do a dungeon, but none of them post an LFG so all 20 go away disappointed.


Yet another potential problem is that the LFG interface is a mess. I'd rather see a single dungeon 'channel', allowing people a radio-button choice for path (that depends on having selected the dungeon).



* Plenty of people do dungeons regularly.

* That doesn't mean that these are groups that are easy to find or join, due to barriers, including the UI and human psychology.

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