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Skills Reset


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I cannot believe that a large game like this does not have a skill reset! OK you get points along the line but if you are level 80 and already spent your points only to find out they were all wrong, it is a bit hard to imagine that you can get 'hero points' to enable you to get like 300 plus points to get the abilities you really should have.


I found that there apparently is one and only one called 'World Ability Master' in the Mists. Have spent over an hour trying to find on the map where it is and since I have not explored the whole world it probably is something actually in the 'mist', i.e. not really shown on my map.


So my question, seriously, is there no reset of skills? anywhere?

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I'm not sure which points you're referring to, so I'll try to be as exhaustive as possible :

* Skill points coming from hero challenges, that you're spending to unlock new skills and traits : you indeed can't reset your investment, but there're enough hero challenges in the open world to allow you to unlock everything. Whatever happens : you can always switch your traits and utilities for free, as long as you're outside of combat

* WvW rank points, the ones you spend in the WvW UI for siege proficiency or supply capacity, can be reset at the world ability master in WvW maps.


I hope I've been helpful :)

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If the issue here is Hero Points (spent on skills and traits) just levelling to 80 gives all the points needed to unlock all core skills and traits. These also have to be unlocked to start any Elite Specialization, so there is **literally no way** to spend them permanently wrong.


If you have both HoT and PoF (only way to have options for post-80 spending of HPs) there is a surplus of hero points available between the two; as well as every core hero challenge feeding into this surplus albeit more slowly.

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How you use your hero points does not determine what skills you have at level 80. At level 80 you have enough points to get all skills and traits. This game does not have traditional skill tree you have to reset in order to change traits. Once you have unlocked all your traits at lvl 80 you are able to swap them at any time you want.


And to answer the question: No you can not reset your skills/traits. This might be a slight inconvenience while leveling, but not a problem when you hit lvl 80.

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> @"Katoomba.6905" said:

> I cannot believe that a large game like this does not have a skill reset! OK you get points along the line but if you are level 80 and already spent your points only to find out they were all wrong, it is a bit hard to imagine that you can get 'hero points' to enable you to get like 300 plus points to get the abilities you really should have.

1. There's literally no possibility of you spending your points wrong up to level 80 (reaching level 80 gives you enough points to unlock _everything_ except elite specs, and you have to unlock those to even start on elites)

2. there's way more than 300 points in hero challenges all over the world. Each expansion has enough hero challenges to fully unlock the elite spec tied to that expansion (and a few challenges more, so you don't even need to do all of them), and all the ones in core tyria can be considered a spare.


(just remember - while the core tyria hero challenges give you one hero point each, those in both expansions are worth **10 points**)

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  • 6 months later...

I agree with OP - this is idiotic. Yes you can spend them poorly .. maybe not at 80, but certainly as your leveling and especially if you come back to this game after being gone a while because the whole system is different and very confusing. Now I recognize not to those who have played and continue to play this game.. but God man, we're human and we make mistakes.

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> @"eislandish.1354" said:

> I agree with OP - this is idiotic. Yes you can spend them poorly .. maybe not at 80, but certainly as your leveling and especially if you come back to this game after being gone a while because the whole system is different and very confusing. Now I recognize not to those who have played and continue to play this game.. but God man, we're human and we make mistakes.


Being level 80 gives you enough points to unlock everything though, so how can you spend your points wrong?

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so your level 40.. or 60 .. do you have enough points to get everything? no, you don't. Will you at 80, yes.. but you're not 80. So say your new and you don't understand the skill system in gw2 (cause it's the craziest thing you've ever seen). So you go into your first little training wheel and you max it out until your out of points.. whoops, now I get unlock anything in the other wheels... crap. Okay let me undo this. No you can't .. what? I can't even give you gold to get a reset. I can't even get 1 reset in my birthday package? I can't go see a guy about a horse and barter for a reset... WHAT? That's just idiotic.. it's not cool, or epic, or awesome.. it's stupid and lazy because the game dev decides it doesn't matter, because it doesn't matter to them. AND it does matter to you lot because you've been playing this game for ever and a day. It's an easy thing to give a person a chance to rethink what they just did.. every product since the days of Lotus 1-2-3 and WordPerfect have had undo. I know this isn't going to go anywhere because you all think the OP has it wrong .. but they don't.

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It can be frustrating when you level, but leveling is fairly easy/fast in this game, so just playing will level you up to 80 pretty quickly. I was annoyed with this back when I leveled my first 1-2 characters, but since then I've just taken the time to experiment and try different things until I hit 80. You can finish all the 1-79 zones in pretty much any manner, it isn't until the actual level 80 content that the build becomes important.


Basically, while annoying the first time, this isn't a big problem. Just take your time playing with what you got until you hit 80, then you'll have everything unlocked anyways.

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What I focus on when leveling is uncovering all of the map I'm in, and picking up all the HPs, and WPs while doing so. On my second revenant I just got to 80, I had just under 60 extra point to use on my first elite spec. I've found map completion to be much easier when coming back later, too.

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> @"eislandish.1354" said:

> so your level 40.. or 60 .. do you have enough points to get everything? no, you don't. Will you at 80, yes.. but you're not 80. So say your new and you don't understand the skill system in gw2 (cause it's the craziest thing you've ever seen). So you go into your first little training wheel and you max it out until your out of points.. whoops, now I get unlock anything in the other wheels... crap. Okay let me undo this. No you can't .. what? I can't even give you gold to get a reset. I can't even get 1 reset in my birthday package? I can't go see a guy about a horse and barter for a reset... WHAT? That's just idiotic.. it's not cool, or epic, or awesome.. it's stupid and lazy because the game dev decides it doesn't matter, because it doesn't matter to them. AND it does matter to you lot because you've been playing this game for ever and a day. It's an easy thing to give a person a chance to rethink what they just did.. every product since the days of Lotus 1-2-3 and WordPerfect have had undo. I know this isn't going to go anywhere because you all think the OP has it wrong .. but they don't.


There's a simple solution to the problem of spending all your hero points on the 'wrong' skills or traits - level up further or do Hero Challenges to get more points.


If you've picked skills that are so useless you can't progress with them you can switch to a low level map you haven't completed yet - there are 5 level 1-15 maps and they're designed for players with no/very few skills unlocked so you won't need to use the ones you have and the down-levelling system means you'll still get XP (and items) at your level, so you will still be able to gain levels.


Contrary to what you might think we've all been there and we're saying it's not really a problem and there's no need for a reset because we've all gotten through it as well and come to realise it really isn't a big deal, even before level 80. I don't think there's any truly useless utility skills in this game but there's a lot of highly situational ones, ones which are only good with the right weapons or traits, and ones which I just don't like and I'm pretty sure I've gotten myself stuck with most of them at some point. Or spent all my points on skills and then didn't have enough for traits when I unlocked them, or had to go without an elite skill for 10 levels because I didn't have enough points. It's annoying at the time but it won't stop you playing.


Now when I make a new character (which I do a lot) I make a point of picking skills I never use on my main characters, specifically to force myself to try them so I don't get stuck in the mentality of thinking there's only 1 'good' build for each character. Sometimes I just end up remembering exactly why I didn't use it before and going out of my way to get enough Hero Challenges to change it quickly, but other times I find myself enjoying something I'd totally forgotten about, or getting ideas for a new way to play the character.

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For the sake of closure.. I yield to the defense. The plaintiff is not in agreement, but to carry on and argue a point with a group that seems so committed to supporting the game and their method of play and without any disparaging remarks aimed at myself or the OP.. what can I say. I've been undone by kindness.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I too agree with eislandish and the OP here. I understand all of the "counter" arguments presented here, but they all fail to answer the basic question "Why can't we pay a fee to reset our current Hero Points?" Saying that at level 80 you don't need to reset them is beside the point. Saying that leveling is "fast" isn't really relevant (and is also beside the point), fast is subjective. I truly suspect that this kind of system, trivial as it would be to implement, just wasn't planned for originally and no one at AN wants to spend the development/testing cycles necessary to make it happen.


I can understand that, but as a returning player I see that the effect of not being able to reset basically means I'm super reluctant to spend very many of these point at all until I get to a much higher level. The game isn't very good at explaining why I'd want any particular specialization, so as long as I have a bunch of skills to mash that will get me to at least level 60-70 I'm unlikely to ever spend more than the bare minimum of points. From a game design perspective this isn't great. A simple skill reset system probably has zero negative impacts, is easy to implement and encourages some players to experiment with their builds while leveling. Heck, it could even be a decent gold-sink for the game.


Again, I get that it's just not worth it in the AN project manager's eyes. They're probably right, they're the ones with all the information. I just wish the reset system existed anyway.

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> @"coffee.2047" said:

> I too agree with eislandish and the OP here. I understand all of the "counter" arguments presented here, but they all fail to answer the basic question "Why can't we pay a fee to reset our current Hero Points?" Saying that at level 80 you don't need to reset them is beside the point. Saying that leveling is "fast" isn't really relevant (and is also beside the point), fast is subjective. I truly suspect that this kind of system, trivial as it would be to implement, just wasn't planned for originally and no one at AN wants to spend the development/testing cycles necessary to make it happen.


> I can understand that, but as a returning player I see that the effect of not being able to reset basically means I'm super reluctant to spend very many of these point at all until I get to a much higher level. The game isn't very good at explaining why I'd want any particular specialization, so as long as I have a bunch of skills to mash that will get me to at least level 60-70 I'm unlikely to ever spend more than the bare minimum of points. From a game design perspective this isn't great. A simple skill reset system probably has zero negative impacts, is easy to implement and encourages some players to experiment with their builds while leveling. Heck, it could even be a decent gold-sink for the game.


> Again, I get that it's just not worth it in the AN project manager's eyes. They're probably right, they're the ones with all the information. I just wish the reset system existed anyway.


The answer is because it's such a small problem, affecting very few people, and there are much bigger problems, affecting all of the playerbase that resources are allocated elsewhere. It's a non-issue, so why waste time with something that will be used less than 1% of the time, when other actual issues need to be addressed?

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> @"coffee.2047" said:

> I too agree with eislandish and the OP here. I understand all of the "counter" arguments presented here, but they all fail to answer the basic question "Why can't we pay a fee to reset our current Hero Points?" Saying that at level 80 you don't need to reset them is beside the point. Saying that leveling is "fast" isn't really relevant (and is also beside the point), fast is subjective. I truly suspect that this kind of system, trivial as it would be to implement, just wasn't planned for originally and no one at AN wants to spend the development/testing cycles necessary to make it happen.


> I can understand that, but as a returning player I see that the effect of not being able to reset basically means I'm super reluctant to spend very many of these point at all until I get to a much higher level. The game isn't very good at explaining why I'd want any particular specialization, so as long as I have a bunch of skills to mash that will get me to at least level 60-70 I'm unlikely to ever spend more than the bare minimum of points. From a game design perspective this isn't great. A simple skill reset system probably has zero negative impacts, is easy to implement and encourages some players to experiment with their builds while leveling. Heck, it could even be a decent gold-sink for the game.


> Again, I get that it's just not worth it in the AN project manager's eyes. They're probably right, they're the ones with all the information. I just wish the reset system existed anyway.


in a game where you don't every single skill and trait point by just leveling i get that.

but in gw2 you get every single skill and trait unlocked by just leveling so why bother with a reset when just people from level 1-79 ( more like 20-79) use it when the entire game is focused on being 80

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1. Yes this is an issue until you hit level 80. It is especially noticable if you lack the points to unlock certain traits or elite skills.


2. The leveling process from 1-80 is hours at best. That is not counting the 2 level 80 boosts you get for purchasing HoT and PoF (1 each)


3. Hitting level 80 provides enough skill points to completely unlock all skills and traits for your core profession leaving over 300 hero points unused in core Tyria


4. HoT and PoF hero challenges give 10 skill points per challenge. HoT provides a total of 400 skill points while only requiring 250 to fully unlock the elite specialization providing another 150 spare skill points.


5. All skills and traits are available in spvp for trying out if so desired


Net result: this is such a minor and temporary issue, it's not worth addressing. Sorry.

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> @"eislandish.1354" said:

> so your level 40.. or 60 .. do you have enough points to get everything? no, you don't. Will you at 80, yes.. but you're not 80. So say your new and you don't understand the skill system in gw2 (cause it's the craziest thing you've ever seen). So you go into your first little training wheel and you max it out until your out of points.. whoops, now I get unlock anything in the other wheels... crap. Okay let me undo this. No you can't .. what? I can't even give you gold to get a reset. I can't even get 1 reset in my birthday package? I can't go see a guy about a horse and barter for a reset... WHAT? That's just idiotic.. it's not cool, or epic, or awesome.. it's stupid and lazy because the game dev decides it doesn't matter, because it doesn't matter to them. AND it does matter to you lot because you've been playing this game for ever and a day. It's an easy thing to give a person a chance to rethink what they just did.. every product since the days of Lotus 1-2-3 and WordPerfect have had undo. I know this isn't going to go anywhere because you all think the OP has it wrong .. but they don't.


Open world, the part you play before lvl 80, can be played naked with a stick. So there's literally no wrong choices.

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If one has been playing 'forever and a day', or over a year (for a Birthday Gift), one should probably be aware of how the Skills and Trait system works.

Let's hope so, anyway. And, if not, in all that time, it probably doesn't matter which Skills and Traits are unlocked. It's not like the character will be playing much, if any, L80 content.

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It would not surprise me at all if ANet is GLAD you can't reset skills. Not because they're mean, not because they're being anti-user, but because--in their mind--it forces you to learn and understand your class. How do you know you made a mistake in spending skill points unless you learn why what you picked isn't working out, or why something else you could have unlocked might be better. Knowing you made a mistake means you've learned something.


Sure, I suppose having a reset wouldn't necessarily prevent the same kind of learning happening, but it might make some players more thoughtless in their choices.


I don't know. We all went through it. I seem to recall skill point hunting as part of the leveling progression process. A goal you were excited to reach. I don't think any class is crippled or unplayable for making a few wrong choices.

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  • 8 months later...

> @"eislandish.1354" said:

> I agree with OP - this is idiotic. Yes you can spend them poorly .. maybe not at 80, but certainly as your leveling and especially if you come back to this game after being gone a while because the whole system is different and very confusing. Now I recognize not to those who have played and continue to play this game.. but God man, we're human and we make mistakes.


I would agree with you if it really mattered how you distribute your points as you level. But the truth is, even if you didn't spend any points at all while levelling you'd still be fine to play. It's such a minor inconvenience if you make a mistake, and so quick to fix by gathering a few HPs, that it's really a non-issue for almost everyone.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> > @"eislandish.1354" said:

> > I agree with OP - this is idiotic. Yes you can spend them poorly .. maybe not at 80, but certainly as your leveling and especially if you come back to this game after being gone a while because the whole system is different and very confusing. Now I recognize not to those who have played and continue to play this game.. but God man, we're human and we make mistakes.


> I would agree with you if it really mattered how you distribute your points as you level. But the truth is, even if you didn't spend any points at all while levelling you'd still be fine to play. It's such a minor inconvenience if you make a mistake, and so quick to fix by gathering a few HPs, that it's really a non-issue for almost everyone.


This, and also for elites they completely removed any ways you can distribute them in wrong way. You just select the e-spec you want to level up first, and then click one button from time to time. Even potato can't screw this up.. And what you select prior to lv80 doesn't matter that much anyway. Almost any build is playable, most of openworld content is boringly easy.

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