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Trailblazer Gear for a Semi-Solo 'Tanky' Necro?


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I've been playing for...well, I had to take a break in there, but I finished Path of Fire yesterday, so long enough. In my time, I've discovered two things: one, I tend to end up running solo, and two, I die a lot. Doesn't matter if I'm Scourge or baseline Necro, I die. A lot. It's annoying.

So I was wondering if anyone had an opinion on Trailblazer gear for Necromancers. I looked at Viper, and it's not really what I want--I prefer to be able to wear something down rather than kill it all in one go, because I am really, really bad at playing glass cannons. If you have another suggestion, I'd love to hear it; I have a lot of Marshal gear right now, but it's not really doing what I want either.

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> @"SilentSnowdrop.1368" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > The tankier you are the more sustain you will need.


> What do you mean sustain? And I'm halfway into my Scourge specialization, so Reaper isn't exactly...helpful right now.


Health upkeep.


Barrier should help from scourge but it is preemptive.

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I disagree with Justine as Trailblazer helps with sustain alot as it has primary toughness that reduces damage taken and therefore makes any healing you do more effective. The health it gives does not help sustain but does give you more lifeforce and a greater buffer before you go down. Using Trailblazer armor to maximise condition damage specifically and then parasitic contagion to heal from it gives more than enough sustain to then focus on only damage traits and skills.


Combined with toughness reducing the damage to your barriers makes you extremely resiliant. Conditions will ignore your toughness but with Nefarious favour clearing 2 conditions on a 4 sec cooldown and plague sending transfering 2 conditions on an already extremely good move, conditions are never a problem in pve I find. I find this build noticeably tankier than power reaper.

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SS, I suggest you forget trailblazers. Use Carrion until you have Scourge and can try Shaman's. They are cheaper but, more importantly, you will not steal hate from your minions nearly as much, if ever.


Toughness denotes a tank so the more you have, even with minions, the more often you will be focused. Your minions have lots of toughness for the very purpose of drawing aggro. Use them like that.


With this, you should have an easier time and not die as much. Modify as you like.






Once you have Scourge... Well, Scourge has no synergy with minions. Either drop Curses and cripple your condi dps, Blood Magic's minion healing, or Death Magic's minion buffs.

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@"Anchoku.8142" I've already invested in a mostly-Dire based set right now, but I will look into Shaman. I have at least one Shaman bit, so I will look into that.


I've decided to drop an elite right now; I'm having better luck using a full core set. Ritual of Life has actually been saving my life, oddly enough, and Unholy Sanctuary works better on a normal Necromancers as far as I can tell.

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Yea, Dire style gear isn't as helpful on scourge when running minions. I run Curses/SoulReaping/Scourge with Trailblazer so that you can maximise your damage to leech more with parasitic contagion. I find that build out does a minion build in both damage and defense.

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Good luck, SilentSnowdrop. Feel free to link your build for review and comments.

Dire is good for WvW condi builds so I recommend keeping it for that purpose, at least.

Toughness decreases incoming damage but comes with some issues for Necromancer: 1.) Toughness draws aggro, 2.) Toughness is ignored by Agony,

Vitality increases health pool and comes with these added benefits for Necromancer: 1.) Vitality also increases Life Force capacity, 2.) Vitality has some very small benefit against Agony because Agony saps Health by a percentage.

Of course, Toughness and Vitality, together, make a person very resilient but the trade is for dps. Fortunately, minion dps is mostly independent of your own stat's and the minions will be a large portion of your damage and your defense.

If you are not using Death Nova, remember to heal your minions during any battles. Blood Magic has several traits that can do this and staff's Mark of Blood has regeneration for you and your minions.

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