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Tyria Holidays


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So, I am trying to come up with a good list of known Tyrian Holidays and a general idea of when they occur on the Mouvelian Calendar for a personal project. This is going off of the original 360 day Mouvelian Calendar.


_Edit: for the purposes of my project, I am looking at a timeframe approximately 30-40 Year's after the original Guild Wars games_


Major holidays that I can think of, of multiple races, include


Cantha New Year - Unknown

Dragon Festival - Unknown

Festival of Lyss - Unknown

Cantha Harvest Festival - Unknown

Halloween - End of Scion (?)

Wintersday - End of Colossus into Zephyr

Meattoberfest (probably not around in GW1)


What am I missing?


Other thoughts, what are some dates that may have gone down in infamy, rather than celebration, but would be noted on a calendar. Reminiscent of 9/11 or the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Such as...


The Searing

The Cataclysm

Nightfall/Kormir's Ascension (celebrated or mourned)

The Day of the Jade Wind

The Day of the Rite of the Great Dwarf


How about dates important to other races? Aura? Norn? Tengu? Charr? Dwarves?

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The charr may celebrate Kalla Scorchrazor's female revolt that led to the victory at the Plains of Golghein over Flame Legion Shamans.

The human/charr armistice is also likely a source of toasts in the diplomatic circles. Amazing it's held this long, considering six years of negotiations haven't somehow concluded in a kitten treaty.

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I have thought about those as well, sadly for my purposes I am looking at calendar events from approximately 30-40 years after the original Guild Wars. I don't remember the exact year, but I do recall that it is 5 or so years before Kalla's rebellion. Sorry for not noting that piece of information before hand. I edited the original post in order to explain that information.

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Dates are probably very important to the asura, and they might note when they were chased into the surface lands, but they don't seem the type to celebrate that or mourn over a similar disaster. However, they don't seem to have any celebrations of their own. They'd probably celebrate their graduation day from college over their own birthday.

Norn wouldn't put any stock into dates, and commemorate noteworthy deeds in story rather than on a certain time. The events they do have (like a Great Hunt from the norn prologue) would probably be based on the seasons or lunar cycles (eg. first full moon after spring) rather than a calendar date.

The dwarves after the Great Dwarf ritual changed in a fundamental way. It wasn't just the physiological one, but they became even more eager to go fight the destroyers in the depths. The few that remained on the surface, like Ogden and Rhoban, would be the exception. Also, being stone, they no longer had any need to stop fighting until they were shattered into pieces. They aren't about to be celebrating anything. There might have been a few rare dwarves who had resisted the ritual at that time, but not for much longer. Still, the other races might remember a flesh-and-blood dwarf.

The Tyrian tengu were very tribal and territorial back in the GW1 days, with few if any settlements in the area that the humans ever saw. The Canthan tengu were much more urban, and were probably in the midst of being kicked off the continent, if they hadn't already. As far as noteworthy cultural events, their expulsion from Cantha or them successfully navigating the Endless Sea to Lion's Arch might be noted in their records, but I wouldn't dare place a date on it for either calendar.

While I have played the full Prophecies campaign and some of the charr personal story, I'm not even going to pretend I know what holidays a Flame Legion-controlled charr horde might have celebrated. The rising of the titans? Their ultimate defeat? Pyre was definitely a footnote in their records, so his rebellion wouldn't be notable at all.

As for the human celebrations, you have them pretty well covered. I recall there being events for Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day and Easter, but none of that seemed to have been backed by in-game holidays. If you want to create some, there was probably one for each of the gods alone (like the Festival of Lyss), so you could get creative in that respect.

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Wintersday happens in the weeks leading to the Spring Equinox, which marks the beginning of the Season of the Zephyr. That is, 01 Zephyr.


Canthan/Lunar New Year likely happens around the end of Colossus/beginning of Zephyr, but at the closest full or new moon to the Spring Equinox; the only difference we know between the Canthan Calendar and Mouvelian calendar is that the former is lunar, but their new years point seems to be otherwise the same (this, however, is never talked about, merely glanced over - we're told Canthan Calendar is lunar but never told how otherwise it relates to the Mouvelian calendar in this regard, so we're left assuming they change years around the same time given that transition between calendars is continuously consistent; what's weird is that the Canthan Calendar is also stated to be 360 years but in practice, unless the moon has a perfect cycle and the rotation/revolution of Tyria had been perfectly figured out for the hours of the clock to not require leap years or the like, this shouldn't be possible on a lunar new year; drax would know more about that though, given he's an astronomer). There's usually a week variance, so for Mouvelian calendar the Canthan New Year likely happens between 87 Colossus and 03 Zephyr.


Festival of Lyss likely happens in springtime, given that Elonians relate spring to Lyssa, and in Nightfall there was that play "Springtime for Varesh" being released during the campaign, which to me hinted that point in time (going into Vabbi) was springtime.


Canthan Harvest Ceremony happens at harvest time. This differs from climate to climate but this is usually mid-autumn. So we're likely looking at the ides of Scion here. So roughly 45 Scion.


Halloween lore often talk about the end of Fall happening, so Halloween falling on the Winter Solstice (or the day before, technically, if we go with its original meaning of being an Eve) is likely. That is 89 Scion.


> @Narcemus.1348

> What am I missing?


* Convocation, a Luxon annual competition housed by all three clans. Unclear if it survived Usoku's reign though.

* Day of the Tengu, a celebration of the end of the Tengu Wars. Unclear if it survived Usoku's reign or if the tengu still celebrate it.

* Asura have the Snaff Prize, relatively recent and probably held on a date of relevance to Snaff (his graduation? his birth? his death?), if you want to count it.

* The Great Hunt and Big Brawl are two annual events hosted by Hoelbrak since who-knows-when. Likely from around Hoelbrak's founding. The Great Hunt seems to happen near the end of winter/Colossus, based on some dialogue about the norn tutorial (this is also a probable beginning time for the personal story events - late winter 1324 AE rather than in 1325 AE).

* The Great Norn Alemoot, a norn drink-then-compete festival (that is, do races and other competitions while hammered); though it's unclear if it survived to modern times.

* Quaggan Games is an annual event hosted by the arctic quaggans, though their exile has either wiped out a lot of competing villages, or forced the villages to focus on other things (survival). It mainly consists of an aquatic race.

* Central Tyrian hyleks host [competitions](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Champion_of_the_Sun) for [Zintl's favor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chosen_of_the_Sun). Dubs the winner Champion of the Sun. This seems to be held within the tribes, so each tribe would have their own Champion of the Sun. When they happen is unclear and may not even have a consistent state.


> @Narcemus.1348

> Other thoughts, what are some dates that may have gone down in infamy, rather than celebration, but would be noted on a calendar. Reminiscent of 9/11 or the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Such as...


> The Searing

> The Cataclysm

> Nightfall/Kormir's Ascension (celebrated or mourned)

> The Day of the Jade Wind

> The Day of the Rite of the Great Dwarf


Well Day of the Jade Wind would be same as Canthan Harvest Ceremony. Searing [happened during summer](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unending_Autumn). The others are unclear when it happened during the year.


> @Narcemus.1348

> How about dates important to other races? Aura? Norn? Tengu? Charr? Dwarves?


Well the charr care about the Searing and Cataclysm just a little less than humans. Other modern races only care about them from a scholarly viewpoint, same with the Krytan Civil War - they're all viewed important enough that [even sylvari are taught / learn of these things.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blood_and_Stone#Dialogue)

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> Wintersday happens in the weeks leading to the Spring Equinox, which marks the beginning of the Season of the Zephyr. That is, 01 Zephyr.


> Canthan/Lunar New Year likely happens around the end of Colossus/beginning of Zephyr, but at the closest full or new moon to the Spring Equinox; the only difference we know between the Canthan Calendar and Mouvelian calendar is that the former is lunar, but their new years point seems to be otherwise the same (this, however, is never talked about, merely glanced over - we're told Canthan Calendar is lunar but never told how otherwise it relates to the Mouvelian calendar in this regard, so we're left assuming they change years around the same time given that transition between calendars is continuously consistent; what's weird is that the Canthan Calendar is also stated to be 360 years but in practice, unless the moon has a perfect cycle and the rotation/revolution of Tyria had been perfectly figured out for the hours of the clock to not require leap years or the like, this shouldn't be possible on a lunar new year; drax would know more about that though, given he's an astronomer). There's usually a week variance, so for Mouvelian calendar the Canthan New Year likely happens between 87 Colossus and 03 Zephyr.


Hrrrmn. On checking, we're actually explicitly told in the Factions manual that the Canthan months and the actual lunar cycle are not perfectly aligned: "Each month once aligned perfectly with the cycles of the moon, but over time the two cycles have diverged. Today, the new moon usually appears roughly halfway through any given Canthan month."


So despite calling it a 'lunar year', it appears that the Canthans have effectively synchronised their calendar with the Mouvelian calendar, at the cost of no longer being synchronised with the lunar cycle.


Which may explain a decoupling of Wintersday with the Lunar Festival. For instance, it might be tradition for the Canthan New Year to be celebrated during a particular phase of the moon - a phase which originally would have occurred on the first night of the month of Changhai, but which now occurs at a different time.

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