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If I 80-boost a character now, what should I do before PoF launches?


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Hey there! Some days ago I opened this thread https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1932/is-it-possible-to-level-a-new-toon-to-80-in-4-days-and-enjoy-it#latest where I asked if it's possible to level a new toon to 80.


I really want to play PoF when it comes out but without rushing through the 1-80 content we already have (I appreciate every bit of content in GW2 too much to rush). So instead of leveling a new toon I just though about creating a lvl 1 toon, boosting him to 80 and starting with him into PoF and doing all the other 1-80 stuff after I "finished" PoF. Is that something possible and something that could work? If yes, what should I do with the boosed level 80 before PoF launches on Friday?

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If you boosty up a character to lv 80, and the class is new, I recommend you play a little personal story first. The mobs are weak and forgiving.

Practice with some traits, get gear that matches your playstyle (choose power or condition damage) and practice with some skill combinations.

Most importantly, come everything after LS2, CC skills (stuns, knockdowns, pushes, etc) as well as your personal ability to dodge becomes very important or valuable.

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There is nothing that will stop you from skipping all of the story so far and jump into PoF immediately. Until friday, I would advice to use your lvl 80 char to get used to the skills and traits, and play around a bit with the different possibilities. Start in a low level area, and when you feel comfortable go to a more difficult area (suggested levels for each area are visible on the world map). If you don't want to just run around killing stuff, try to do a map completion. Don't forget to practice dodging.

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If you boost a character to level 80 now, you have 80 Hero points to full up your skills ready and willing.

If you then want to world complete, ie, go get all the in world Hero Points in central tyria (and HOT if you have it), you will then accrue enough Hero Points to almost walk into POF and almost go straight into the POF Class Specialisms.

This is the difference between manually leveling your characters and boosting them. I have 3 traditionally levelled characters, and 2 boostered ones. I have a hell of a lot more Hero Points spare on my boosted characters.

for example, my first ele, levelled traditionally, 100% map completion, full HOT tempest, only has 35 spare Hero Points. My boosted Rev, full HOT Herald, 60% map completion (so at least 50 more Hero points to get) already has 170 extra Hero Points to put towards the POF renegade Elite.


Unless they have decided to completely change the way you accrue the POF Hero Points.... then its allll a waste.

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> @CornishRose.2815 said:

> If you boost a character to level 80 now, you have 80 Hero points to full up your skills ready and willing.

> If you then want to world complete, ie, go get all the in world Hero Points in central tyria (and HOT if you have it), you will then accrue enough Hero Points to almost walk into POF and almost go straight into the POF Class Specialisms.

> This is the difference between manually leveling your characters and boosting them. I have 3 traditionally levelled characters, and 2 boostered ones. I have a kitten of a lot more Hero Points spare on my boosted characters.

> for example, my first ele, levelled traditionally, 100% map completion, full HOT tempest, only has 35 spare Hero Points. My boosted Rev, full HOT Herald, 60% map completion (so at least 50 more Hero points to get) already has 170 extra Hero Points to put towards the POF renegade Elite.


> Unless they have decided to completely change the way you accrue the POF Hero Points.... then its allll a waste.


I read it twice but I don't understand it: why does your boosted characters have more skill points than the ones you played from 1-80 all by yourself?

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> @CornishRose.2815 said:

> This is the difference between manually leveling your characters and boosting them. I have 3 traditionally levelled characters, and 2 boostered ones. I have a kitten of a lot more Hero Points spare on my boosted characters.

> for example, my first ele, levelled traditionally, 100% map completion, full HOT tempest, only has 35 spare Hero Points. My boosted Rev, full HOT Herald, 60% map completion (so at least 50 more Hero points to get) already has 170 extra Hero Points to put towards the POF renegade Elite.

Could it be possible that you simply did more HoT hero points on your herald than on your ele?


There's no difference in how many hero points you get from leveling, regardless of which way you level. Boosted or traditionally leveled alike you get exactly enough hero points from leveling up to 80 to be able to fully level all five basic specializations of your class.


The difference comes in once you do additional hero points in open world (and the wvw maps), but it doesn't have anything to do with how you level your character. It's simply that you get one hero point from doing hero challenges in core Tyria (and the wvw maps), so a 100% world completion will get you around 200 hero points. With 250 needed for the elite spec, you need five additional HoT hero challenges to fully level your elite spec if you have 100% world completion.


HoT hero challenges on the other hand give 10 hero points per challenge, for a total of 400 hero points (as there are 40 hero challenges across the 4 HoT maps). Since HoT map completion doesn't count into world completion (only the core maps included at launch count for that), you can come up with a character with full elite spec that's still sitting at (or close to) 0% world completion and yet has 150 hero points unspent.


As for the original question, gathering hero points for the new elite specs (or even for the HoT ones) doesn't hurt, but I wouldn't sweat it. Just play whatever you enjoy to become comfortable with your character. There'll still be time later on to figure out what you want (hero points, equipment, skins, ...) and get it. The beauty of this game is that content never really goes out of style, and you can still do pretty much everything and find people to play with even months and years after release, so there's no need to hurry through new content for fear of not being able to complete it later.


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> @CornishRose.2815 said:

> I have a kitten of a lot more Hero Points spare on my boosted characters.

> for example, my first ele, levelled traditionally, 100% map completion, full HOT tempest, only has 35 spare Hero Points. My boosted Rev, full HOT Herald, 60% map completion (so at least 50 more Hero points to get) already has 170 extra Hero Points to put towards the POF renegade Elite.


I can't quite make sense of that. A boosted character doesn't have access to any extra HPs over a normally levelled character. If anything it's the reverse, since most people probably won't bother going back to do world completion on a boosted character. What am I missing from your logic?


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