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Banned for inappropriate language, except not?

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While setting up a squad for Dhuum CM, four people in our group (previously unrelate), got suddenly booted off the game, being informed that we are banned for "inappropriate language" for 3 hours. Not saying we're saints, but most of us didn't remember getting into any conflict (or even talking to anyone) over the past 24 to 48 hours, and the ban got "suddenly lifted" for some of us about five minutes later, so pretty sure there's a weirdo bug going on.



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A few remarks.

You only can get suspended when a GM takes actions against you and this only happens when someone reports you. Depending on the type of report and the frequency, it might take some time for a GM to reach the report that was about you. So it can very well be more then a few days ago (specially cause of the hollidays). So it is not a bug. It might be that the report was about a simular group you where in a few days ago and he assumed that it was the same group and suspended everyone, before realising the others had nothing to do with it.


In any case, we can only speculate about the reasons. You can always contact support (top of this page) to inquire for the reasons and plea innocence. The suspensiontime might be over, but it does leave a mark on your account.

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Yeah, I know all that.

But the fact that it got removed pretty much immediately instead of the 3 hours stated on the login message, makes me think that it was a bug, rather than a feature. Also, what are the chances 5 people are gonna get hit in the same group, when at least 2 of them literally just met with each other and the group as a whole?

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> @"Changer the Elder.2948" said:

> Yeah, I know all that.

> But the fact that it got removed pretty much immediately instead of the 3 hours stated on the login message, makes me think that it was a bug, rather than a feature. Also, what are the chances 5 people are gonna get hit in the same group, when at least 2 of them literally just met with each other and the group as a whole?


Seeing as how bans can only be put on or taken off before they expire by a live person and not an automated system, it's neither a bug nor a feature.


Probably comes down to pure coincidence.

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