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What about making it possible to autoloot reward in Raid after death?

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First off, I would not have supported a kick. There is nothing gained by denying someone loot, it just vanishes. I would even invite people at the end of fractals that we 3 or 4 manned just because it doesn't take away from anyone to have an extra-looter. However, do you think you deserved the reward? You have not contributed to the kill. In fact, you made it harder for the other players because they had to do it with 9 people. I really don't think it's right to demand a reward for something you haven't participated in. It was not your kill, the commander could have been nice and let you get the free rewards, he decided not to do that. Move on.

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> First off, I would not have supported a kick. There is nothing gained by denying someone loot, it just vanishes. I would even invite people at the end of fractals that we 3 or 4 manned just because it doesn't take away from anyone to have an extra-looter. However, do you think you deserved the reward? You have not contributed to the kill. In fact, you made it harder for the other players because they had to do it with 9 people. I really don't think it's right to demand a reward for something you haven't participated in. It was not your kill, the commander could have been nice and let you get the free rewards, he decided not to do that. Move on.


I mean, they could have gg'ed and tried again Or gg'ed then kicked them, they chose to continue with 9 people.


But because the commander waited until after the kill to kick them they made them lose the ability to get loot from that boss **for the entire week**. If they just didn't get the loot and had to find a new group to kill and get loot that would be fine, but because they are marked as having killed they do not get loot **at all**. That just makes it a huge dick move.


This is a huge flaw in the looting system. While you may feel this situation is someone griping about not getting "free loot" that doesn't change that this is a flaw.

What if someone died just before the boss and then was kicked and denied their loot of that boss **for the entire week?**

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> But because the commander waited until after the kill to kick them they made them lose the ability to get loot from that boss **for the entire week**. If they just didn't get the loot and had to find a new group to kill and get loot that would be fine, but because they are marked as having killed they do not get loot **at all**. That just makes it a huge kitten move.


Oh dear, I didn't realize! Yeah, that was a dick move indeed. When we raid and someone dies right at the beginning, we just reset. It sucks to watch a raid while roleplaying a carpet, and resetting just delays the whole thing for maybe 30 seconds.



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  • 3 months later...

If you die in a pug raid and you have any doubt whatsoever that they will rez you and allow you to loot, you're best recourse is to leave the raid party while you are dead, before the boss dies, in order to ensure the loot is claimable in a different run. There are a couple of bosses where even staying alive is not enough to guarantee a loot claim. A fair compromise would be to allow the loot chest to reappear in a different run if you haven't claimed it that week or, as others have mentioned, simply to deliver a loot box to your character like any other loot box. I am ok with a raid commander being able to abort a raid in progress unilaterally if he feels players are abusing their slots, etc. A toxic commander with a kick button, however, can be a really depressing situation.

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> @"Tolmos.8395" said:

> This sort of thing is exactly why I won’t raid in GW2. If this happened to me, I’m think it would jade me towards grouping at all in this game.


> This sort of thing has been a problem since fractals released, and actually had become a talking point about raiding and dungeons in GW2 even among other players in other MMOs. When conversations about GW2 and raids come up, this behavior (or something similar to it, like booting at the last minute to invite friends) almost always comes up with it. I hate that.


> I really wish that Anet would focus on combatting this behavior a bit more.


Curious then how this thing never happened to me, not once and I have been doing raids every day since I got into them (about an year and a half now) and I have been doing dungeons and fractals since I started playing the game 3 years ago. And I have been playing in pug groups quite often as well. The way I see it, such things do not happen, unless there was some kind of provocation from either side - from the player who gets kicked or the squad commander, other party members, etc.


Without being able to see chat logs, etc etc we really cant tell what exactly happened, but overall I agree that whatever happened kicking the guy when Xera was just killed without letting him loot was a bit too much.


As for OP request I don't think such thing would be wise and would improve the game. On the contrary it might lead to more problems further down the line. You just didn't get the loot one boss chest - big deal... considering how utterly trash most of the time the loot is I am sure you didn't missed anything -that- substential. Just swallow it and move on.

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