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Deadeye kinda pisses me off

Captain Obvious.6951

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I was really looking forward to the Deadeye. After playing it in PvP a while I gotta say this class really pisses me off.


The skills cost MORE than pistol skills.


The skills do LESS damage than pistol skills.


1500 range is not a great tradeoff for being stationary.


Rifle 3 and 4 attacks should penetrate all targets to your current target. It constantly gets stuck hitting stupid stuff like pets, other players in the way,


I don't like how my stolen skill disappears when Deadeye's Mark wears off. It's like a timer to use it which is lame.


I don't like how my skills do less damage just cause i'm walking around. Standing rifle 2 shot should simply be replaced with Snipers cover rifle 2.


I don't like that death's retreat is only 600 meters, and it's a backwards teleport.


On top of all that they added a TON of stuff into this game the last 2 patches that completely negate ranged characters. Jesus H Christ you've got warrior bubbles, druid walls, engineer walls and guardians that now seem to be able to spam unlimited REFLECT walls. I mean give me a flipping break kids.


Also the rifle dmg in the first 5 seconds or so of a fight is almost useless. It's not until you get 5+ stacks of malice and start landing Death's Judgement that you start to do real damage. A pistol can pump out 20k dmg in the first 1.5 seconds of a fight. Rifle can't do that kind of dps till 10+ seconds into a fight.


Being stationary in this game is almost a sure way to die in both PvP and PvE. I don't think that 1500 range is that great at all for being a sitting duck. Should be bumped up to at least 1800 while in stance, and 1500 for regular shots.


Giving up the Daredevil spec is really hard. You're losing 50% increased endurance, unlimited swiftness and 4+ removals of snares and slows. That's a LOT to give up.


Also one of the most important things in PvP is stomping. If we're doing our job as a sniper and we're 1500 range out... how are we supposed to stomp? I think Deadeye should have an added 'auto stomp' feature when downing his marked target... with a cooldown maybe 15-30 seconds? Engineer has one, why don't we?


I also don't think going into snipers cover should cost any initiative at all! Hell the damn rifle skills cost 4 and 5 already. Having to spend 3 just to go into sniper cover is nuts. Even 1 for kneel is stupid.


In APvP the second you kneel you will have their ENTIRE TEAM focusing you. Condi bombs going down, sword aoes, rain of arrows, etc... etc... etc... etc... If their house was on fire they would not care, they will sit there and focus you down till you are dead. They will literally not give you a second to even attack. The main reason being not because you're the most dmg on the team, as Mesmers deal twice as much dmg easily, it's because you're the easiest to kill. Endurance is low, no more daredevil snare removals, no cool weapon escape utilities (rifle 4 is not very good and costs a huge amount).... it's rather saddening.

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The DE spec matches up pretty well against the Daredevil spec on a one for one basis when looking at traits and the utilities (I am not talking rifle versus staff).


DE is more offensive oriented offering more traits/utilities that can be used to do damage. It lacks defensively on its own and thus more reliant on taking a Defensive traitline than is Daredevil.


Daredevil has more defensive utility and relies more on an offensive traitline to up power damage.


The traits in the Daredevil line are more "exclusionary" for want of a better term as far as the overall line manifests itself when one chosen over another. As example there no doubt the Condition removal is welcome as is UC with that swiftness and CC removal but if you chose PI over EA and Bounding (for more damage) over UC , you lose a significant portion of what that traitline offers. I find with the DE spec making these choices does not have that dramatic effect on the build itself as I am not "giving up as much" when I take something like Be Quick or be killed over malificient seven. All three of the GM traits in DE are focused on damage.


While I do not PvP , I am not finding the same issues you do in WvW when it comes to using silent scope. That said i tend to set up my position while stealthed before I use it as I can not be focused before I get my shot off. I have also found taking SA line with Rifle offers excellent survival. trait up CIS and the damage you take from power builds is miniscule even as SE can help flush away those damaging conditions.


There ARE issues.


1>DR should be 1 INI less as it is in Pve and/or remove an extra condition.

2>One in the chamber should also grant 20 percent lower cooldown on cantrips.

3>Mark loss should not drop the stolen skill.

4>The Discrepancy in range between Rifle and other ranged sets as it relates to the added buffer needs to be looked at.

5>Consideration should be given to increasing range kneeling to 1800.

6>More of the rifle attacks should pierce in particular DR.

7>I would really like to see Spotters shot apply an AOE reveal.


I find outside Rifle itself most of the DE spec is just about there.


As to Daredevil removing CC. I find your argument here confusing. Using rifle the ACT of kneeling and standing removes those same conditions and you can do this far more frequently then you can use UC to remove the same. This is why KNEEL costs INI. You remove three conditions. I would rather burn1 INI to do that then I would a dodge. If I am in rifle , I am rarely snagged by Immob/cripple/chill as I just have to double tap 5. If I got silent scope, this double tap also stealths me for that 1 ini. Thats pretty good.

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> @"Captain Obvious.6951" said:

> Also one of the most important things in PvP is stomping. If we're doing our job as a sniper and we're 1500 range out... how are we supposed to stomp? I think Deadeye should have an added 'auto stomp' feature when downing his marked target... with a cooldown maybe 15-30 seconds? Engineer has one, why don't we?

as i play only WvW with my deadeye and no spvp, i pretty much fight 1 vs X most of the time. luckily alot of people in WvW do not rez or start rezzing late and i often see my self use my only stunbreak shadowstep to teleport to my target for the stomp, sometimes also a full malice DJ on downed will finish them. as i played mostly with impact strike on daredevil to stomp my opponents without downed state wich was super helpful in 1vsX against not so good players i would really like an option to execute with deadeye. but i think an auto stomp for the target being marked is too strong, rather tie it additonally to a skill like DJ : when you down your marked target with DJ or shoot it on your marked target that is in downed state, execute them. because DJ is rather easily avoidable same as impact strike but auto stomp only for being marked would make it OP in groupfights.

> @"babazhook.6805" said:

> There ARE issues.

> 3>Mark loss should not drop the stolen skill.

the stolen skill is tied to your marked opponent, i do think mark should be able to keep up on the target without having to trait (longer mark base duration or lower base cd) for it and remarking a target shouldnt make you lose all ini so you would be able to use the benefits of BQoBK with swindlers equilibrium when playing with sword and acro. when you then can keep mark on your target till it is down, dropping stolen skill on mark loss will be fine.

> 6>More of the rifle attacks should pierce in particular DR.

i dont understand what you mean by deaths retreat piercing , could you explain it to me ?

> As to Daredevil removing CC. I find your argument here confusing. Using rifle the ACT of kneeling and standing removes those same conditions and you can do this far more frequently then you can use UC to remove the same. This is why KNEEL costs INI. You remove three conditions. I would rather burn1 INI to do that then I would a dodge. If I am in rifle , I am rarely snagged by Immob/cripple/chill as I just have to double tap 5. If I got silent scope, this double tap also stealths me for that 1 ini. Thats pretty good.

i feel like when immobilized i can not allways double tab rifle 5 , has like 50/50 chance to do it but too often it just wont use silent scope when immobilized wich actually got me killed a few times, if it is a bug i hope it gets fixed.




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> @"babazhook.6805" said:

> 3>Mark loss should not drop the stolen skill.


Going even further into this.


You know I feel like Marked stolen skills should last X longer per malice gained.... and be a permanent bonus.


So if I have 7 malice, my stolen skill should last 140% longer on WHOEVER i want to use it on. Not just my marked target. And the skill should not go away when the marked target is dead.


It feels like the stolen skill is a 'use it or lose it' effect. And if your target is already downed it feels like such a waste popping it on him when I'd rather use it on someone else.

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Sorry I meant Deaths judgement should pierce. I would be all for tweking the damge down in return, this because with the recent changes to malice it too easy for the marked target to block with other bodies.


I have never had the issue indicated with double tap on kneel that you have. That said when in Rifle I do use stealth a lot and am not getting CC'ed all that often.


Silent scope does use the AMMO system with a count recharge. is it possible you are caught with this ? If this not the issue I will try and recreate in game and see if same happens to me.

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> @"Captain Obvious.6951" said:

> > @"babazhook.6805" said:

> > 3>Mark loss should not drop the stolen skill.


> Going even further into this.


> You know I feel like Marked stolen skills should last X longer per malice gained.... and be a permanent bonus.


> So if I have 7 malice, my stolen skill should last 140% longer on WHOEVER i want to use it on. Not just my marked target. And the skill should not go away when the marked target is dead.


> It feels like the stolen skill is a 'use it or lose it' effect. And if your target is already downed it feels like such a waste popping it on him when I'd rather use it on someone else.


Prior to a recent patch we were able to use stolen skill on anyone. I am not sure why they changed it up so that they could only be used on the mark.

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I agree, I really hope the bugs get worked out on this one. In WvW, If it had the dodge ability of daredevil, or the range of ranger, then it would be "oh kitten I been marked, run away!" When deadeye first came out I thought that the kite ability would be great against warrior, it is if the warrior presses the attack. But, I don't see fighting a good soulbeast with it. I have run in zerg with deadeye trying to find a niche, but if I had enough power to bring down a tank, or the toughness to get into the backline, it would be viable. It doesn't have either of those. I don't see how it could be buffed to fill one role without being totally devastation in another. I would like to see it have its day, if it had the dodge of daredevil, or the range of ranger, then it would be a better roamer. Some players are good no matter what they play, but even they are not messing with the deadeye in wvw much. I can see it as good group support for a camp, or something that keeps a small group confined, like in pvp. But even there, when it was viable, everyone cried "op"... One thing I really do like about POF, is their skills make sounds. If one had a good pair of headphones or earbuds (cheap Walmart is good), their combat would improve. It is like having an extra weapon against other players. If only the sound was at the beginning of the skill latency (ahem, Mesmer), but that is another subject all together,.

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> @"babazhook.6805" said:

> > @"Captain Obvious.6951" said:

> > > @"babazhook.6805" said:

> > > 3>Mark loss should not drop the stolen skill.

> >

> > Going even further into this.

> >

> > You know I feel like Marked stolen skills should last X longer per malice gained.... and be a permanent bonus.

> >

> > So if I have 7 malice, my stolen skill should last 140% longer on WHOEVER i want to use it on. Not just my marked target. And the skill should not go away when the marked target is dead.

> >

> > It feels like the stolen skill is a 'use it or lose it' effect. And if your target is already downed it feels like such a waste popping it on him when I'd rather use it on someone else.


> Prior to a recent patch we were able to use stolen skill on anyone. I am not sure why they changed it up so that they could only be used on the mark.


Great I wasn't here for that. Was doing other things at the time and just got into the PoF stuff.


They gonna do to the Deadeye what they did to Revanent? Nerf nerf nerf till it's unusable?


Cause right now the class is feeling rather meh.

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> @"Captain Obvious.6951" said:

> The skills cost MORE than pistol skills.


> The skills do LESS damage than pistol skills.


Let's be more detailed about this.


Running Deadeye build:


1/2 a second to Mark the target. (So stupid, should be instant cast)

1/2 a second to kneel.


We're ONE SECOND into a fight and we've done ZERO damage. HOLY CRAP! In the amount of time it took just to land mark and kneel, a Mesmer could burst you down 15k health already. Which has actually happened to me. I marked a mesmer, went to kneel, his clones ran in and BOOM downed state. Before I could even fire off one flipping shot.


3/4 second to land blinding shadow, christ another skill that should be instant cast. Gotta do this cause basilisk venom no good.


1800 damage from Blinding Shadow. almost TWO WHOLE SECONDS into a fight... and I've done 1800 damage... if it didn't get blocked or hit aegis.


Now with all this crap finally prepped up, I can FINALLY ATTACK! YES!


3 round burst - 1 second, 6k dmg

3 round burst - 1 second, 6k dmg

3 round burst - 1 second, 7k dmg.


Total malice stacks - 2? What a joke. 6% more damage on the last 3 round burst... woooooooow. SIX WHOLE PERCENT MORE DAMAGE!!!!!! I've already got 11% more damage from Trickery passive at this point. Why the hell am I only getting 6% from malice?


Total initiative cost: 15 (3x burst, sniper cover). Total damage: 20,800, Time: 5 seconds.


If our target is stupid and didn't have any blocks or evades... it took nearly 5 seconds to dish out 20k damage. On top of that having basilisk poison doesn't help till you start laying in with your 3 round burst. If it goes off before you land your blinding shadow you aren't going to land more than 1 3 round burst while it is applied.


Let's compare that with pistols.


Prep basilisk poison... cause it's great right from the start!


1/2 second to land Mark.


LET'S START ATTACKING! Cause we don't need to do any of that other crap with kneeling or blinding shadow.


1.5 second unload, 9500 dmg, basilisk poison procs.

1.5 second unload, 10K dmg.


Total initiative cost: 6, Total damage: 19,500. Time: 3 seconds.


Less than half the initiative cost, almost half the time, almost the same damage.


This quite literally makes zero sense to me. Even if you took out the Blinding Shadow from initial rotation on rifle you'd see be at 4 seconds with 250% increased initiative cost.


The ONLY time rifle shines over pistols is when you are at full malice stacks and can actually land a deaths judgement.


But here's the 2 crappy parts of this:


1) It takes FOREVER to get to 6+ malice stacks.


2) Those malice stacks only last a few seconds, then it's ALL GONE! It magically GOES AWAY!


So if you wait ...10? 15? seconds... you can have a 5 second window of opportunity to land deaths judgement. Then you gotta remark and start all over.




Who designed this?!

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I think they should make mark instant cast **but** have a 1s internal cd before you can place a mark on a new target, thats if they are worried about it being spammed too often after enemies are killed in quick succession. Often 0.5s of game time **doesnt** translate into that in real time because of lag. It often takes 2s+ before a mark is placed on a target after casting it. Also sometimes marking a target doesnt even register and I have to hit the key multiple times! making mark instant cast means actions are buffered rather than interrupting the cast. This is prob the 5th time I mentioned this issue in different threads.


Im ok with the 0.5s delay for kneel but I still believe its more suited as a profession skill rather than a rifle skill and deaths judgement shouldnt share the same hotkey as deaths retreat.


I think kneeling shouldnt cost initiative either and rifle skills in general cost too much ini even after buff for how much dmg they deal. In short rifle doesnt offer anything compelling to make me want to use it over pistol.


I think malice shouldnt be lost after killing an enemy (if anything you should get malice as a reward) since dps momentum is shot after you did what youre **meant** to i.e. kill your target. Instead you should lose malice when being OoC. (Also the dmg buff to DJ should apply to targets who arent marked in PvE.) Maybe the class needs to be tweaked some to make it work without being too OP.


I think mark target duration should be longer than the cooldown time. This insures that theres always a target with a deadeyes mark and you can always get initiative refund using mercy utility.




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> @"babazhook.6805" said:

> Sorry I meant Deaths judgement should pierce. I would be all for tweking the damge down in return, this because with the recent changes to malice it too easy for the marked target to block with other bodies.


well pircing with lower damage would be good in XvsX , but if the damage is lowered even with pircing it would be a nerf to 1 vs Many IMO, as with many opponenty you need to remain in stealth alot and got time for perfect positioning to hit DJ and oneshot a target, now if it cant oneshot for being able to pirce you need to fight more visible and wont be able to kill someone with many opponents around wich then would again make daredevil better for 1 vs Many cause of impact strike and the ability to stomp without downed state. currently i feel deadeye is mostly better in 1 vs Many as most react to slow after a oneshot to help their mate.

so i would prefer it to ignore targets on the way, but that maybe cause issues with AoE reflect/projectile absorb like a wall of reflection..


> I have never had the issue indicated with double tap on kneel that you have. That said when in Rifle I do use stealth a lot and am not getting CC'ed all that often.


> Silent scope does use the AMMO system with a count recharge. is it possible you are caught with this ? If this not the issue I will try and recreate in game and see if same happens to me.


i dont have that issue often as i am also playing alot with stealth and rarely get hit by immob and mostly use withdrawl then, but when i need it, its not realy reliable. last time it happend like a week ago, sadly deleted the recording already. but i think it was an immob from an engi that time, was a 1 vs 7 after i killed O'del Academy lord so i am not 100% sure but i think it was that scrappers rifle immob. i should test it with a guildmate in arena, as i rarely get into a situation were i need it i keep forgetting to test- maybe it is something else that causes it.

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Yea seriously give us a decent piercing already. Its bad enough limiting our dmg to that one marked target and then our piercing mechanic is somehow tied to the least deserving rifle 2 shot. DE badly needs a way to keep up the pressure on marked targets for when they're hidden in a crowd. If not a better piecing shot, perhaps an easier access to switching marks to diff targets, mercy is on a 30sec cd....Like really what are you to do when your marked target retreats deep behind a zerg or somehow suddenly is inaccessible like say an invul spitfire/breacher with vinetenders. Again, limited dps on a single target mark with hard access to mark shifting or lack of AoE/pierce is just really bad.


Also, what's up with Peripheral Vision? Replace it with something better or merge it with Fire for Effect or something cuz AoE on stolen skills is not what we need.


And if its not too much to ask, perhaps an increase in Death's Retreat radius? Cuz vs players, its practically impossible to land the attack that comes along with it w/o getting hit yourself when it doesnt come with evade frames.

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> @"Iyomi.5374" said:

> And if its not too much to ask, perhaps an increase in Death's Retreat radius? Cuz vs players, its practically impossible to land the attack that comes along with it w/o getting hit yourself when it doesnt come with evade frames.


I think if they added a knockback to Death's Retreat it would be OK.


As it sits it's not a very good escape skill.



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> @"Captain Obvious.6951" said:

> > @"Captain Obvious.6951" said:

> > The skills cost MORE than pistol skills.

> >

> > The skills do LESS damage than pistol skills.


> Let's be more detailed about this.


> Running Deadeye build:


> 1/2 a second to Mark the target. (So stupid, should be instant cast)

> 1/2 a second to kneel.


> We're ONE SECOND into a fight and we've done ZERO damage. HOLY CRAP! In the amount of time it took just to land mark and kneel, a Mesmer could burst you down 15k health already. Which has actually happened to me. I marked a mesmer, went to kneel, his clones ran in and BOOM downed state. Before I could even fire off one flipping shot.


> 3/4 second to land blinding shadow, christ another skill that should be instant cast. Gotta do this cause basilisk venom no good.


> 1800 damage from Blinding Shadow. almost TWO WHOLE SECONDS into a fight... and I've done 1800 damage... if it didn't get blocked or hit aegis.


> Now with all this crap finally prepped up, I can FINALLY ATTACK! YES!


> 3 round burst - 1 second, 6k dmg

> 3 round burst - 1 second, 6k dmg

> 3 round burst - 1 second, 7k dmg.


> Total malice stacks - 2? What a joke. 6% more damage on the last 3 round burst... woooooooow. SIX WHOLE PERCENT MORE DAMAGE!!!!!! I've already got 11% more damage from Trickery passive at this point. Why the hell am I only getting 6% from malice?


> Total initiative cost: 15 (3x burst, sniper cover). Total damage: 20,800, Time: 5 seconds.


> If our target is stupid and didn't have any blocks or evades... it took nearly 5 seconds to dish out 20k damage. On top of that having basilisk poison doesn't help till you start laying in with your 3 round burst. If it goes off before you land your blinding shadow you aren't going to land more than 1 3 round burst while it is applied.


> Let's compare that with pistols.


> Prep basilisk poison... cause it's great right from the start!


> 1/2 second to land Mark.


> LET'S START ATTACKING! Cause we don't need to do any of that other crap with kneeling or blinding shadow.


> 1.5 second unload, 9500 dmg, basilisk poison procs.

> 1.5 second unload, 10K dmg.


> Total initiative cost: 6, Total damage: 19,500. Time: 3 seconds.


> Less than half the initiative cost, almost half the time, almost the same damage.


> This quite literally makes zero sense to me. Even if you took out the Blinding Shadow from initial rotation on rifle you'd see be at 4 seconds with 250% increased initiative cost.


> The ONLY time rifle shines over pistols is when you are at full malice stacks and can actually land a deaths judgement.


> But here's the 2 crappy parts of this:


> 1) It takes FOREVER to get to 6+ malice stacks.


> 2) Those malice stacks only last a few seconds, then it's ALL GONE! It magically GOES AWAY!


> So if you wait ...10? 15? seconds... you can have a 5 second window of opportunity to land deaths judgement. Then you gotta remark and start all over.




> Who designed this?!


Playing it wrong


If you are running damage heavy power gear, a) you should be marking the target AFTER you kneel, and b) you should be running Be Quick trait for quickness on marking a target. C) Stop relying on DJ... in a clutch situation, you can do 20k+ damage in about two to three seconds with Three Round Burst while quickened... this is a huge burst, and easily as high as pistol if not higher. The traitlines themselves on DE can be fairly powerful if used with other weapons such as sword/dagger... stop assuming deadeye MUST = Rifle. Sure rifle isn't in the best place, and DJ should probably pierce up to five targets on its way to the marked target, only doing bonus damage to marked ofc, but if you're having to wait 15 seconds to burst you are playing deadeye incorrectly.


Edit: You can also build up to five malice within a couple seconds by liberal abuse of the revealed malice trait and deadeye elite if you feel so inclined. Cursed Bullet moves too slow ofc, so use your stolen skill to reveal yourself the first time, then Rifle 2 to immob for the other two reveals because the init cost is low... after that a single DJ can easily hit 20k... again a roughly 3-4 second combo, most of which you'll spend in and out of stealth, less time if you run Be Quick or Be Dead, which you should absolutely do.

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I'm sorry, but it sounds like some of your complaints(not all, some of your complaints are extremely valid) are just you guys not getting the mechanics of the DE.


First of all, I would kneel before marking, if you are going to kneel at all, Kneel takes too long to do this the otherway around, and kneel, when traited, is a nice little opening to your assault

Second, run Trickery. If you are not running Trickery on a DE, your missing out on one of the biggest benefits of DE: Mark procs all on Steal effects. Mark now applies those boons to you and anyone around you every time you use it, very nice and should not be underestimated. Another reason to run Trickery is Your mark can now ether apply Confusion, or Daze. You wanted an extra second after mark, there it is, you just need to trait for it! Really, its great.

Now You can drop in Mercy and have a daze on command that strips 3 boons, applies 10 seconds of Fury, Might, Swiftness and Vigor, while Dazing your target for a second, letting you land your number 2 kneeled to lock them down for a 3r burst. pop Mercy, and do it again, procing BQoBK or FFE a second time.

Dont like Mercy?

Ok. Give Binding Shadow a shot. It's nuts, and you just took away their automatic stunbreak with your mark, so why not knock them down for 3 seconds while you line up that DJ at +15% damage(15Vuln) on top of your might and malice? Hell, I usually have an enemy sitting at 20-25 Vuln stacks, while im sitting on 25 might, along with everyone around me. And the best part? It's Delayed. You know what else is delayed? DJ. It's almost like the two were designed to pair together, isnt it? lol Give it a shot. Its a great skill. my group drops champs like their vets when Im with them.

The puzzle is all there guys. You just need to look at every little bit they have given us and piece it all together. Also, Remember that the stolen skill applies a positive effect to you, so use that puppy and level the playing field a bit. Running it with OitC and some Cantrips, you will not care about the stolen expiring. Stolen skills for days.

Edit: Also, before I forget.

> @"Captain Obvious.6951" said:

> You know I feel like Marked stolen skills should last X longer per malice gained.... and be a permanent bonus.

This IS actually how it works.


Each of them last longer for each point of Malice.

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> @"Kallist.5917" said:

> > @"Captain Obvious.6951" said:

> > You know I feel like Marked stolen skills should last X longer per malice gained.... and be a permanent bonus.

> This IS actually how it works.

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Deadeye%27s_Mark

> Each of them last longer for each point of Malice.


This is not how it works. Maybe I didn't explain myself correctly.


If I gain 7 malice, my stolen skill should last 140% longer.


If my target dies before I use the skill... the skill goes away. (That's not a permanent bonus)


If my malice ends before I use the skill, the skill no longer gets bonus duration (That's not a permanent bonus either)


So how I think it should be working is like this:


You mark someone.


You get a stolen skill.......... that skill is there until you use it! I don't care if the target dies or not.


Next if you hit 'maximum' malice, be it 5 or 7... that duration bonus is PERMANENT on the stolen skill till you use the skill.


So if I mark a target, get to max malice, then kill that target I should then be able to start the NEXT fight with a stolen skill, with 140% bonus duration on it.


In PvP and in PvE I find myself just using the stolen skills on downed players and mobs that are almost dead because.... why not? I'm going to lose the skill anyways might as well just hit Z for the hell of it. It's doesn't feel natural at all to be using skills just because they are going to disappear in a few seconds. Seems rather stupid. Almost like the devs put zero thought into this class.







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Have the devs even played Deadeye?


In PvE it is SOOO annoying to try and sit there in a kneeling position. You've constantly got AOE's dropping down, people throwing and shooting area targeted stuff at you, bubbles and shields you constantly have to run to...


and on top of all that.........


When you hit max malice, and the boss you are fighting goes into shielded/invulnerable mode and doesn't come out till your malice is all gone...


It's like WTF?!


Why does malice even go away?! It should STAY MAXED TILL YOUR TARGET IS DEAD. Both in PvE and PvP!

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Xd dont waste ur time guys this spec is bad and anet will not fix it, all these threads with feedback and discussions are useless, anet will probably buff insignificant skills and nerf death jugdament again because people cant evade one of the most visible skill in this game. I mean it was pretty clear that they don't know what game they are playing after reading the last balance patch.


Actually if you are still playing pvp for whatever reason I would recommend to uninstall and spend your time in another hobby.

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> @"Captain Obvious.6951" said:

> > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> > Sounds more like a learn to play problem to me.


> Sure about that?


> Why don't you try kneeling down during boss fights and tell me how not to get wrecked constantly.


Have a twitch reaction on Rifle 5 since Free Action is an instant.

EDIT: You can also kneel when you are in a group and there is no aggro on you.

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