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Deadeye kinda pisses me off

Captain Obvious.6951

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Deadeye is exactly what the elite specs were supposed to be: an alternative way to play the class. That doesn't guarantee powercreep will happen, or that it will be better than the other specs available to a class at a given game mode or purpose. Just different flavour. And as it happens, once you get used to it it's a lot stronger than you might think at first.


Try not building your deadeye to be an uber stealth assassin, it's a one trick pony at best. I'm having a lot of fun in WvW playing a might stacking acro S/D rifle deadeye, I started with a core S/D build and just modified it from there. I can win 1v2 and 1v3 pretty consistently and pretty much the only spec I have to watch out for is daredevil, everything else I can spike down or it can't catch me anyways. I have 3.7k power on a spike that leads to some pretty crazy damage, enough for 10k larcenous strikes and 12-16k death's judgements, which means I can one shot anything that's not a pure tank (and I'm not full glass either, 19k health). I have unblockable attacks, pierce, great range, and some of the best mobility in the game.


Is daredevil a better duellist and conquest spec? Yeah, probably. Does that mean deadeye is terrible? No, it doesn't. You didn't have to play that differently between daredevil and core, but you do with this one. Deadeye forces you to plan ahead a little more than daredevil did, it just takes some getting used to.

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> @"Zacchary.6183" said:

> > @"Captain Obvious.6951" said:

> > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> > > Sounds more like a learn to play problem to me.

> >

> > Sure about that?

> >

> > Why don't you try kneeling down during boss fights and tell me how not to get wrecked constantly.


> Have a twitch reaction on Rifle 5 since Free Action is an instant.

> EDIT: You can also kneel when you are in a group and there is no aggro on you.


Dude they made the Deadeye class 100% required to kneel in order to be effective at all whatsoever.


Then they:


1) Gave kneeling an initiative cost

2) Gave kneeling a cast time

3) Put a limitation of 2 max on it with a cooldown to recharge


This has to be the single-handedly dumbest idea I've ever seen in a video game ever.


That's why I said at the top of the thread the skills should be doing the SAME damage no matter if you're standing or not. The only thing that should change when you kneel is 1) range increase and 2) Death's Judgement is available only when kneeling.

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> @"Captain Obvious.6951" said:

> > @"Zacchary.6183" said:

> > > @"Captain Obvious.6951" said:

> > > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> > > > Sounds more like a learn to play problem to me.

> > >

> > > Sure about that?

> > >

> > > Why don't you try kneeling down during boss fights and tell me how not to get wrecked constantly.

> >

> > Have a twitch reaction on Rifle 5 since Free Action is an instant.

> > EDIT: You can also kneel when you are in a group and there is no aggro on you.


> Dude they made the Deadeye class 100% required to kneel in order to be effective at all whatsoever.


> Then they:


> 1) Gave kneeling an initiative cost

> 2) Gave kneeling a cast time

> 3) Put a limitation of 2 max on it with a cooldown to recharge


> This has to be the single-handedly dumbest idea I've ever seen in a video game ever.


> That's why I said at the top of the thread the skills should be doing the SAME damage no matter if you're standing or not. The only thing that should change when you kneel is 1) range increase and 2) Death's Judgement is available only when kneeling.


1.) Kneeling isn't "required" unless you want to get a juicy DJ in.

2.) Kneel costs one initiative which you get back in exactly one second. Sniper's Cover may cost three initiative, but you get back the cost by the time stealth or Revealed ends. The cost doesn't matter in either case.

3.) Kneeling is 1/4s, which is next to nothing. If the animation were to somehow get interrupted it wouldn't matter since CC breaks kneel anyways.

4.) The reason why it's on the ammo system is so you don't gain infinite stealth with Sniper's Cover and teabag people with Kneel. It also forces you to strategize with kneel rather than spam it.

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> @"Zacchary.6183" said:

> 4.) The reason why it's on the ammo system is so you don't [...] and teabag people with Kneel.

but you can, just hit Esc before cast is done complete and you will save your ammo and ini. so that i think is not really the reason.

altho it is possible, dont do that guys. most already rage enough to die to a deadeye.

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> @"Zacchary.6183" said:

> 1.) Kneeling isn't "required" unless you want to get a juicy DJ in.




Rifle 2 while standing: 3 initiative, 1200 range, 775 dmg, cripple

Rifle 2 while kneeling: 3 initiative, 1500 range, 775 dmg, cripple, imobilize, fury 3s


Yahhhh ok derp. If you want imobilize and fury you have to be kneeling for same cost.


Rifle 3 while standing: 4 imitative, 1200 range, 1260 dmg, 3 Might stacks

Rifle 3 while kneeling: 4 imitative, 1500 range, 1600 dmg, 3 Might stacks


That's 27% increased damage for the same initiative cost because you're kneeling.


So yes if you want 20% more crit, ability to immobilize people and 27% increased dps you have to be kneeling.


And yes of course you have to kneel to land DJ which I'm fine with on that one. I just find it stupid the other 2 skills change at all.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"Zacchary.6183" said:

> > 4.) The reason why it's on the ammo system is so you don't [...] and teabag people with Kneel.

> but you can, just hit Esc before cast is done complete and you will save your ammo and ini. so that i think is not really the reason.

> altho it is possible, dont do that guys. most already rage enough to die to a deadeye.


I gotta test this now.

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