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Chronomancer burst damage?


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I've been looking around at Chronomancer builds, and have noticed a lot of burst damage ones in Youtube videos, such as the one at


Unfortunately, even when the builds are shown, I just don't understand what's going on. How are they doling out so much damage instantly? Looking at the individual skills, it just doesn't make sense to me that so much damage would occur. Can anyone explain what on earth is going on with these builds? D: It seems like Greatsword 2 plays a large part, I-... Think...?

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The burst is always done in a very similar way, with its core being Mirror Blade (gs2) and Mind Wrack. I usually encounter something like this:

The Prestige/iBerserker -> Mirror Blade -> Blink towards the target while using Mirror Blade -> (optionally: Daze mantra) ->

Mind Wrack + Mind Stab

A few mesmers also use Deceptive Evasion. These ones will dodge roll through you after Mirror Blade to generate additional clone for Mind Wrack, and then shatter. However I see most GS mesmers use Superiority Complex instead of DE nowadays.

The combo is done in a very fast succession, but if it fails, the mesmer might find themself in a difficult situation.

Also, it's not chrono-exclusive. It can be done on Mirage and base Mesmer as well.

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> @"bart.3687" said:

> The combo is done in a very fast succession, but if it fails, the mesmer might find themself in a difficult situation.


Nicely putting it, the move is mostly a 1-trick pony. If it fails you are most likely screwed against any semi aware opponent.


As bart said, the burst revolves around Mirror Blade (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mirror_Blade). It uses the bouncing aspect of the attack to get in multiple hits on 1 target in a short succession with piling on top both before and after the attack (The Prestige before, shattering after).

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Love the video, wish I could make GS do damage like it used to. Unfortunately, I can't get anything to beat condi Mirage with Axe/Torch and staff.. built right you can combo multiple Chaos storms starting out, with Axe 2 and create chaos bolts all over the place 2x in a row, then I prestige and go to town ambushing,.. with a condi viper set I'm using, I just can't beat the build. I wish I could make GS great again, I LOVE the GS, but no idea how to get it to measure up.

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Dunno about the rest, but i don't think a 1 shot build is good for the game. Be it on a soulbeast, thief, mez or whatever. They were originally nerfing skills/builds that were able to one shot, such as the old D/D thief, pistol whip etc. But look what we have now... guard (especially core guard) can one shot, power mes, thief on multiple builds, rev, soulbeast etc.


This game needs gw1's Protective Spirit, bruh.

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