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2018 Happy New Year (not)


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> @"cobbah.3102" said:

> > @"Sky Fell.7604" said:

> > It's not 2018 yet in the one true timezone.


> You not suggesting murica is in the true timezone bwahahaha oop sorry


Not our fault England keeps voting itself into positions of less and less relevance on the world stage.

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> @"cobbah.3102" said:

> Well 13 hrs into 2018 and WvW is still the same old broken game it ever was Thank You ANET for absolutely nothing for 2017 and I look forward to absolutely nothing for this 2018 year. Broken Broken Broken.


Ummmm, didn't they add gliding in 2017, and legendary armor?


That's about the coolest thing they could have done.


Anet can't help it if people zerg ebg ignoring BL completely and bore people out of wvw as a result.


Anyway, Happy 2018 A.D. Anno Domini Year of Our Lord †



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