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Now what to nerf before next season ALL classes


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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> Scourge needs to be removed, not balanced, removed. I have people coming to me regularly both ingame and on my youtube channel, that tell me that they are quitting the game because of Scourge. Some of my best friends ingame no longer play exclusive because of what scourge has done to the meta.


> Scourge is creating a meta that is both overly restrictive, and is frustrating to play in. Trying to build a healthy meta around a class that applies mass debuffs in spammable AoE is not possible. AoE carpet bombing is not a healthy role.



sort of agree, sadly for me scourge is not even fun to play. i always found it weird that we (necros) got even more ground targeting aoe fields alongside with marks and wells. the specialiations feels redundant. cool part is that we dont have another spec that goes into a shroud-form. i would rather like to see f-skills beeing applied to a single target, but leave the "aura effect" around your character as it is to deal with melee pressure.. therefore make scourge better against range and kiting/run-away classes.

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They just have to limit the stacks of condis you can receive and set a cap like maximum 10 stacks of confusion or torment or any other condi.


Doing so if the enemy team is 3 scourges they can't stack on you 25 stacks of torment plus the other condis.


Same for mirage, you cleanse 15 stacks of confusion and one second later you have 20 stacks again and die because all skills on cd and one single skill used kills you.


Holosmith doesn't need a nerf, it is an ambush class similar to thief, good to outnumber fights and burst down enemies. If you don't take rocket boots to disangage, condi just rekt you hard and other power specs like dh, spellbreaker and soulbeast can eat you in a matter of seconds.

It is the only classy that requires a proper use of all skills to be efficient, one second later stealth, you are dead.

It is not a class that every noob plays for the first time and he is immediately a champion like... ehmm.. ehmm scourge.. ehmm.. spellbreaker.


If holo will get nerfed soulbeast deserves the same treatment too, even if it is not in the metahe has the same burst and utility that holo has, plus he can do his burst combos from range for the most part. I will be very disappointed if fun classes like holo gets destroyed and braindead professions still remain untouched at every single patch release.

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Scourge is a gigantic problem still. I run a build with a good amount of condition cleanse and I still often have huge stacks of multiple conditions after fully cleansing conditions 2-3 times in 10-15 seconds. It fees like as a melee build that has to be close to scourges to hurt them that there is no amount of condition cleanse possible to keep myself from not having close to full stacks of everything after a few seconds. The easy boon corruptings needs to be changed period. Mirage confusion stacking is a gigantic problem as well. Those things need to be addressed then other problems will be more readily apparent but those two things to start for sure.

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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> > @"Kreed.2768" said:

> > >ALL classes

> >

> > No Revenant spec mentioned. #FeelsRevMan


> Revenant: Unrelenting Assault now aplies 2 stacks of confusion... to the Revenant.

> Herald: Elemental Blast now does friendly fire.

> Renegade: reduce short bow's range to 600 due reasons.


Rev is the new necro. XD


- reduce the effectiveness of all healing skills by 50%

- skills that would previously reduce or absorb damage now magnify them and draws damage from nearby allies for 10seconds to the rev, and also convert all boons on the rev and nearby allies to conditions.



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> @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> I stopped reading after I saw the 20K DJ. You CAN’T do 20K DJ without 20+ Might and Assassin’s Signet activated. Which most Deadeyes don’t run. And 20+ Might is impossible without help or if you let yourself get hit by Three Round Burst 7 freaking times(Which is impossible still, LOL). And, P/P Thieves are easily Interruptable and killable. This is a L2P issue.


> Edit: I am glad I stopped reading, this guy wants a nerf to Elementalist. This post is not to be taken serious.


I have no problem dealing with DJ or PP, the problem is that during a team fight I get destroyed because I'm not aware of the DE "16K" is still absurd and needs to be toned down.

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> **Druid: I strongly disagree**, they're in a really good spot, however druid's healing output in spvp is bellow tempest's or even a good dragonhunter's, their ranged damage is bellow thief's and DH's and have very limited tools to deal with movement impairing conditions, (druid form that has a long ramp up time, sigil on weapon swap and that's basically it for most builds), once catch'up at melee range, they're a free kill, even with bunker builds. Not sure what you mean with tank-facing when even an auto attack can scrape off half of their hp pool at melee range when they are not using beast mastery's trait line (which is off meta) and their only invulnerability has a long 60s CD and it still makes them susceptible to CCs and conditions. Invisibility? a 2s smoke field on a 45s cooldown.


i hope you dont play druid yourself, cuz like everything you just said isnt true at all, they have more invis than just 1 smokefield, they have 2 stone signet (1 passiv, 1 active) they dont die in 1n1


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Not so sure about them suggestion since everyone rely heavily on anti ghosting mechanic and if anything that needs to be look at is the Ranges and Radius of some various skills that has been introduce to sell and cash grab people, other than getting hit thru mid dodge, i have no problem to call out reasonable nerf or whine about something overly tone up spec as long as i can dodge properly.

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> @"Kasdwer.3721" said:

> > **Druid: I strongly disagree**, they're in a really good spot, however druid's healing output in spvp is bellow tempest's or even a good dragonhunter's, their ranged damage is bellow thief's and DH's and have very limited tools to deal with movement impairing conditions, (druid form that has a long ramp up time, sigil on weapon swap and that's basically it for most builds), once catch'up at melee range, they're a free kill, even with bunker builds. Not sure what you mean with tank-facing when even an auto attack can scrape off half of their hp pool at melee range when they are not using beast mastery's trait line (which is off meta) and their only invulnerability has a long 60s CD and it still makes them susceptible to CCs and conditions. Invisibility? a 2s smoke field on a 45s cooldown.


> i hope you dont play druid yourself, cuz like everything you just said isnt true at all, they have more invis than just 1 smokefield, they have 2 stone signet (1 passiv, 1 active) they dont die in 1n1



Ooo? Passive Stone Signet on Druid?

Quaggan would like to remind you that every Druid, maybe with exception of those in bronze, is playing Wildness Survival with Nature Magic or Beastmastery...

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If you want to kill a druid bring CC, if you're running condi bait out their Druidic Clarity and then have fun.

Its a really powerful elite spec slapped on the shittiest base profession, I'd say it comes out in the wash.


edit- I'm not even sure why empathic bond exists anymore. If you're letting conditions tick 80% of their potency on you you're probably dead.


~ Kovu

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> @"reikken.4961" said:

> The main things that are out of line:


> scourge's boon corruption. and visual clutter

> firebrand's AoE team support

> druid's immunity to death

> mirage's combination of elusiveness, condi burst, and mobility


> Scourge.

> The raw damage output is fine. The AoE size is also fine. What's not fine is the amount of boon corruption combined with half of its attacks literally having no tell. In my opinion, the biggest issue is how it takes a previously balanced trait, Path of Corruption, and through its class mechanics, makes it completely insane. I've posted my suggestions before, and I'll post them here again. Make the damage part of shade skills delayed so that you can see it and maybe try to avoid it, and make path of corruption only function in shroud. **Also tone down the visual clutter.** When a scourge is on a point, you can't actually see what's happening. That combined with shades having no tell is the source of people's frustrations, even moreso than the raw power of the class. It feels like you're just melting to a thousand conditions without the scourge doing much of anything.


> Firebrand.

> Way too many buffs and heals. Those tomes and mantas are hilariously strong. I'm not really sure where to hit it, however.


> Druid.

> Its combination of having amazing disengage with stealth and mobility, strong face-tanking ability with its buffs and heals and cleanses, and heavy CC and kill pressure (while also being able to provide strong burst defensive party support!) is too much.


> Mirage.

> Not only does it have some of the best mobility in the game, rivaled only by thief, but also it has the strongest condition burst in the game and is _by far_ the hardest class to even land a hit on. If it didn't have all three of these things simultaneously it would be fine. I say _greatly_ reduce confusion duration--make avoiding skill use an actual option (punishing skill use over a 7(!) second window doesn't make sense)--and maybe give Elusive Mind some kind of nerf.


Hol up friend. You may be right about most of those but firebrand is actually okay. It was weak and got a good buff. First of all, in current meta FB has to be strong to keep up with healing and cleansing all that happens during a teamfight. First of all, FB is weak to power damage and a well prepared burst will take care of it. Secondly, they have no gimmick mechanics and are not mobile to play the rinse and repeat game like a druid. Thirdly, no firebrand will kill you (if you get killed 1v1 by a FB then you should never step into pvp again) so all they have is strong healing and cleansing, nothing more nothing less. Druid for that instance is just bad design. With pet and overall skill capabilities and the right ammy, they can not only support and heal but also do decent damage and when things turn grim, just ancestral grace out of a fight, heal and repeat until you outsustain the enemy. No wonder so many people play druid if this is such an easy mode.

Yes, I tried it and played it just to prove my point. The fact of not even trying or being "into" a fight made me feel sickened. It's just running around, letting the pet do the job and pew-pew'ing down the opponent, running away to heal when things turn not in your favor or pop stone sig if you fight power. Where is the fun of challange and skill in that? There is nothing hard in playing something that doesn't have to sacrifice anything and still offers so much.

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just because it doesn't kill you itself and is possible to beat doesn't mean it isn't overpowered

case in point: tempest when esports was a thing was all but mandatory on every team and was _way_ easier to beat, while still having the same weaknesses of poor mobility and no damage


point is, just because it is support doesn't mean it doesn't need a nerf

also if you think firebrand can't kill things, then you apparently didn't see what NA's # 1 firebrand was running. he carried games in large part by winning 1v1s. damage/support hybrid. There's so much defense and support that you don't even need to go full bunker to be effective

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> @"plushiesoda.8150" said:

> fray at mele, condi bomb them, stun lock 'em and they're dead meat, classes like spellbreaker, holosmith, hawkeye, dragonhunter, core thief, daredevil, other druids, soulbeasts, (good) weavers, and scourge can easily one-shot them after a good stun.


Didn't read the rest, but no. Talk for yourself. A full team coordinated focus fire can kill them in 2 seconds if the druid doesn't react, but not one person lmao wat da f?



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> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> > @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> > I stopped reading after I saw the 20K DJ. You CAN’T do 20K DJ without 20+ Might and Assassin’s Signet activated. Which most Deadeyes don’t run. And 20+ Might is impossible without help or if you let yourself get hit by Three Round Burst 7 freaking times(Which is impossible still, LOL). And, P/P Thieves are easily Interruptable and killable. This is a L2P issue.

> >

> > Edit: I am glad I stopped reading, this guy wants a nerf to Elementalist. This post is not to be taken serious.


> I have no problem dealing with DJ or PP, the problem is that during a team fight I get destroyed because I'm not aware of the DE "16K" is still absurd and needs to be toned down.


That means you aren’t aware that a Deadeye is in the fight, or you just don’t pay attention to Deadeye’s Mark. You need to have 7 stacks of Malice on you to get hit 16K. Deadeye isn’t a standard roamer thief, it is a Damage class and if you don’t focus on her like you focus a Holosmith/Herald/Mirage, you are just dead. There are way too many counters and bugs of Deadeye. It’s just your problem.

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> @"NeedCoffee.1402" said:

> > @"Chilli.2976" said:


> > Spellbreaker: damage is still a little too high and sustain needs a nerf.


> >


> lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, rofl, rofl, rofl, rofl, rofl, rofl, rofl, rofl, rofl


Hitting like a truck with a dozen of passive and active invulns is fine.


lol lol rofl xd haHAA

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