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  1. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said: > > I can't tell if you're being facetious or not > > in case you're not, shadow shot usually does about 5k to non-heavies > > heartseeker about 7k if it downs the guy. have gotten some 9ks, but those are rare, and always overkill > > These numbers as usual complete kitten lmao 7k heartseeker? If all three damage lines are taken which makes the build useless and stars align maybe but far from the usual. Man u guys and ur inflated numbers are halarious, grow up omg it's a mmo. one and a half damage lines critical strikes (damage) trickery (half damage) daredevil (with dash. defensive)
  2. > @"Yasai.3549" said: > Like if Inf Arrow was really a problem, why not BALANCE IT by reducing the port range to 600 but lowering cost to 5? > pvp balance team can't change skills. reducing the range is a major change to the skill.
  3. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said: > REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE > you lie, backscratch deals 2k REEEE > shadowshot even less, REEE > if you think otherwise you are wrong, if you have proof its fabricated REEE I can't tell if you're being facetious or not in case you're not, shadow shot usually does about 5k to non-heavies heartseeker about 7k if it downs the guy. have gotten some 9ks, but those are rare, and always overkill
  4. conjures only working on that attunement and instantly swapping you to that attunement when cast would make conjures pretty rad. (it would be super awkward without that second part. conjure your weapon and... nothing happens cuz you aren't in the right attunement)
  5. skipping cutscenes requires an actual update to the game code. and anet has no code devs left
  6. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said: > Yet all ur post history is on warrior, I bet u think it's good lmao did you quote the wrong person? the only post (singular) I've made about warrior within the past year was... about a 3 year old warrior build
  7. > @"Kuma.1503" said: > If you want to embrace the memes, I present... Core Condi Bunker Signet Ele! I've been meaning to try core ele however, burning my stun break for burst doesn't sound like something that goes over well
  8. because of the lack of population, it's hard to outrank bots. at least on NA. even when I was hovering between gold3 and plat1 I'd get scourge bots in my games a lot
  9. meanwhile I think thief is pretty good. I'm getting solid results before the skill coefficient overhaul, bursting wasn't much more dps than just autoattacking. but now, all coefficients got cut, but thief's initiative skills didn't. so relatively they got way stronger. so you can actually burst when you have initiative. if you still don't feel like you have enough damage, maybe you aren't building for it. Critical Strikes is big damage if you haven't tried it
  10. > @"JohnWater.5760" said: > Every single weapon has water support, it's time to make something with good damage on water. trident ;) water is the burst damage attunement underwater
  11. lmao this is the best post I've ever seen. problem: people get chain CC'd for too long solution: make CC just instantly kill you. Can't be chain CC'd if you're dead. Genius.
  12. Dodge spam warrior for the first 4 months of Might Makes Right's existence, when landing magebane tether meant you could literally just spam the dodge button as long as it was active. 40 endurance per second. And of course the dodges did good damage too. It was so hilariously broken. Most egregious oversight I've seen. True one-shot thief was also great fun, when you could teleport with steal mid-vault and do 20k in a single hit, downing someone instantly and bypassing any of the automatic damage immunity passive traits. Magi amulet scourge was also hilarious. A lot of people would just blindly focus the scourge since that's generally been the go to plan of attack for a long time, so it was amusing seeing people rage at their teammates for not being able to kill the necro and apparently not noticing that all the condi spam was doing zero damage and that it was the other guys killing them.
  13. how is it dumb? to clarify, a match has up to five rounds (first to three). and the game gives you a full minute in between rounds to make build changes
  14. you have to wait until the round is over to change. ie both players are dead
  15. > @"Kuma.1503" said: > > @"reikken.4961" said: > > should be nerfing amulets instead of outright deleting them > > bring back _every_ amulet. just nerfed like paladin's was > > > @"reikken.4961" said: > > should be nerfing amulets instead of outright deleting them > > bring back _every_ amulet. just nerfed like paladin's was > > Anet nerfed Celestial twice, but they still ended up deleting it. yeah they should have nerfed it again instead. Or rather, they should have nerfed it harder in the first place. Since deleting things is apparently ok, err on the side of over nerfing, and then buff it back up later if it ends up sucking.
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