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Game alt-tabbing or flashing desktop [merged]

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> @"atheria.2837" said:

> > @"GM Magister.8736" said:

> > > @"atheria.2837" said:

> > > > @"Dying Oblivion.8296" said:

> > > > I was asked to run an app called GameAdvisor and submit the results -- I did just that but In my email I requested that CS or at least @"GM Magister.8736" confirm when he had received my GameAdvisor files because the CS team were giving other people the run around by saying they never received it

> > >

> > > CS's do ask for tests, one sends them back but we never hear back from them again - unless we follow up and then they ask

> > > for the same test saying they never received it or they are 'working on it' and we, again, never hear back. I've sent in a few... not

> > > one was ever answered with 'ah, here's the problem' but they do ask for more and more tests or the same tests, more than once.

> >

> > So, we recently uncovered the reason for this. Our support site host seems to have changed how it handles "suspicious" attachments without notifying us, which has lead to some messages including perfectly safe attachments going missing. This doesn't always happen, but when it does we will not see your reply in the ticket thread we are working with you on, which is just as annoying to us as it is to you.

> >

> > We're working with them to get it corrected. But, for now, if you submit something with an attachment and don't receive a reply for some time: Please do not give up hope or assume we are ignoring you! Send a gentle reminder/followup to see if we received your attachment, and we can usually dig through the site's records and find what was sent. :)


> I've been told several times that my attachments were never received... and this goes back over a year.


I've been saying this since the beginning of this issue. I've even sent screenshots. They are receiving them, but they have no clue how to remedy the situation so they are buying time with the finger pointing saying we don't know how to send attachments. I showed proof of my attachment and they just closed my ticket.

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> @"GM Magister.8736" said:

> > @"atheria.2837" said:

> > > @"Dying Oblivion.8296" said:

> > > I was asked to run an app called GameAdvisor and submit the results -- I did just that but In my email I requested that CS or at least @"GM Magister.8736" confirm when he had received my GameAdvisor files because the CS team were giving other people the run around by saying they never received it

> >

> > CS's do ask for tests, one sends them back but we never hear back from them again - unless we follow up and then they ask

> > for the same test saying they never received it or they are 'working on it' and we, again, never hear back. I've sent in a few... not

> > one was ever answered with 'ah, here's the problem' but they do ask for more and more tests or the same tests, more than once.


> So, we recently uncovered the reason for this. Our support site host seems to have changed how it handles "suspicious" attachments without notifying us, which has lead to some messages including perfectly safe attachments going missing. This doesn't always happen, but when it does we will not see your reply in the ticket thread we are working with you on, which is just as annoying to us as it is to you.


> We're working with them to get it corrected. But, for now, if you submit something with an attachment and don't receive a reply for some time: Please do not give up hope or assume we are ignoring you! Send a gentle reminder/followup to see if we received your attachment, and we can usually dig through the site's records and find what was sent. :)


To all those who have had bad support experiences, especially on this issue: I cannot speak to why you are having the issues, all I can do is to outline my experience and my ticket history. I, like many, many others started getting the "flash to desktop" problem after the W10 1803 update. I submitted a ticket through the support site (if you are having trouble logging in to the support site, I'd suggest maybe an in game ticket, or a DM or post to Gaile Gray might be worthwhile). The initial response to my ticket took 11 calendar days, a little bit longer than average these days, but not outrageous. The first response was a request for log files, and the instructions for creating them.


Since the initial response, the next response was an acknowledgement that my log files were received, and that the issue was being worked on. Subsequent to that, I've had several responses to my ticket. Each had some suggestions to try, and an acknowledgement that support was aware of the issue, that it was proving hard to consistently replicate, but that they were working on it. If and when I've had environment changes (driver updates, various config setting changes, etc.), I update here in the forum and also on my ticket.


I don't know whether my experience is normal or exceptional, but clearly, the message has gotten through to support, and they have indicated that they are working on it. It makes no sense to me that support would be stalling people off by claiming that files were not received, or lack of response to tickets. Why would they want to have a bunch of unhappy players because of this very annoying issue? I get that it is extremely frustrating to have an issue and have it seem as though no one was listening...but from what I've seen, support has been working on the issue, and has explained a potential issue with why file attachments are not getting through. Lead GM Magister.8736 has been weighing in here with updates. Bashing support doesn't seem to be a great way to go to me. I'm willing to take them at their word and wait for a solution.

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> @"JasonM.8739" said:

> Is this nonsense happening to all Windows 10 users with the 1803 update, or just an unlucky group of us?





I believe it is a combination of OS, game and computer configuration.


It started with a Windows 10 update but there was also a game update around that same time (with a month).


If it was 'all' one video card or one set of parameters, yes, duplication would be easy. As it is, no, we're all running different software on our

various hardware/software configurations and that's not even touching the settings in each of those programs and the OS.


I was forced to go into windowed mode - not comfortable. but at the very least the flashing isn't happening when I am in WvW, the

place where map changes can make a difference in scoring when an Emergency Waypoint is posted.


Too bad anet doesn't have a live customer service that can guest into computers, securely (which can be monitored and logged and SAFE) to

really figure out this or any other really hard to pin down glitch that affects anyone who is having a glitch that just can't be 'fixed'

on 'our side'.



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Hello there,


just installed the latest Win 10 update and tadaaa... now my c.o.m.p.u.t.o.r. (yepyepyepyepyep) is threatening me too while im playing GW2. Loading Screens will put me to the desktop and after GW2 finished loading the precious data it puts me back into the game. Very annoying. I feel my gaming experience goes down the drain. Happy life will significantly change too a devastated wasterland... please give us a solution to be happy again.


*jumps in the way of a very big 10 tons slow rolling wooden barrel, laughing... enjoying*




With best regards

The unhappy Desktop Skritt

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Windows 10 : Version 1803 : Build 17134.48

Radeon HD7880


Load GW2.exe = Kicked to desktop during loading the game but then (after a longer than normal period) allowed to select a character.

Select a character = loading screen then kicked back to desktop with a 10% chance the load will finish and im put ingame (although very laggy for a while) but 90% chance the game just vanishes.. no crash, no report just disappears.. as if i never clicked on it in the first place..


MSI Afterburner = no bottlenecks or overheats

Windows Update = No available updates

GW2 = No available updates

GPU Driver = No available updates

Notifications = ALL off

Ingame settings = Tried editing various settings, window/full/low settings etc.. makes no change


Unsure if related, but if i select a character that's not in LA, i do have an increased chance the game will finish to load and let me in.. but not without a annoying desktop trip during character load and map load...

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Is there a thread for Windows 7 users NOT using Nvidia that can't even launch the game to try any of the suggested troubleshooting steps in this thread? After logging in on the launcher and pressing 'Play' there is about a second delay before the desktop flashes about 12 times with a hand icon as the cursor and then nothing, the launcher just disappears and my comp acts like I had never even tried to launch the game. No error messages, nothing.

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UPDATE - game is now unplayable.. the 10% times it does actually load.. allows you to play for 2-10mins then auto kick out.. no error, no crash.. nothing...

unsure if it will help others, but - removing all addons like filters n dps meters did make it better.. but was short lived for myself and many others..


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> @"Aspheriaaa.1904" said:

> Im still having this issue. I can't believe there is no fix yet...


There ain't gonna be a fix anytime soon Cuz this isn't a gw2 specific problem. It has to do with the windows update that be messing with the game. Especially the focus Assist option stealing focus from the game itself.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hey folks!


We've been chatting with the group that hosts our support site, and they confirmed that a patch they released may have caused some attachments to get blocked or filtered improperly. They did say, however, that this issue should have been resolved by a subsequent update which came out at the later end of last week.


If you submitted an attachment previously and had it go missing, can you try again and let me know the ticket number where you sent it so I can make sure it came through? Or, if you've already sent your attachment over the weekend or this morning and are waiting on a reply, do the same and I'll see that it came through.


We might still have a few that are sorting incorrectly, but hopefully if we get some examples from you guys we can figure out why that's happening! :smile:

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Same happening to me. I'm getting lots of lag with it. Or at least the game is hanging up. Was kicked out to black screen a few times while doing fractal runs. I installed 1803 update on 5/6 and a cumulative update on 5/29. Didn't notice anything different with game until yesterday. Everything running fine and then it progressively started slowing down and kicking me. Hoping for fix soon.

I recently installed Avast. That's the only change to my system.

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The game's turning unplayable. At first I only got alt+tabbing behavior during loadings, but the longer I keep my PC on the worse it gets. Now I can't play pvp, because at least once per pvp match, it will just alt+tab in the middle of the game (not during loading) and screw me and my team over in the middle of the fight.

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