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Halloween 2017


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> @JMaarse.7086 said:

> I got that skin at the time, but deleted it before the wardrobe was released. While I completely agree with keeping exclusive skins exclusive, I also kinda want to unlock it again.


Have you tried submitting a ticket for it? I came back to the game after a few years and found I didn't have my celebration hat any more as that was also pre-wardrobe. One support ticket later and it was returned to me.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I'm really excited for this year's Halloween Festival. Oh, granted, I'm excited about *every* year's Halloween Festival -- it's just a great time to be in the game! =)


> We'll have info on that for you about dates and such in the future. I hope to see you all in the game during the most magical time of the year!


It is my birthday on Halloween and I am getting old, which means I am getting grumpy - so you better do something good or I will QQ :)

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> @Shadowresli.3782 said:

> > @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> > > @Sevifor.1925 said:

> > > > @Orpheal.8263 said:

> > > > We are just talking about a 5 years old skin, that by today is using in 99,99% anyways nobody anymore, so why keep it so penetrantly exclusive for that first halloween event that was flooded by hackers??

> > >

> > > I'm one of those supposed 0.01% who still use this skin, and that's not likely to change. It was the first back item I had ever gotten and it was ridiculously difficult to obtain. I was in the mid 30's for level and had to go running through some higher level zones to complete the scavenger hunt. By the time I got the final piece, I was running around naked because I'd died so many times I could no longer afford the cost to repair my armor; that back piece drilled into me the value of a well-timed Dodge Roll the hard way. It's also the only back item I've found so far to shed light around the character, which is surprisingly relevant. I get a little warm and fuzzy each and every time I go into the "dark room" in Obsidian Sanctum because I don't have to grab a torch to see where I'm going. Back when that area was actually populated, being able to have a real weapon in hand when you rounded a corner made the difference between life and death.

> > >

> > > I was fortunate enough to find out about it before it left the game forever, but its such an awesome item that it's a shame it can't be obtained anymore. I wholeheartedly support any ideas to bring it back, including but not limited to:

> > >

> > > -Reintroducing the event chain (ah, sweet nostalgia!).

> > > -Introducing a new event chain (content!)

> > > -Purchasing with Candy Corn (...farming, I guess!)

> > > -A random drop from Trick or Treat bags (Farming and ALSO RNG!)

> > > -Purchasing with Laurels/Map Currency/Etc.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I'm in that .01% too. I support bringing it back if we can replay those quests. I recall enjoying them (though they were really tough with my low level, pre ascended, pre HOT, pre knowing much in the game toons).

> >

> >


> i'm also a proud owner and imho they shouldn't bring the hunt back. it distiguishes us first year gamers from the rest of the bunch.


As someone WHO MISSED (and so without back) first Halloween I +1 this.

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I still remember my first Halloween in Guild Wars 1 - 2005 and my first pumpkin head mask. It was something absolutely new in my gaming experience. I would love to see something , that will bring memories of 2017's Halloween, when I look back from 2027 :)

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> @Dante.1763 said:

> Ill be happy if they bring back the backpack so i can finish it :/


I'd have to re-do it as well because there was no existing wardrobe and storage space was limited. So I had to reluctantly delete both of my Mad King Memoir's :\ Some people were able to get theirs back after providing screenshot proof, but that wasn't a thought I had at that time.

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not really looking forward to this as it might be the same as last year which means this will be 3 years in a row. if it's different then good it'll make more people want to join in if not then there might be less people doing its events and more focused on the expansion or just not play at all.

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> @Paladine.6082 said:

> It is my birthday on Halloween and I am getting old, which means I am getting grumpy - so you better do something good or I will QQ :)


This is totally offtopic, but Paladine, I really really hope you have a character named Fizban who is a befuddled old elementalist. Happy early birthday, either way. B-)


On topic, looking forward to Halloween this year in Tyria. I'm not really expecting anything too out of the ordinary but I'm hopeful that like previous years we'll get some new weapon/armor skins to chase after, and perhaps a few other new toys? Maybe another home instance kitty to recruit to our cat armies?

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> @sorudo.9054 said:

> unless they remove the timer in the clock tower it will be yet another boring event.


Oh my, the Clocktower is the only JP I have not mastered yet, because it is so visually irritating that I cannot focus on the task. Unlike the Wintersday JP, this one feels like any split second counts or else you won't make it. It stresses me out and I don't have the nerve to try it again, which is a shame. By the way, the Wintersday JP is my favorite one in the whole game. <3

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