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Season 10 Should remove titles completely


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Hi all,


Since season 5, titles have been a hot item in the spvp community (top 250 and higher). To say they aren't is inaccurate because there has been multiple cases of people paying their way to the top spot on the leader boards as well as fixing matches to guarantee a top spot. There are players who are undeniably good in pvp and could have attained the title without actually fixing matches, but when it is so easy to do so and it guarantees you get a title, there leaves little reason not to cheat or pay your way. Season after season, there will be players who title chase and cut corners to get the title they want. My statement is to not offer pvp titles in general because I believe the monthly AT titles are a great way to showcase the best team who currently plays guild wars 2. If the division rank (bronze to legendary) is the only thing pvp can offer players along with the other current rewards, pvp in general won't be about title chasing but actually playing the game.

My proposal is just remove the solo queue titles all together and keep the other rewards. Even offer extra pvp tickets for the legendary armor per division each contestant finishes in. Just my two cents.

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> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> Nah I like the titles.


> We need some new ones from season 10 onward. I like the titles that are respective of a season. That way, you can see if a person was playing some cheese or actually/likely good.


> They don't need "legend" in them anymore though.


My outlook is for the overall health of the game. Also, I only like to throw out ideas that are plausible for arena net due to their history of providing content for players. They are more likely to take out titles than they would be in creating new ones.


As for seeing who is good or not in pvp. The badges themselves will tell you. Titles don't mean the player is generally good if they are recycled season after season

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well I don’t care about rank anymore for same reason, but in previous seasons I wouldn’t try at all if not for the titles.

So how about instead they actually ban the few that ruin it for the many?

People will say... “But then the game will be dead cause no good people” which may be partially correct but now that the competition willbe legit new people will care to get good and replace them (assuming balance will stop to suck out the fun with garbage decisions and designs).

Probably best to stop the cause, not the symptoms.

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There is nothing that suggests promoting competition is unhealthy for a (any) game. As for rewards, there should be _more_ titles in PvP. Like, being top 250, 100, 25, etc in three seasons consecutively (or just getting it thrice) should be a title within itself.


It's Anet's responsibility to prevent players from cheating the system.

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I agree partially with you because anet does not take any action towards the wintraders which is so blatantly open and easily seen. I understand the problem to do it as well, how can you prove a friend of yours throwing a game on purpose by "playing" bad? Nonetheless I dislike the idea of removing something just so you have nothing to wintrade for anymore but also it's dumb to have it since people will obviously wintrade for it so idk im torn, i know it's been going on for 2-3 seasons now and anet doing nothing about it makes me legit not want to q at all, and let's say they add more stuff into the rewards as they have been talking about it will be even more incentive to wintrade and since they don't get banned for it anyway it will just get worse

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> @"Saiyan.1704" said:

> There is nothing that suggests promoting competition is unhealthy for a (any) game. As for rewards, there should be _more_ titles in PvP. Like, being top 250, 100, 25, etc in three seasons consecutively (or just getting it thrice) should be a title within itself.


> It's Anet's responsibility to prevent players from cheating the system.


after all gotta reward those match manipulating win traders they wont punish except with a one time slap on the wrist don't they? I mean after all some of them stream on twitch! lol


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My main reasons as why I would like to see them removed for now.


-Population is so small that you will find moments that you are fighting the same people over and over again for hours making it easy to have a "friend" be in those matches.


-Alot of players who have at least a top 25 title (speaking of NA) don't play in ranked anymore because their are no more incentives which eliminates healthy competition.


-5 seasons of the same title dilute the overall exclusivity and prestige these titles hold (are there really 5 god of pvps?).


I would love if titles were interchanged like the MAT crown, but the past behavior from arena net and titles in pvp show that they simply pump out one set of titles and call it a day.


If titles were PvP specific and not ranked arena specific, I would have no objection either.


Leaderboards, division badges, and other rewards may hold enough intrinsic value to keep everyone engaged.




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Devs themselves won't do a thing. Players have to take care of players who deserve a punishment. A working report system would be a good thing to start with. Simple maths, about 10 reports on the same issue in 24 hours and a ban for a week on pvp matches, how about that? It has to be executed by the system, not by Anet employees.

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> @"Rodzynald.5897" said:

> Devs themselves won't do a thing. Players have to take care of players who deserve a punishment. A working report system would be a good thing to start with. Simple maths, about 10 reports on the same issue in 24 hours and a ban for a week on pvp matches, how about that? It has to be executed by the system, not by Anet employees.


sure, cause uninvestigated reports that resolve in bans are not something that can be exploited super easily.....

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> @"BikeIsGone.8675" said:

> > @"Rodzynald.5897" said:

> > Devs themselves won't do a thing. Players have to take care of players who deserve a punishment. A working report system would be a good thing to start with. Simple maths, about 10 reports on the same issue in 24 hours and a ban for a week on pvp matches, how about that? It has to be executed by the system, not by Anet employees.


> sure, cause uninvestigated reports that resolve in bans are not something that can be exploited super easily.....


So how do you want to make it work out if nobody is willing to look into them? They are not doing it now so they are very unlikely to do it in the future. If so, then maybe let's raise it to 15 or 20 reports in a day. How do you want to exploit it? Find a dozen more people with alt accounts? It is possible but even so, unlikely. The most possible thing that would happen is a twitcher who calls out to his/her fans to mass report a player just to get rid of him/her even if nothing bad was done.

What you propose is for some employees to look into reports to validate them, but this is what they should be doing right now with current report system, and it is not working as we can all see. Thus a harsh system is needed. However, if you have a good idea then throw it in so we can work out a better alternative.

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> @"Rodzynald.5897" said:

> > @"BikeIsGone.8675" said:

> > > @"Rodzynald.5897" said:

> > > Devs themselves won't do a thing. Players have to take care of players who deserve a punishment. A working report system would be a good thing to start with. Simple maths, about 10 reports on the same issue in 24 hours and a ban for a week on pvp matches, how about that? It has to be executed by the system, not by Anet employees.

> >

> > sure, cause uninvestigated reports that resolve in bans are not something that can be exploited super easily.....


> So how do you want to make it work out if nobody is willing to look into them? They are not doing it now so they are very unlikely to do it in the future. If so, then maybe let's raise it to 15 or 20 reports in a day. How do you want to exploit it? Find a dozen more people with alt accounts? It is possible but even so, unlikely. The most possible thing that would happen is a twitcher who calls out to his/her fans to mass report a player just to get rid of him/her even if nothing bad was done.

> What you propose is for some employees to look into reports to validate them, but this is what they should be doing right now with current report system, and it is not working as we can all see. Thus a harsh system is needed. However, if you have a good idea then throw it in so we can work out a better alternative.


(Un)fortunately there needs to be some sort of investigation by an un-biased party in order for any form of report-system to be fair. What you are asking for is mob-justice. People - in general - report others for the stupidest reasons imaginable already. Now imagine the end of a season for instance. How long do you think, it will take for the #1 player to get banned, if its up to the people? Heck, anybody on the leaderboards even?

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> @"BikeIsGone.8675" said:

> > @"Rodzynald.5897" said:

> > > @"BikeIsGone.8675" said:

> > > > @"Rodzynald.5897" said:

> > > > Devs themselves won't do a thing. Players have to take care of players who deserve a punishment. A working report system would be a good thing to start with. Simple maths, about 10 reports on the same issue in 24 hours and a ban for a week on pvp matches, how about that? It has to be executed by the system, not by Anet employees.

> > >

> > > sure, cause uninvestigated reports that resolve in bans are not something that can be exploited super easily.....

> >

> > So how do you want to make it work out if nobody is willing to look into them? They are not doing it now so they are very unlikely to do it in the future. If so, then maybe let's raise it to 15 or 20 reports in a day. How do you want to exploit it? Find a dozen more people with alt accounts? It is possible but even so, unlikely. The most possible thing that would happen is a twitcher who calls out to his/her fans to mass report a player just to get rid of him/her even if nothing bad was done.

> > What you propose is for some employees to look into reports to validate them, but this is what they should be doing right now with current report system, and it is not working as we can all see. Thus a harsh system is needed. However, if you have a good idea then throw it in so we can work out a better alternative.


> (Un)fortunately there needs to be some sort of investigation by an un-biased party in order for any form of report-system to be fair. What you are asking for is mob-justice. People - in general - report others for the stupidest reasons imaginable already. Now imagine the end of a season for instance. How long do you think, it will take for the #1 player to get banned, if its up to the people? Heck, anybody on the leaderboards even?


Well then in this case the best possible choice would be for someone to check into a player's account/database or whatever after receiving a considerable ammount of reports. So long story short, this is what they should be doing now, but they do not. It makes me wonder why, despite so many reports on certain players, I still see them playing a few hours later or overall throughout a season. It seems that devs are just inconsequential and we can't do anything about it. They have to man up and look into reports to throw severe punishments that will hurt and prove cheating/wintrading as unprofitable.


It's hardly possible for a third party other than devs themselves to get into it to clean up this mess.

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Lets be dead honest, not a single title in this game is "exclusive"/"shows you're good", simply because every title that is somewhat "hard to get" or "only available to few" can and will be bought!


*Oh you see, to show you're good in pvp we have those ranked titles or sth, go there and buy them from your friends!*

*Oh, you like raids? well, these raid titles can all be bought from raid guilds!*

*So... you wanna show that you have some skill and did some high level fractals? Well, buy some kills from someone and the title is all yours!*


Since all of them can be bought, they lose any and all value they have. I personaly use the titles i feel sound cool, who cares if im top 1 pvp, won the past AT, have all 3 sets of legendary armour, did fractal 100cm w/o dying, killed 250k peeps in wvw or did any other kitten in the game? Well, other than myself (not rly) and the people that ask for these titles in their respective content, no one.


The worst part is that the top 3 titles (1st, 2nd and 3rd spots in the leaderboard) and the ones related to the AT's are **most likely** (focus on the most likely) being worn by people that broke some basic gaming rules on their way (match manipulation, account sharing etc). Why would i want to be tagged as one of them?

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> @"Ziooo.8932" said:

> Lets be dead honest, not a single title in this game is "exclusive"/"shows you're good", simply because every title that is somewhat "hard to get" or "only available to few" can and will be bought!


> *Oh you see, to show you're good in pvp we have those ranked titles or sth, go there and buy them from your friends!*

> *Oh, you like raids? well, these raid titles can all be bought from raid guilds!*

> *So... you wanna show that you have some skill and did some high level fractals? Well, buy some kills from someone and the title is all yours!*


> Since all of them can be bought, they lose any and all value they have. I personaly use the titles i feel sound cool, who cares if im top 1 pvp, won the past AT, have all 3 sets of legendary armour, did fractal 100cm w/o dying, killed 250k peeps in wvw or did any other kitten in the game? Well, other than myself (not rly) and the people that ask for these titles in their respective content, no one.


> The worst part is that the top 3 titles (1st, 2nd and 3rd spots in the leaderboard) and the ones related to the AT's are **most likely** (focus on the most likely) being worn by people that broke some basic gaming rules on their way (match manipulation, account sharing etc). Why would i want to be tagged as one of them?


Obviously people care enough to pay for their titles . The difference between pve titles and PvP is it directly affects the other 8 players in the match trying to have an honest match.

The titles are distracting in ranked pvp, therefore if we tried removing the distraction we may see better matches and less cheating.

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> @"Keyba.9570" said:

> > @"Ziooo.8932" said:

> > Lets be dead honest, not a single title in this game is "exclusive"/"shows you're good", simply because every title that is somewhat "hard to get" or "only available to few" can and will be bought!

> >

> > *Oh you see, to show you're good in pvp we have those ranked titles or sth, go there and buy them from your friends!*

> > *Oh, you like raids? well, these raid titles can all be bought from raid guilds!*

> > *So... you wanna show that you have some skill and did some high level fractals? Well, buy some kills from someone and the title is all yours!*

> >

> > Since all of them can be bought, they lose any and all value they have. I personaly use the titles i feel sound cool, who cares if im top 1 pvp, won the past AT, have all 3 sets of legendary armour, did fractal 100cm w/o dying, killed 250k peeps in wvw or did any other kitten in the game? Well, other than myself (not rly) and the people that ask for these titles in their respective content, no one.

> >

> > The worst part is that the top 3 titles (1st, 2nd and 3rd spots in the leaderboard) and the ones related to the AT's are **most likely** (focus on the most likely) being worn by people that broke some basic gaming rules on their way (match manipulation, account sharing etc). Why would i want to be tagged as one of them?


> Obviously people care enough to pay for their titles . The difference between pve titles and PvP is it directly affects the other 8 players in the match trying to have an honest match.

> The titles are distracting in ranked pvp, therefore if we tried removing the distraction we may see better matches and less cheating.


You're right. The thing is, prestigious/exclusive titles will always be sought after. At the moment they are more about being prestigious because of the limits involved in getting them (1 god of pvp every 2 months) than actually being hard/competitive to get. Season after season you'll find people in the top 50 with exactly the least amount of games needed (120), and they will most likely have finished the last games in the very last days of the season to snipe a top spot. I don't see any competition in there tbh, if these people actually wanted to compete for their titles they wouldn't be sniping the leaderboards in the last days right?

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> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> The thing is, monthly tournaments are only a specific time every month. People that don't play in that timezone miss out on the opportunity and league titles are the only thing that keeps them going.


Then why does every season show a decline in pvp population?

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> @"Ziooo.8932" said:

> > @"Keyba.9570" said:

> > > @"Ziooo.8932" said:

> > > Lets be dead honest, not a single title in this game is "exclusive"/"shows you're good", simply because every title that is somewhat "hard to get" or "only available to few" can and will be bought!

> > >

> > > *Oh you see, to show you're good in pvp we have those ranked titles or sth, go there and buy them from your friends!*

> > > *Oh, you like raids? well, these raid titles can all be bought from raid guilds!*

> > > *So... you wanna show that you have some skill and did some high level fractals? Well, buy some kills from someone and the title is all yours!*

> > >

> > > Since all of them can be bought, they lose any and all value they have. I personaly use the titles i feel sound cool, who cares if im top 1 pvp, won the past AT, have all 3 sets of legendary armour, did fractal 100cm w/o dying, killed 250k peeps in wvw or did any other kitten in the game? Well, other than myself (not rly) and the people that ask for these titles in their respective content, no one.

> > >

> > > The worst part is that the top 3 titles (1st, 2nd and 3rd spots in the leaderboard) and the ones related to the AT's are **most likely** (focus on the most likely) being worn by people that broke some basic gaming rules on their way (match manipulation, account sharing etc). Why would i want to be tagged as one of them?

> >

> > Obviously people care enough to pay for their titles . The difference between pve titles and PvP is it directly affects the other 8 players in the match trying to have an honest match.

> > The titles are distracting in ranked pvp, therefore if we tried removing the distraction we may see better matches and less cheating.


> You're right. The thing is, prestigious/exclusive titles will always be sought after. At the moment they are more about being prestigious because of the limits involved in getting them (1 god of pvp every 2 months) than actually being hard/competitive to get. Season after season you'll find people in the top 50 with exactly the least amount of games needed (120), and they will most likely have finished the last games in the very last days of the season to snipe a top spot. I don't see any competition in there tbh, if these people actually wanted to compete for their titles they wouldn't be sniping the leaderboards in the last days right?


But then you got people, like me, who actually worked hard to get their title, playing almost daily, dropping in and out of top 250.

I get the point where exploiting has to be stopped, but what if you're just an honest lad like me and actually worked hard to achieve the title you're after?

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