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Can we have better Achievements, and time sinks?


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Every Living Story, it just feels like gather these pages, rocks, etc. there's no point to it other than wasting time. Make collection Achievements stay in the Collections tab. Actual fun Achievements like puzzles, and more environmental tasks, like unique ways to kill enemies would be cool. Bring back something like minidungeons to give more open world group content. The Living Story maps have gotten better with Heart Quests, but there could be a lot more fun things to do. These maps die so fast.


It just feels like the same boring type of Achievements nonstop. Also the rewards are lacking. I don't know who's idea it was, but having an overflow of random resized NPCs as minipets is so lame. Getting more skins and armor would be cool. I just want to feel like my time isn't wasted completing Achievements. It mainly comes down to just wanting to feel like I completed the Living Story episode out of OCD.


Achievement points per Achievement is laughable currently as well. I feel like the only way I really get point progress is just by doing a quick daily. So many things could be reworked to be more fun and have better rewards.


Another issue is the removal of the motes that reset encounters. I don't know why this was done. It really makes these already frustrating Achievements even worse. Things like this need to be readded.


The Fractal Relic sink added was quite disappointing also. I was hyped for a new collection achievement, skins, or tonics. I mean anything would have been better than what we got. It pretty much killed my enthusiasm to do Fractals, because I feel like an unobtainable goal was added.


I just feel a strong lack of motivation to play. I just log in, do my daily, and log out.


Call this complaining or whatever, but it just sucks that the main character progression and fun I get is just farming gold for gem store items currently. A lot in this game could be made more fun, and more rewarding.



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Fun quests: Order of Shadows Mastery point: find and kill specific enemies.

Fun quests: Fighting challenging enemies in the fake god’s sanctum.

BAD quest: bring an apple to some hungry guy 50 times.

TERRIBLE quest: find pages spread out across the desert when half the time the hints are inaccurate, and one time maximally wrong (hint, anet, one of the page’s hints was LITERALLY diagonally across the map from where the hint said it would be)

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> Fun quests: Order of Shadows Mastery point: find and kill specific enemies.

> Fun quests: Fighting challenging enemies in the fake god’s sanctum.

> BAD quest: bring an apple to some hungry guy 50 times.

> TERRIBLE quest: find pages spread out across the desert when half the time the hints are inaccurate, and one time maximally wrong (hint, anet, one of the page’s hints was LITERALLY diagonally across the map from where the hint said it would be)


I only did the apples achievement for the title. It's kind of a vanity title that screams "I have no life" to everyone I walk past. I use it proudly.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> Fun quests: Order of Shadows Mastery point: find and kill specific enemies.

> Fun quests: Fighting challenging enemies in the fake god’s sanctum.

> BAD quest: bring an apple to some hungry guy 50 times.

> TERRIBLE quest: find pages spread out across the desert when half the time the hints are inaccurate, and one time maximally wrong (hint, anet, one of the page’s hints was LITERALLY diagonally across the map from where the hint said it would be)


ARE YOU KIDDING ME quest: Drudic BackPack TimeGated ChainQuest.


Btw, who would like to have more timegate/sink in the game?

Don't you have nothing else to do or you simply enjoy to earn things in a slower way and pretend that the game forbid you to play the content?


Though i could still understand achievements if they are meant to be fun or challenging.

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As an achievement hunter I really feel the frustration of grinding and grinding, hunting down specific events, etc only to see a single achievement point. The current amount of points being given out really don't feel like they are worth the effort.


Some achievements give skins or titles, and I guess those are okay to have less points since you get something else.

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Everything worth anything getting gated behind Bajillion count+ random collect achievements that award one point at the end of them, reward tracts that reward crap until the very end thing, and a bajillion different time-gated events that no one wants to do after the first month of them coming out is very much the reason why after 5+ years I've hardly done a darn thing. At first achievements weren't really worth doing, they didn't give anything. Then everything changed and suddenly everything was gated behind stuff that cost about 10,000 times more effort and time than before, was all time-gated, and highly RNG based.


I feel your pain. It feels like instead of making anything better they just keep making everything more convoluted and time-consuming to accomplish as if this were a subscription MMO... even though it isn't and people aren't paying monthly to play. Our rewards are terrible, the achievements are terrible, the time sinks are terrible, and this makes everything just feel pointless like you'll never end up getting what you want to get.

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > Fun quests: Order of Shadows Mastery point: find and kill specific enemies.

> > Fun quests: Fighting challenging enemies in the fake god’s sanctum.

> > BAD quest: bring an apple to some hungry guy 50 times.

> > TERRIBLE quest: find pages spread out across the desert when half the time the hints are inaccurate, and one time maximally wrong (hint, anet, one of the page’s hints was LITERALLY diagonally across the map from where the hint said it would be)


> ARE YOU KIDDING ME quest: Drudic BackPack TimeGated ChainQuest.


> Btw, who would like to have more timegate/sink in the game?

> Don't you have nothing else to do or you simply enjoy to earn things in a slower way and pretend that the game forbid you to play the content?


> Though i could still understand achievements if they are meant to be fun or challenging.


To be fair, i initially enjoyed the Druidic backpack collection. Just endlessly having to repeat the hearts was its flaw. Without that it wouldve been a great quest, imo

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > Fun quests: Order of Shadows Mastery point: find and kill specific enemies.

> > > Fun quests: Fighting challenging enemies in the fake god’s sanctum.

> > > BAD quest: bring an apple to some hungry guy 50 times.

> > > TERRIBLE quest: find pages spread out across the desert when half the time the hints are inaccurate, and one time maximally wrong (hint, anet, one of the page’s hints was LITERALLY diagonally across the map from where the hint said it would be)

> >

> > ARE YOU KIDDING ME quest: Drudic BackPack TimeGated ChainQuest.

> >

> > Btw, who would like to have more timegate/sink in the game?

> > Don't you have nothing else to do or you simply enjoy to earn things in a slower way and pretend that the game forbid you to play the content?

> >

> > Though i could still understand achievements if they are meant to be fun or challenging.


> To be fair, i initially enjoyed the Druidic backpack collection. Just endlessly having to repeat the hearts was its flaw. Without that it wouldve been a great quest, imo


Repeteable Hearts contribuited to ruin the whole thing indeed, but also the time gate part added because reasons was definitely not wanted, as for evertything else which is timegated... it's simply an exploit in order to provvide a longer content without work on new content.


I would have enjoyed it, but having to stop because not enough runestone keys was definitely bad.

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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> Adding another thing to grind for doesn't fix it, just prolongs it. The map needs something that players want to keep going back for. That's why hot maps fill up for the meta events


People said they hated Meta Events, now we get maps that die fast I guess :/

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > Fun quests: Order of Shadows Mastery point: find and kill specific enemies.

> > Fun quests: Fighting challenging enemies in the fake god’s sanctum.

> > BAD quest: bring an apple to some hungry guy 50 times.

> > TERRIBLE quest: find pages spread out across the desert when half the time the hints are inaccurate, and one time maximally wrong (hint, anet, one of the page’s hints was LITERALLY diagonally across the map from where the hint said it would be)


> I only did the apples achievement for the title. It's kind of a vanity title that screams "I have no life" to everyone I walk past. I use it proudly.


I did it for the mastery point because HoT mastery points are so hard to obtain and I needed it.

So... I sloooowly got that 1 stupid mastery point after 3 days of sending to that idiot and thinking, "You know... This Griffon can fly you by these kitten apples you know. I can just fly your punkbraham there..."

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> I think we can agree that a lot of the achievements are meant to keep the population in that map longer . . . and before said map becomes obsolete. Players tend to gobble up content faster than developers can create it. Good content anyway. :)


I just don't like seeing dead maps.

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I think there are two things to balance 1 new content and 2 a reason to play older content.

I think if each expansion or living world introduced a completion of a number of the dynamic events in older maps it would put people back into the old maps more and make the dynamic events helpful for new players as well.

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The Game just needs an rework on its already existing achievements.

Many of them give out way too less AP for all the effort you have to do for them and should get either their AP get drstically increased, or they rewards should get improved if the AP stay untoiuched.

ANet should reward us more with ascended chests with weapons, but especially armor parts of choice, that would be a real rewarding item for many achievementds whose AP are totally unfittign for the efforts you have to do.


Otherwise if Anet doesn't intend to increase the AP, it would be also an option to lower the efforts to make the achievements more fitting to the points you get that way, like for example that terrible achievement for bringing 50 apples to one npc, by reducing the amount of apples you hsave to run down from 50 to say 25 would be good and reduces the terrible grind aspect of this achievement and add a new achievement for another 25 runs that gives then no ap but the title as reward, so that you can decide for yourself then, if the title is wporth it for you to make the full grind, or if you just want the AP for the effort, that is worth the AP.



Many achievements would be nice, if they would get also continued with new ranks... take for exampel all the slayer achievement.. 1000 kills is ridiculously low for a game like GW5 which is already 5 xyears old. most of all made all of these achievements already within the 1st year complete, so low is this number...

It would be good, if these achievements woudl get increased their ranks, so that we can make more AP from them and eventually earn also new rewwards from the newly added ranks.

I also don't say, why achivements must always give only rewards at the end of them? Why can#t be achievements in this game, especially the really long achievements that have really high ranks have multiple rewards on the way to the last rank, to keep the player interested in completing them fully, makingh high ranking achievements feel more like a similar reward track system, where you get rewarded over time as you prgress on the way to complete it multiple times and not just only once, at the end.


You have as a player who plays GW2 for now 5 years stil lthe impression, that anet still has no clues, how to properly reward their playerbase with something, that actually really feels also beign rewarding, maybe out of fear, that if they reward us somehow mayb too good, that this might affect negatively the economy of the game or so..don't know, but thats just the impression you gewt in this game, why the rewards oftenly feel so underwhelmingly poor, that you don't feell yourself apreciated for the time you spent with this game for doing these achievements in the end.

Now now, this should definetely not sound too demanding like ANet shout put everywhere legendaries ect as rewards, no, that is no one demandign here and that would naturally go way too far and is absolutely out of question, but Anet definetely has to get away from their typical boring and underwhelmign reward scheme, that is oftenly only either too low AP, a title, some low karma points, a bit of Silver to Gold, Minipets eventually or perhaps an item skin.


Theres more you can use to make the achievements feel much more rewarding:


- Laurels

- mentioned Boxes for Ascended Weapons/Armors of Choice that provide also new Skins - NO Accessoires, they are already way too easy to get and the reason why we still have no Jeweler 500!! ridiculous

- Outfits

- Glider Skins (I know this and Mount Skins as like Outfits should be mainly coming from Gemstore, but it would be nice to see once in a while also these things for once being Achievement Rewards just to spice the things more up ans to give players more the impression, that these things don't exist only in the game to be money grabs, but that they can be in the game also as working good rewards once in a while

- Mount Skins

- Black Lion Keys/Shards

- Small Bags of Gems (that give either 25, 50 or 100 Gems) if you really feel generous once, that woudl be also a really nice reward instead of just Gold

- Guaranteed Skin Unlocker Tickets with that you randomly unlock a Skin you don't have yet

- Guaranteed Dye Unlocker Boxes with that you randomlyx unlock a Dye ypou don't have yet.

- Decoration Items for a later implemented Player Housing Feature perhaps and or for Guilds to use as well


You see with what you can esasily come up more with a bit of brainstorming over how to make rewards in this game more varied, than to give out always only the same boring underwhelming stuff that doesn't feel rewarding at all, because it helps you not at all to progress with your character or your account, nor does stuff like karma, minipets, item skins or gold give you the feeling have having received something substancial that is helpful for you or fun to use.

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