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A little thank you note to the creators and talented ppl creating GuildWars2


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Now, i believe it's time to write a little thank you note...


So a little over 4 years ago, when gw2 was about to be 1 year old, i didn't do so well...


I had no job, lived of 20 euro's a week and had no more friends. Didn't go to school, my parents stopped talking to me, and i was severely depressed. Stopped going outside, take care of myself and lost who i was completely.


The only thing keeping me from doing anything stupid was guild wars2. I didn't have suicidal thoughts, but i was playing gw2 for 12 hours a day.

I could finally be myself in-game. No one judging me, but everyone single one accepted ppl for who they were, i was part of a community. And most of all, i was enjoying the game.


It lasted about a year, until a friend, who I've met outside the game, decided it was enough. All throughout the last years I've been able to regain control of myself thanks to this game, and finally able and ready to conquer my final insecurities and flaws so 2018 can be my year...


I want to thank every one at Arena Net for making this game from what it was when back in the beginning all the way till how it is now.


I've decided to mark myself: https://imgur.com/a/9l64l, with the one thing that has been, and always will be a symbol that shows me there will always be a community, a place where i belong, even if i don't feel like it out in the real world.


Edit: it didn't save the image at first

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Good for you, Dukotje. I'm glad you enjoyed your GW2 time and it was helpful. Next step is to do the same thing in real life. It sounds like you already know this and are making progress so good luck! Well, not even luck but making good choices, perseverance, trial-and-error, growth... these things and more are within YOUR own power.

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