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Should I play again?


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Not sure how many of the old guys there are around still, but I played GW2 starting in closed beta and quit a while after the last expansion. Mostly got tired of the lack of updates, also my poor minions feeling neglected. I see there is a new expansion coming out, and was curious on how people have enjoyed the game since the last expansion, if any big changes have been made (outside of obviously the upcoming scourge), stuff like that.


Thanks buds.

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Still here since alpha gw2 (and since 2008 gw1). I've played for almost all that time except for a 3 month period when I moved house and had no internet. Since HoT I have played most days, whether it be in WvW or doing meta events in the HoT maps. Best way to play is to set long term goals like legendary weapons and suchlike.

AI creatures (minions included) had a pve only update which reduced all indirect damage to them by 95%. So they are pretty good for solo pve content. The AI has been improved a lot, so they no longer get stuck or stop attacking randomly.

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If you can find it in your budget, it's a very good game for a great price (and one of the best MMOs with a cash shop, if not THE best -- especially when compared to games like Archeage).


Play what's most fun (ignore all the 'meta' garbage). Find some friends. Run around and kill stuff for a bit. Have some long-term goals. Enjoy!

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> Play what's most fun (ignore all the 'meta' garbage). Find some friends. Run around and kill stuff for a bit. Have some long-term goals. Enjoy!


Pretty much this. I have tons of fun playing GW2, just doing casual stuff - open world PvE, the occasional dungeon or fractal, non-ranked PvP, RP, hanging out with friends. And there's no subscription fee!


And take forum banter with a grain of salt. The forums of every single MMO I've ever played are giant cesspits of negativity, and the GW2 forums are no exception. Everyone is convinced that _their_ class is the _worst_ class, their mechanics are the worst-designed mechanics, the devs are stupid and evil and hate them personally and come to their house at night to kick their dog, etc.


Unless you're doing ultra-elitist bleeding-edge competitive stuff with ultra-elitist players, you can kinda roll how you like with whatever class you like and do just fine.

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Ahh, welcome back, Bhawb! Big things that changed are Signets of Suffering now being garbage because of a total functionality change, Vital Persistence having been half-way baselined and the old degeneration reduction being removed from the trait, and Speed of Shadows no longer reducing Shroud cooldown.


Other than that, everything should play about the same as you're used to.


To those who don't know, Bhawb used to be one of the big names on the Necro forums.

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> @Yuyuske.7182 said:

> And take forum banter with a grain of salt. The forums of every single MMO I've ever played are giant cesspits of negativity, and the GW2 forums are no exception. Everyone is convinced that _their_ class is the _worst_ class, their mechanics are the worst-designed mechanics, the devs are stupid and evil and hate them personally and come to their house at night to kick their dog, etc.


> Unless you're doing ultra-elitist bleeding-edge competitive stuff with ultra-elitist players, you can kinda roll how you like with whatever class you like and do just fine.


Oh trust me, I know. I quit about a year and a half ago and I still managed to have close to 9,000 posts on the old GW2 forums.


> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> Ahh, welcome back, Bhawb! Big things that changed are Signets of Suffering now being garbage because of a total functionality change, Vital Persistence having been half-way baselined and the old degeneration reduction being removed from the trait, and Speed of Shadows no longer reducing Shroud cooldown.


Okay, yeah digging through I see a number of changes here and there.


It looks like everything big was in the August 8th patch?



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I stopped 9 months ago: couldn't stand the awful PvP balance anymore and terrible design flaws of the necro. I came back to test Scourge for 2 days, and then played a bit of PvP on Reaper again (for 2 weeks).


In my opinion, it's not worth it: necro is in an even worse stat than when I left, and Scourge, while it seems to have a deeper and more interesting gameplay, has no synergies with existing traits. It will probably just be a glass canon condi again... Only with less sustain and more damage. Yay for attrition ?


Anyway, I will wait a month of patchs to see where they are going with design and balance. They promised us 2 elite spec: scourge and... power reaper! We might end with none.

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> @Bhawb.7408 said:

> > @Yuyuske.7182 said:

> > And take forum banter with a grain of salt. The forums of every single MMO I've ever played are giant cesspits of negativity, and the GW2 forums are no exception. Everyone is convinced that _their_ class is the _worst_ class, their mechanics are the worst-designed mechanics, the devs are stupid and evil and hate them personally and come to their house at night to kick their dog, etc.

> >

> > Unless you're doing ultra-elitist bleeding-edge competitive stuff with ultra-elitist players, you can kinda roll how you like with whatever class you like and do just fine.


> Oh trust me, I know. I quit about a year and a half ago and I still managed to have close to 9,000 posts on the old GW2 forums.


> > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > Ahh, welcome back, Bhawb! Big things that changed are Signets of Suffering now being garbage because of a total functionality change, Vital Persistence having been half-way baselined and the old degeneration reduction being removed from the trait, and Speed of Shadows no longer reducing Shroud cooldown.


> Okay, yeah digging through I see a number of changes here and there.


> It looks like everything big was in the August 8th patch?




There were a couple of small reworks to Axe and mainhand Dagger to make them more complete weapons with defined themes. Dagger they stopped halfway on, but I digress.


The other big change that was not on August 8 when they changed Plague to Plaguelands (pulsing AoE that stacks additional conditions on each pulse).

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I somehow stopped for similar reason after what I consider the worst living story chapter that they could release (Seriously, until this failure of a chapter I was diligently doing all chapters with all my 9 characters, but having to "educate" this little winged worm just killed all my motivation. Not even talking about the norn crybaby). But yeah the rythm of chapter release is still slow as hell and the balance between profession is still nonexistent.

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Bhawb being active would be nice. But sadly, things haven't got any better for core necro, and won't be for scourge by the looks of it.


However, scourge actually could work quite nicely with your minions, as you can support them with more barrier, and condi remove "baseline", even a healingpower tank build might maybe be possible. So you might look forward to that aspect.

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> @Bhawb.7408 said:

> Not sure how many of the old guys there are around still, but I played GW2 starting in closed beta and quit a while after the last expansion. Mostly got tired of the lack of updates, also my poor minions feeling neglected. I see there is a new expansion coming out, and was curious on how people have enjoyed the game since the last expansion, if any big changes have been made (outside of obviously the upcoming scourge), stuff like that.


> Thanks buds.




If you want to play a necro and these are your complaints then sadly no. None of these things have been addressed and it appears necros are in a worse place than ever before.

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Heya bhawb, I stopped playing a while back, still log in to check on necro from time to time.


Seems to suffer from the same probelems it always has, biggest seeming to be the fact they're balancing it around ideal scenarios that almost never pop up. I.E. if the planets align just right, we can do something mediocre. Other changes everyone else has mentioned, biggest being the VP nerf and Speed of Shadows nerf. Which made no sense whatsoever.


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Yeah, I looked over it all and it seems like a lot of the old issues are still here. That said, $30 to play with Scourge MM is worth it to me, and everything I care to play with is at least slightly better than it used to be. I don't really care about PvE unless I bother to find an active guild, which I'll probably try to do this time around to keep me interested. Thanks for the feedback though, if I play enough I might try to make a special-edition But of Corpse.

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Necromancer is top tier in sPvP imo. I just came back after a little under a year of seldom playing and made platinum in two nights solo queuing with a wells greatsword reaper build.


I can't speak for the rest of the game modes but necros are currently both strong and desired in pvp for aoe pressure and boon corruption. Scourge will likely help that and bring a few more teamfight support builds which are always welcome in pvp.


This forum is full of all the salty PvE necros, (where we actually need improvement) but the game still has plenty to offer necros.

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