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Vanilla Player just got back to the game...what the hell is this damage?


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> @"AllSins.3485" said:

> Hey guys, i played the betas of this game, and for almost a year after it released , i only played WvWvW so i have no experience in PvE or Spvp.

> Now my problem is this, i got into my Guardian ( core build ) i have full exotic Soldier Gear, thats 2,138 toughness , 3349 armor and 17k hp, this guy back in the day could survive Zergs, i mean wen i encountered the Enemy Train i was able to run back to my Train without dieing, for a looooooong time, now every 1vs1 skills me in 2 seconds, and im not even kidding...

> What the hell happened to the damage in this game? It was completely impossible to kill a support Guardian 1vs1 back in the day, i would not kill you, but you would not kill me for sure.

> Another thing Where is the Elite skill book? the one with Awesome healing?


> What the hell happened to this game? WvWvW was awesome in Seafarers Rest with Zadrots, Red Guard etc etc so many awesome guilds, now i cant find 1 single WvWvW guild from back then and the game is kitten up, really killing people in full toughness gear in 2 seconds? what the hell Arena net....


Stability nerf was the big killer, then it was death by a thousand cuts, then pof stuck the boot in. :(

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