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[Suggestions] Updated: 20 in-game improvements we will 'likely' never see. 10 in OP; 10 from players

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**EDIT:** In the first half of my OP, I listed 10 of my own suggestions, and in the second half of my OP, I listed 10 suggestions from other players in the comments I liked.


**NOTE:** The reason suggestions like Build Templates, Sigil/Rune swapping, a GvG system, decent PvP matchmaking, a WvW population solution, a new Engine, etc. are not on my list below is because I wanted to throw in a few other suggestions that have been brought up less often, if ever. I did not want to make a thread parroting those other suggestions. How funny it is, though, me making this Note technically puts them on the list, but anyway...


**1.** Unlimited Volatile Magic gathering tools in the Gem Store. It is silly how the new Map Currency Unbound Magic gets its own set of ‘unlimited’ gathering tools, yet Volatile Magic does not. My wallet is ready in the event Unlimited Volatile Magic gathering tools come to the Gem Store.


**2.** Allow us to see the totals of _any_ Material we have gathered when we 'Sell' and/or 'Buy More' Materials from the Trading Post within **both** of the Buy/Sell Windows. **Mock-up image of the idea here:** https://imgur.com/zJPhbzm


**Updated with mock-up image:**

**3.** Allow us to toggle _any_ Currency in the Wallet we want to keep track of (up to 10) along the bar where our Gold value displays in our Inventory Window, much like we do when we toggle which 'Achievement progressions' we want to keep track of when we hit the 'Eye' icon. **Mock-up image of the idea here:** https://imgur.com/a/urqxQ


That 'Eye' icon should be next to every Currency in the Wallet Window. Why up to 10 Currencies shown at once? Because 10 is a solid number, and anything more than 10 would look like clutter along the bar where our Gold value displays.


I also improved the idea where any displayed currencies along the bottom bar of the Inventory can be dragged-and-dropped in whatever order players want them displayed.


**And if not any of the above stated**, **please**, **let us at least see our Karma value at all times** since it is a globally-acquired Currency in every Map. For example, in maps like Bloodstone Fen, Lake Doric, and every other new map outside the Heart of Tyria, we _cannot_ see our Karma value at all times like in other Maps.


**4.** Add the option to 'Sell' and/or 'Buy More' of any Material from our Bank, and add the option to 'Sell' any Material from our Material Storage. Currently, we can only 'Buy More' of any Material from our Material Storage. Why only 'Buy More' and not 'Sell', too?


It may sound trivial, but it is really frustrating over a period of time having to drag-and-drop each and every Material from our Material Storage into our Inventory _before_ we can 'Sell' our Materials on the TP, and not being able to 'Sell' and 'Buy More' of any Material at all from our Bank is equally frustrating.


**5.** Let’s take a look at the Additional Crafting License item in the Gem Store. **It reads:** Increase the number of active Crafting Disciplines all characters on your account can have at once (by 4, to be exact).


Why not increase the number of active Crafting Disciplines all characters on our account can have at once from 4 to 9?


What is the difference if our mastered Crafting Disciplines are split up to be accessible on 3 different characters **vs.** all accessible on any character? (3 different characters because of Scribe). Just have them all accessible on any character that already has them mastered. We should _not_ have to split our access up to our mastered Disciplines between 3 different characters. That is _not_ effective nor convenient at all!


**6.** Increase the number of ‘Recently Viewed’ and ‘My Latest Trades’ up to 10 (or 20) shown at a time. **Mock-up image of the idea here:** https://imgur.com/IQGy88A


**7.** Add a Consume-All option to _all_ consumable Finishers, because they are one of the most annoying items to 'Destroy' by having to type in their exact names. They are really only an annoyance after opening many ToT Bags (among a few other containers/bags that contain Finishers), but an annoyance nonetheless.


**8.** Add 'Y' and 'N' hotkeys for the 'Yes' and 'No' options when we ‘Destroy’ any item to make it quicker, or for all 'Yes' or 'No' dialogue boxes, for that matter. **Mock-up image of the idea here:** https://imgur.com/a/hPY6U


**With the above suggestion in mind**, the hotkeys for 'Y' and 'N' should be an Option in the General Options Window, to Enable or Disable them, either to appear in 'Y' or 'N' dialogue boxes, or not appear at all in 'Y' or 'N' dialogue boxes, followed by a red warning message in parenthesis ( ) next to the Option itself that says, "Use at your own risk!"


**9.** Add a World Boss Events Window (within the Contacts and LFG Window) so we do not have to alt-tab and consult third-party online sources outside the game. **Mock-up image of the idea here:** https://imgur.com/hd2zuWW


**NOTE:** If you look at the UI mock-up closely, you will see I put little 'sort by' arrows next to 'Boss Name', 'Boss Level', 'Event Status', and 'Spawn Time'.


Some players do not mind alt-tabbing to their web browser every time to consult third-party sources for when World Boss Events pop, but having a World Boss Event Window within the game itself will be better. Such an Event Window should have existed a long time ago, anyway.


**10.** Remove 'global' cooldown on all instruments and instead **make it where each note has its own cooldown**, and then set every players' 'Player Instrument Volume' to 2-5% after this fix to lessen 'annoyance' from obnoxious players. **However**, if not to remove the 'global' cooldown on all instruments, then at least remove 'global' cooldown on the most popular two instruments being the Lute and the Harp.


Currently (to use the Harp as an example), if any of the lowest Major notes: C D E F G A B C on the first octave go on cooldown, so do any of the C D E F G A B C Major notes on the second and third octaves, meaning each note does _not_ have its own cooldown. The cooldowns on instrument notes are shared 'globally'.


**To be clear,** even if 'global' cooldown on instruments is removed, troll players are _not_ going to be able to spam hundreds of notes in the event they used a script to do so, **because** **each note** on any instrument **at that point** will have its own cooldown.


**10 SUGGESTIONS FROM OTHER PLAYERS IN THE COMMENTS I LIKED (with very minor changes in wording)**


**1.** **Ziooo.8932** suggested: No Mastework Sigils from salvaging on high level Armor [Levels 40-80], because who uses Masterwork Sigils after level 40?


**2.** **Ziooo.8932** suggested: No Armor breaking, but only in Raids and Fractals, since it is auto-repairable, anyway.


**3.** **Ziooo.8932** suggested: Make every refinement (Ores, Cloth, Wood, Leather, etc.) available on every Crafting Discipline.


**4.** **STIHL.2489** suggested: Allow us to Glide in Dungeons and Fractals.


**5.** **Orpheal.8263** suggested: Add the final implementation of Jeweler and Chef 500 to make them equal to all other Crafting Disciplines.


**6.** **Orpheal.8263** suggested: Do a complete rework of the mess that is the whole outdated 2012 Condition and Boons System to a more modern and adapted system that works with the current state of the game.


**7.** **Orpheal.8263** suggested: Quick-use Slots, which enable us to use items from our Inventory except _without_ having to open our Inventory during combat.


**8.** **STIHL.2489** suggested: Allow us to use Mounts in WvW (**Edit** for movement purposes only, and disable Mount attacks for balance purposes since they single-handedly deal 3400-4K+ dmg, depending on the Mount, in conjunction with certain Buffs they provide either to the player or other allies that would stack too quickly).


**9.** **Ziooo.8932** suggested: Allow us to Glide and use our Mounts in our Home Instance. **To which I replied**, "Why is Gliding and Mounting disabled in our Home Instance, anyway?"


**10.** **Orpheal.8263** suggested: Implement more fun and useful Emotes.

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> @"Mordalus.8146" said:

> A slider to reduce visual clutter

> Sigil/rune swapping

> Build templates

> GvG systems

> Decent PvP matchmaking

> Wvw population solution


Oh yea, we all know _those_ are likely never going to happen, either, but I did not want to list the most obvious things in my OP. There is much more this game is missing and/or lacks.

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> @"EthanLightheart.9168" said:

> But theres a mistake in your list. You CAN buy more directly out of the bank tab. Selling though not. I guess thats because selling refers directly to your inventoty.


It is not a typo. You _cannot_ 'Sell' and/or 'Buy More' of any Material from the Bank. However, you _can_ 'Buy More' of any Material from the Material Storage, yet you _cannot_ 'Sell' any Material from the Material Storage.


Overall, that makes no sense. We should be able to 'Sell' and/or 'Buy More' of any Material no matter what storage our Materials are in be it our Inventory, our Bank, or our Material Storage, because they are all forms of storage.


The fact we _still_ do not have those 'Sell' and 'Buy More' options available to us when it comes to our Materials across _all_ storages in 2018 baffles me. I am only bringing it up now because I gave Anet the benefit of the doubt throughout the years I have been playing, hoping they would give us those options, yet the options remain unavailable.

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Use of multiple CPU cores, multi thread and more utilization from the gpu(it would give some good performance boost)

Phisics in game (clothes and a lot of things would be awesome with this, specially the ones from PoF, light armors)

a change of Direct X for a more current one like, ' 12 '

a new engine, better than this one, in all aspects

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> @"GuilhermeDeSC.4738" said:

> Use of multiple CPU cores, multi thread and more utilization from the gpu(it would give some good performance boost)

> Phisics in game (clothes and a lot of things would be awesome with this, specially the ones from PoF, light armors)

> a change of Direct X for a more current one like, ' 12 '

> a new engine, better than this one, in all aspects


All those things you just listed requires a whole new engine, therefore, those things will _certainly_ never happen. The only way GW gets a new engine is if Anet makes GW3 and starts from scratch _with_ a new engine, and I do not see that happening for another 8-10 years from now.

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> @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > @"GuilhermeDeSC.4738" said:

> > Use of multiple CPU cores, multi thread and more utilization from the gpu(it would give some good performance boost)

> > Phisics in game (clothes and a lot of things would be awesome with this, specially the ones from PoF, light armors)

> > a change of Direct X for a more current one like, ' 12 '

> > a new engine, better than this one, in all aspects


> All those things you just listed requires a whole new engine, therefore, those things will _certainly_ never happen. The only way GW gets a new engine is if Anet makes GW3 and starts from scratch _with_ a new engine. Yea, I do not see that happening for another 8-10 years, at least.


kinda sad right? XD the game is awesome as is, but these things would make a world of difference in my pov xD


what's left is to dream /cry

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> @"GuilhermeDeSC.4738" said:

> > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > > @"GuilhermeDeSC.4738" said:

> > > Use of multiple CPU cores, multi thread and more utilization from the gpu(it would give some good performance boost)

> > > Phisics in game (clothes and a lot of things would be awesome with this, specially the ones from PoF, light armors)

> > > a change of Direct X for a more current one like, ' 12 '

> > > a new engine, better than this one, in all aspects

> >

> > All those things you just listed requires a whole new engine, therefore, those things will _certainly_ never happen. The only way GW gets a new engine is if Anet makes GW3 and starts from scratch _with_ a new engine. Yea, I do not see that happening for another 8-10 years, at least.


> kinda sad right? XD the game is awesome as is, but these things would make a world of difference in my pov xD


> what's left is to dream /cry


Yup. Sad state of affairs is sad.


Dreaming, though, is the best simulation of any game, because we can make any game do what we want them to do. I just wish my progress was saved during dreaming instead of fragments of it, because I often forget them.

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> @"GuilhermeDeSC.4738" said:

> Use of multiple CPU cores, multi thread and more utilization from the gpu(it would give some good performance boost)

> Phisics in game (clothes and a lot of things would be awesome with this, specially the ones from PoF, light armors)

> a change of Direct X for a more current one like, ' 12 '

> a new engine, better than this one, in all aspects


The game engine *uses* multiple CPU cores, and multi threads. The main problem is that it has a 'main thread' that runs in the first CPU core, and that's where most of the game is being rendered/calculated/computed. It *does* utilize quite a bit from the GPU--don't believe everything you hear from random people in the internet (Like me!) If you search on Reddit, there's a post explaining this by one engineer from A.net.


Physics in game would be kinda cool, I agree, but with the horrendous issue we have with clipping, I can only imagine the tragedy this is going to ensue.


Same as before, changing DirectX to 12 would improve *some* situations of the game, and those are limited.


A new engine? *Very* unlikely to happen, but oh, wouldn't we all love this...

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1. On/off button for idle animations (make them optional).

2. 25% movement speed enrichment (I know we have mounts but try Palawadan, you're in combat 75% of the time).

3. Remove armor weight restriction (let us mix-n-match Heavy-Medium-Light armor).

4. Remove minor/major sigils/runes from dropped gear.

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> **1.** Unlimited Volatile Magic gathering tools in the Gem Store. It is silly how the new Map Currency Unbound Magic gets its own set of ‘unlimited’ gathering tools, yet Volatile Magic does not. My wallet is ready in the event Unlimited Volatile Magic gathering tools come to the Gem Store.

The (unlimited) unbound magic tools first went on sale in May 2017, approximately when LS3.5 released. There's plenty of time for unlimited volatiles to go on sale and beat that "pattern."


> **2.** Allow us to see the totals of _any_ Material we have gathered when we 'Sell' and/or 'Buy More' Materials from the Trading Post within the Buy/Sell Windows. **Mock-up image of the idea here:** https://imgur.com/zJPhbzm

I'd certainly make use of it, but I doubt very much it will affect that many people's purchases. Most people buy only after they run out or sell when they can't deposit.


> **3.** Allow us to toggle _any_ Currency in the Wallet we want to keep track of (up to 10) along the bar where our Gold value displays in our Inventory Window, much like we do when we toggle which 'Achievement progressions' we want to keep track of when we hit the 'Eye' icon.

ANet would like this, too. Unfortunately, according to them, the original UI was written in such a way as to allow for only two currencies to show, gold and a map-dependent alternative. Back in the day, the only "important" alternative was karma, which, along with gold was originally character bound rather than account bound.


It's fixable, but a lot more effort than it appears to us.



> **4.** Add the option to 'Sell' and/or 'Buy More' of any Material from our Bank, and add the option to 'Sell' any Material from our Material Storage. Currently, we can only 'Buy More' of any Material from our Material Storage. Why only 'Buy More' and not 'Sell', too?

I'd like this, too.

I suspect it's another one of those "sounds simple, but much more complicated" in practice. For example, the reason material storage allows up to 2k of an item, but the bank doesn't is that the mat storage has special code that actually allows multiple stacks to appear as if they are one. That is, we don't have "one stack" of 1550 iron ore, we have seven stacks with the UI arranged to display it as "1550" rather than "6 x 250 + 50". (That, of course, doesn't specifically explain why there's no "buy more..." &mdash' it's meant only to illustrate that what we see isn't necessarily an accurate representation of a simple situation.)



> **5.** Let’s take a look at the Additional Crafting License item in the Gem Store. **It reads:** Increase the number of active Crafting Disciplines all characters on your account can have at once (by 4, to be exact).


> Why not increase the number of active Crafting Disciplines all characters on our account can have at once from 4 to 9?

I have nothing against this idea, but neither do I see it being used a lot. Had I known about the Mistlock Sanctuary, I never would have bought the new licenses, since I can go to the VIP area to craft and return to where I was before.


> **6.** Increase the number of ‘Recently Viewed’ and ‘My Latest Trades’ up to 10 (or 20) shown at a time. **Mock-up image of the idea here:** https://imgur.com/IQGy88A

Like a lot of useful BLTC suggestions, this probably affects TP performance more than we'd imagine. Most people don't remember that the TP failed frequently during BETA and launch because it was used far more often than expected. Over time, ANet's made a lot of changes to reduce the issues by limiting how often our game displays TP data.


It's likely that for now the best bet is to use 3rd party tools to track this sort of thing for us.



> **7.** Add a Consume-All option to _all_ consumable Finishers, because they are one of the most annoying items to 'Destroy' by having to type in their exact names. They are really only an annoyance after opening many ToT Bags (among a few other containers/bags that contain Finishers), but an annoyance nonetheless.

For me, a "better" solution would be to give these a vendor value of 1 copper. This allows us to dispose of entire stacks with two clicks (maybe three, if there's a warning).


For now, I just save these up in the bank until i have a full stack then use mouseKeys to consume them one at a time; it's doesn't take that long. The people affected the most are those who already own the permanent version, because they aren't able to consume these at all; adding a vendor value would also address this.



> **8.** Add 'Y' and 'N' hotkeys for the 'Yes' and 'No' options when we ‘Destroy’ any item to make it quicker, or for all 'Yes' or 'No' dialogue boxes, for that matter. **Mock-up image of the idea here:** https://imgur.com/a/hPY6U

While that sounds great, it also means people would be more likely to ignore the warning messages until they made a mistake, undermining the very purpose of the warning. If ANet has time to invest in QoL for warning messages, I'd rather see them (a) set out a universal policy for what levels of warning and (b) systematically go through all items in the game and review the current warnings.


Warnings are meant to make it difficult for people to accidentally get rid of something; they shouldn't be easier to work around, in my opinion.



> **9.** Add a World Boss Events Window (within the Contacts and LFG Window) so we do not have to alt-tab and consult third-party online sources outside the game. **Mock-up image of the idea here:** https://imgur.com/hd2zuWW


> Some players do not mind alt-tabbing to their web browser every time to consult third-party sources for when World Boss Events pop, but having a World Boss Event Window within the game itself will be better. Such an Event Window should have existed a long time ago, anyway.

This would be useful, I just think that 3rd party sites are always going to do a much better job than ANet at this sort of thing.



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> The (unlimited) unbound magic tools first went on sale in May 2017, approximately when LS3.5 released. There's plenty of time for unlimited volatiles to go on sale and beat that "pattern."


We will see.


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I'd certainly make use of it, but I doubt very much it will affect that many people's purchases. Most people buy only after they run out or sell when they can't deposit.


Okay, but knowing the numeric value of your Materials _before_ you actually run out of them is the thing about that particular suggestion. It would complete the Trading Post UI a little more, because there is nothing wrong with having more information available to us. Not everyone wants to go to their Material Storage to see the _exact_ values of each Material they have, especially when Crafting certain items that only require a certain amount. Going by the 'not able to Deposit' factor is not always good enough.


Furthermore, not everyone is all for pulling out their wallets to buy things from the Gem Store like access to the Mistlock Sanctuary. Even then, that is still time you have to spend traveling/moving around to get to a Bank in-game, when we can just open up the TP anywhere in the game and _know_ how much of a particular Material we have stored.


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

>ANet would like this, too. Unfortunately, according to them, the original UI was written in such a way as to allow for only two currencies to show, gold and a map-dependent alternative. Back in the day, the only "important" alternative was karma, which, along with gold was originally character bound rather than account bound.


Citation, please. Even if you do dig up what would be an old source or two, they are old, so I will venture to say because they _have_ updated the engine throughout the years, I am sure they would be able to re-work that bottom bar a bit in the Inventory's UI where our Gold value shows up to be able to toggle multiple Currencies to keep track of. And like I said, if not give us the ability to toggle which Currencies we want to keep track of, Karma should at least be shown at all times in all Maps, because it is a globally-acquired Currency.


Sure, it _is_ fixable (as you said), but do not blame 'the engine' and use that term as an all-answer to all things not implemented in the game when it is in fact other times due to oversight or laziness.


You are right on a couple things I have brought up that may be tough or may be impossible to implement, but _not_ all the things I have brought up. You are going on assumption, because you do not really know what the engine is capable of today **vs.** back in 2013-2014. A lot _has_ happened since then, despite the age of the engine.


And how do you know Anet is not purposely depriving players of certain features to ensure sales on future Xpacs, making us believe their engine is so incapable of certain things? You don't, yet it is a possibility. Look at the bigger picture beyond the big picture here. Anet is a business. Remember that. They're not as dumb some players in the community believe they are.


The best example I like to use to prove the above stated is the fact GW1, working off the same engine GW2 does, _has_ Build Templates, yet GW2 does not. Explain that one. Anet's older game GW1 (13 years old) has what their newer game GW2 does not. Does that make sense? _No_ it does not. The only way it makes a morsel of sense is from a business perspective for such features to be included in a future Xpac.


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I'd like this, too. I suspect it's another one of those "sounds simple, but much more complicated" in practice. For example, the reason material storage allows up to 2k of an item, but the bank doesn't is that the mat storage has special code that actually allows multiple stacks to appear as if they are one. That is, we don't have "one stack" of 1550 iron ore, we have seven stacks with the UI arranged to display it as "1550" rather than "6 x 250 + 50". (That, of course, doesn't specifically explain why there's no "buy more..." &mdash' it's meant only to illustrate that what we see isn't necessarily an accurate representation of a simple situation).


That is a poor example, because it has to do with different numeric values that apply to a different thing altogether, and while what I propose may require certain numeric values to make it work in the code, they do _not_ apply to the same thing.


Anet has already shown they _are_ capable of implementing 'Options' on items, just like they did for the Consume-All Option people thought would never happen. Way back in the day after pushing hard for a Consume-All Option, I argued until blue in the face until it actually happened, and look what we got.


The only thing that explains not being able to 'Sell' and 'Buy More' of any Material from all Storages across the board is an oversight, that or a silly reason to purposely not allow it that Anet never explained to us.


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I have nothing against this idea, but neither do I see it being used a lot. Had I known about the Mistlock Sanctuary, I never would have bought the new licenses, since I can go to the VIP area to craft and return to where I was before.


At this point, it sounds like instead of supporting what are good ideas I have come up with, you are coming up with any way to counteract them with very assumptuous conjecture ('assumptuous conjecture' because 'assumption' is to believing without proof, and 'conjecture' is to theorizing without concrete evidence, or lack thereof). You say you are not against the idea, yet in the same sentence you knock it.


Why would players _not_ buy/use more Crafting Licences if they see their characters can have access to up to 9 active Crafting Disciplines at once on _any_ character instead of 4 in the new Crafting License tooltip in the Gem Store? Had it been that way to begin with, Anet would have sold much more Crafting Licenses, and you know it.


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Like a lot of useful BLTC suggestions, this probably affects TP performance more than we'd imagine. Most people don't remember that the TP failed frequently during BETA and launch because it was used far more often than expected. Over time, ANet's made a lot of changes to reduce the issues by limiting how often our game displays TP data.


That was a server issue _not_ an engine issue, because their were too many players at once in the game at the time using the TP than the game could handle. Now that GW2 has been up and running for several years, Anet's servers deal with population better now. And from what I read as of recently, Anet changed the location of their servers to make the game run smoother, and the in-game lag we have been experiencing recently they said is only temporary due to the big move. It _will_ get better.


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> For me, a "better" solution would be to give these a vendor value of 1 copper. This allows us to dispose of entire stacks with two clicks (maybe three, if there's a warning). For now, I just save these up in the bank until i have a full stack then use mouseKeys to consume them one at a time; it's doesn't take that long. The people affected the most are those who already own the permanent version, because they aren't able to consume these at all; adding a vendor value would also address this.


I actually agree with the above stated from you. At least 1 Copper has a value rather than trashing a whole stack of Finishers. With that being said, I thought MouseKey macros were not allowed? Correct me if I am wrong on that. Last I read, any form of 'automation' is against EULA.


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> While that sounds great, it also means people would be more likely to ignore the warning messages until they made a mistake, undermining the very purpose of the warning. If ANet has time to invest in QoL for warning messages, I'd rather see them (a) set out a universal policy for what levels of warning and (b) systematically go through all items in the game and review the current warnings.


Not if Disabled by default in the General Options Window. It should _not_ be a feature Enabled by default for players to use right away. There would have to be a red warning message in parenthesis ( ) next to the Option itself that says, "Use at your own risk."


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

>This would be useful, I just think that 3rd party sites are always going to do a much better job than ANet at this sort of thing.


While you are not wrong, I still believe a World Boss Event window _is_ codeable, as exampled in the mock-up I provided in my OP: https://imgur.com/hd2zuWW **It does _not_ have to be an overly complex UI**, even though behind the scenes it may take some work to work out.


The reason I believe Anet is capable of coding a World Boss Event Window in the game is because World Bosses are on timers, consistently, every day at the same time. Therefore, it should in theory be easier for the devs to work with 'consistent' numeric values in their code rather than completely random values in their code, so it is easier for the UI to translates the 'whens' (the times when each World Boss pops) and the 'wheres' (the locations where each World Boss pops).


I understand an in-game World Boss Event Window is the least likely thing on the list to be implemented, but I believe in Anet's developers' capabilities, since they managed to implement certain things (like Mounts) the game was not originally designed for, even though they could not get [F] Interact right while Mounting without bugging the game, that which is why we Dismount every time upon every [F] Interact.

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Just some QoL things I would like.

* Account Wide Recipes. This way, if any character reads the recipe, all my characters have access to it.

* Mounts in WvW

* Gliding in Dungeons/Fractals.

* City Outfit Swaps. I recall they used to have "Town Clothing" I think it would be really cool if they had it so when you entered a non-combat zone (towns) you changed into this "town clothing". (maybe even make it like a costume, so, we could brawl/duel, or something)

* Mini Battle Arena - ok.. yah.. this is like GW2 pokemon, but since we collect pets anyway, I think it would be kinda cool if they put in something we could do with them. And yah.. it's a fantasy game.. so.. violence.

* Full Upgrade to Underwater Combat. GW2 has by far some of the best Underwater Combat I have ever seen. I would LOVE to see this expanded upon.


Those are just a few things I would like to see, but.. I don't foresee them happening any time soon.

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my top 10 list of things that will most likely never happen in this game anymore ..


1) The implementation of Polymok and the other missing minigames that should have been there sicne release day originally


2) The final implementation of Jeweler and Chef 500 to make them finally facking equal to all other Crafting Jobs


3) The implementation of a real useful official Build Template System that makes it for PvE/WvW equally as easy to change builds as like in PvP at least, if not easier for everyo e everywhere.


4) A complete rework of the mess that is the whole outdated 2012er Condition and Boon System to a more modern and adapted system, that works with the current state of this game


5) A complete rework of the mess that is the whole outdated 2012er Health/Attribute System to a more modern and adapted better Dual Effect System with class individually balanced Base health Values that are easier to balance, than the outdated 3 Class Type system which shoehorns the classes too much, which is bad for class balancing these days.


6) The removal of obsolete Gear Stats, changing the system to a one with much more freedom of choice, like classical MMORPGs use it, where the player can freely distribute his stat points after leveling up, and if neccessary reset the "stat build" to redistribute your Stat Points again to make a new build for your character, if you think you want to change something on your Build Setting. Gear Stats is one of the worst things ANet could do to this game!! Gear should provide only defense and the effects you gain from using Upgrades on them !! Stats come from Character Progression as you become stronger over time. Gear is for Defense, Fashion and Side Effects from Upgrades


7) The improval of Fractals to make finally usage of the real potential this game mode has, for which anet self seems to be too blind for to see what a raw gem they have made there, which they totally ignore to polish. Fractals could be so much more in this game, than what ANet did make with them so far ... provided in the past enough proposals in regard how they could add more depth to this game mode.. but i guess Anet is not interested at all to make somethign more out of this game mode, other than this stereotypical boring thign that it has been since introduction and the few new fractals that have been added since then only, which just follow only the same design scheme of the fractals core design that will always be the same.


8) The reimplementation finally of a properly reworked and reintegrated Season 1 from the living World that will work similar then like Season 2, lettign you replay the content for some new achievements together with adding some new Mass Player Fractals to be able to replay this way Invasions, the LA Defense Battles and the Battle agaisnt the Marrionette, which are practicalyl the only really missign big events of Season 1, which can be reimplemented back only with the help of Mass Player Fractals as new Fractal Type that allows for more than 5 players to be part of their created rescaling instances...


9) the implementation of useful quality of life improvements, like Quick Use Slots, which enable to to use items from your inventory, without that you have to open for that your inventory extra first, or other useful UI improvements, like the implementation of a Word Boss Timer into the Party/Event/LFG-Screen so that you can get informed by the game itself, when you should go better to one of the various maps next if you want to participate in a battle vs a world boss you marked that you want to get informed for it and so on and so on, in regard of quality of life improvements this game lacks so much ....


10) the implementation of many more fun and useful EMOTES together with the introduction of own dedicated Roleplay Servers with different rule sets specificly for them..but that would be definetely demanded already too mucn ..heck even wantign to have more emotes seems to be demanded too much ..when you think about it that even GW1 had much more emotes, than what GW2 has sicne release day and Anet never did anythign to change this poor situation ...absurd ....

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> @"Neutra.6857" said:

> I would add something that I know won't happen, being able to buy more then 250 of an item at a time on the tp.


I have been thinking about that, too, throughout my gameplay over the years, and the only reason we cannot Buy/Sell more than 250 of items is to prevent players from manipulating the market too fast. It is the same reason we cannot Sell our items to players as fast we want to, which is also irritating at times.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> Just some QoL things I would like.

> * Account Wide Recipes. This way, if any character reads the recipe, all my characters have access to it.

> * Mounts in WvW

> * Gliding in Dungeons/Fractals.

> * City Outfit Swaps. I recall they used to have "Town Clothing" I think it would be really cool if they had it so when you entered a non-combat zone (towns) you changed into this "town clothing". (maybe even make it like a costume, so, we could brawl/duel, or something)

> * Mini Battle Arena - ok.. yah.. this is like GW2 pokemon, but since we collect pets anyway, I think it would be kinda cool if they put in something we could do with them. And yah.. it's a fantasy game.. so.. violence.

> * Full Upgrade to Underwater Combat. GW2 has by far some of the best Underwater Combat I have ever seen. I would LOVE to see this expanded upon.


> Those are just a few things I would like to see, but.. I don't foresee them happening any time soon.


Don't we already have Account-wide recipes? Pretty sure that was added like a year or so, ago. Town Clothes just became Outfits, as well, though there is no auto-swap. There was, for a very short time, a kind of Mini-pet arena in the original Lion's Arch. There were some NPC Mini-pets in it, and it looked like there would be battles, but it was removed.

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