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decay & games played needs a look at


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  • 1 year later...

> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> I personally feel like the current system for decay and games played required is too soft and targets casual players. If someone needs to play 15 games every week and lets say a game is on average 10 minutes, you are only playing 2 and half hours on average per week. This is too much of a casual threshold, if your serious about the "competitive scene" you will be playing more than 2 hours a week on average. I feel games played should be increased by 30 each week as opposed to 15.


> Most people say that PvP is dead but I don't agree with them, most people just don't play because they are camping their rating and only playing 15 games per week then only playing unranked and tournaments.


> Decay is also to soft and needs a look at, not playing a game for 72 hours is kitten, if your serious you will be playing a game each day. I believe decay should be reduced to 48 hours and upon playing a game while you have decay you should not receive any positive rating towards the leaderboard. This should prevent people from camping their rating and playing at the last minute to steal spots on the leaderbaord. Having said that you will still receive negative rating with your decay, this will definitely prevent some people only playing the minimum games required.


> Finally decay should start at 100 per day and reduced by 50 for each game played, so you will need to play 2 games for every 100 decay to remove your decay. If you win any games while on decay you will not receive any normal rating for winning, though your decay will be removed.


> Summary:

> * Increase decay starting from 48 hours.

> * Decay starts at 100 per day.

> * Decay reduced by 50 per game.

> * Player does not recieve postive rating for winning a game while on decay.

> * Player receives negative rating for losing a game on decay.

> * Minimum games required per week starts at 30.




This just reeks of elitist BS.

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> @"Alehin.3746" said:

> Ranked is dead anyways, theres people on the top 50 that don't even know how half of the classes works, it's better to just let the casuals take over and feel good about themselves so they can keep buying gems and keeping the game alive.


> Your "competitive scene" is dead, boy. It's time to move on.



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I agree with increasing the minimum games per week to 30. Right now ppl too much camping their ranking which leads to less ppl queuing and worser MM. Some ppl might have problem to make it, but if actually want to achieve something, it's never for casuals.


> @"Loop.8106" said:

> ....... Just count top 50, how many people has 240 games + played.


These are the nice example of rank camping, meanwhile they are all playing unranked





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Honestly the bigger problem is that ranked has too much cheese and aids.


My rating has been high enough to be top 250 many seasons, but I only have one top 100 ( Ruthless legend ) title because I could only bring myself to trudge through 120 games once. The fact is, you get more players playing a mode if it is actually fun. Instead you get braindead builds designed to avoid counterplay that any mongoose can run, at the expense of making the game boring. Unranked is so much more chill.

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> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> > @"Morwath.9817" said:

> > Ooo? Quaggan would like to remind you that game isn't designed around few tryhards, some people got life, waifu and other hobbys, you can expect everyone to play everyday.


> Seasonal ranked PvP is not for casuals, there are other game modes like unranked and the moba style map for people who can't play more than 2 hours a week.


this is gw2 the whole freaking thing is for casuals

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