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Stronghold again please


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I'm hoping to get a response sense anet has been pretty active here lately.


Is there any way we can get stronghold ranked back? If anything that might help season 10 a bit because seasons 1-4 with SH was a lot of fun. Sadly i have no idea why it was taken from ranked to begin with when its a higher quality map then the conq maps. Sadly in pvp not all of us want to dance in and around little circles all game so SH introduced some actual competitive game play with having so many things needed to be done to win. Not just sand here spam there while 1 person runs around with a short bow thief.


As a gw1 Vet i can tell you that after years of pvp i quit playing ranked after season 8 because the lack of excitement in the game mode of conq on top of other issues.


Please bring stronghold back as ranked or at least let us the players decide if we don't or do want it to return.

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Bingo you can't compare to how stronghold has way more competitive value to it then circle dance conquest but for some reason we are stuck with multiple zzzZZZzzzZZZ conq maps. I really dont want to be forced to roll a sb #5 theif just to win games in speed racing aka conq. I want actual skill based games like in stronghold back in ranked. I'd love a separate LB for em.

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Stronghold failed at being competitive and interactive. It was too easy to just PvE race or stalemate forever. ANet rightly removed it from ranked, and it's also why so few people want to play it. For casual play where people don't try very hard or coordinate, it's only mediocre.

In the Maps Discussion thread, ANet said they wanted to re-visit stronghold in the future, but it's not on their current TODO list.

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> ~~Bingo you can't compare to how stronghold has way more competitive value...~~


I'll stop you right there because you've already lost that argument before finishing that sentence. There's **zilch** evidence that Stronghold was ever a contender to Conquest, with the exception of the Beta testing weekends.

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Sorry gents quaggan has it right. Funny thing is there is actually more competitive value to going for defense, going on offense, using the treb, going middle for supplies. Yeah some heal bots ruined it at start but besides that it's always been more of a competitive map then 4 guys go spam middle while 1 short bow thief runs around.


I'm sorry conq has been a joke game mode on the pvp community since day 1 when you have a super speedster class in a game mode that is more speed based then skill based. Roll a thief with a thief buddy ( 2 good players) if you get matched vs a team with no speed( a mesmer or thief) guess who has about a 90% chance of winning circle dancing pvp. There was a game mode that works that they had in a previous game but they didn't bring the good pvp over to gw2. TDM is the only real pvp game mode for guild wars.


Until Short bow #5 on thief is nerfed you will never have legit pvp in conq. Hell look how there are near almost no deadeye players these days. No one will sacrifice speed for a long shot when it's speed wars 2.

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A big problem with stronghold is it has too many "broken" strategies that manifest once elo is on the line. For instance, a team can bumrush the gate down, then stall the rest of the match by 5 manning at their own gate - no need to win by taking down the lord, just get ahead and then defense cheese the rest of the match. Team comp just matters way too much.


In unranked, it's fine because people generally aren't going to use teamwork to cheese a match that doesn't matter.

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> @"bluri.2653" said:

> Only thing they should do is remove stronghold tbh and keep developing the 2v2 maps


Ooo, but Stronghold could be saved just by removing all NPCs with exception of Lord and Heroes (as side objectives) and by allowing players to destroy/repair gates by themselves.

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> @"Morwath.9817" said:

> > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > Only thing they should do is remove stronghold tbh and keep developing the 2v2 maps


> Ooo, but Stronghold could be saved just by removing all NPCs with exception of Lord and Heroes (as side objectives) and by allowing players to destroy/repair gates by themselves.


I have mixed feelings on this one. On one side Stronghold is perfect and was just abused at the start. I can kill rats even with 2 heal bots these days pushing 1 first push. Just like anything there will be a class that outshines in a map like healing rats. But then you have conquest that has 1 class that outperforms all others in speed wars 2 conquest maps and its been so since the first game was initiated in gw2 pvp.


Then again getting rid of the npcs with supplies and letting the ( but there are npcs so its not a pvp map) people can just have no argument. Even tho most conq maps have a pve element like a lord, chieften, treb, belll, shrine and so forth... I just want options and to be able to enjoy ranked. Right now dancing in and between little circles that get AoE bombed is not much fun.

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> @"bluri.2653" said:

> Stronghold should be removed all together and never been made lol


Circle dancing is a thing but after years it is boring as hell ... SH isnt competitive but with some changes it could be. In GW1 we had so much fun in ADH on diffrent competitive maps with diffrent setups. It would be so great to have it in GW2 too. Maybe copy the setup from ADH with diffrent maps in a row like circle --> SH --> Deathmatch than XY and actually win the small tourney, inform the world by an ingame text and be a superstar ...

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> @""Raiden The Beast.3016"


WTB Hall of Heroes AB and FA from gw1 and bring them to gw2. After the uphill fight in HoH and the final team vs team matchup was just epic fun. There are ways they can make it do able here with even the broken unbalanced condi and unkillable heal bot builds. Lock builds from start of the journey up and make it fun.

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> @"Raiden The Beast.3016" said:

> > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > Stronghold should be removed all together and never been made lol


> Circle dancing is a thing but after years it is boring as hell ... SH isnt competitive but with some changes it could be. In GW1 we had so much fun in ADH on diffrent competitive maps with diffrent setups. It would be so great to have it in GW2 too. Maybe copy the setup from ADH with diffrent maps in a row like circle --> SH --> Deathmatch than XY and actually win the small tourney, inform the world by an ingame text and be a superstar ...


L O L you guys are funny if you think you actually will get current SH no matter with what small tweaks they do to be played on a competitive level. The only thing to save and make something that gw1 had is to completely remove SH and redo it from the bottom and properly, SH is a joke and everyone knows it and thinks that way, you have what less than 50 players playing SH?

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The builds and playstlyes stronghold promotes is not fun....theres no skill involved or sence active participation when playing stronghold....what do people do when escorting the bomb rats? They play Tankyness unbelievable tankyness to the point where its a waist of time to initiate a fight against someone who so pathetically skilless that they choose a pve playstyle in a pvp game. The people who like strong hold i just don't understand.


Fyi: pvp mean play vs player. Not player vs enviorment, not player vs npc, not player vs map not player vs skills (like the engi invuln skill that activates at 10% hp that player vs class skills). It's player vs player. and once we get back to that fact pvp will be fun again

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Stronghold certainly has its issues but it has to potential to be the overall more interesting game mode to play and especially to watch. It has room for more tactical decisions and smaller; more readable; fights, in different locations rather then endless 5v5 zerging in one of 3 circles. The reason why almost no one is watching GW2 PvP on twitch is because its an unreadable mess which makes it very boring. Most people watching "pro-streams" are doing it because they want to learn new tactics and tricks to improve there own gameplay but that simply not a thing for conquest, it only looks like camping in circles and button mashing when an enemy shows up. Stronghold has much slower gameplay and positioning and player rotations are a lot more important. It definitely needs to be rebalanced and its own leader boards but seeing all its potential go to waste would be really sad and something GW2 already does far to often,in so may areas.

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@"Eddbopkins.2630" Foefire (lord), Kyhlo (treb), Temple (Shrines), Capricorn (bell)... and so on. I'm sorry we have yet to have real pvp like TDM ( minus the half ass courtyard joke and 2v2 joke). So since conquest is just as pve as your claim with stronghold what you say is a joke.


Dancing in and around 3 little circles has no competitive value to it no matter how much you claim it does. Sure there are builds that outshine in a game mode. Just look at a Thief with shortbow / ___ they have been around since the start and every game / team needs one because conq is speed wars not skill wars.


As for your claim with the healers in SH. Sorry bucko but even the best healer in the world can't save rats from me. That is also one disadvantage if you are all heal how do you go for guards? Most heal bots fail these days, that was just at the start of SH back long ago.

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Some builds are too strong that you cannot play Stronghold in a 5v5 setting because of constant nerf same in Conquest that required you to Map manipulate (Crowd Control) or make sure those Second Objective are in your favor e.g Trebuchet and Skyhammer including Tengu Archers. its not Season 1=4 fault for not having the game mode show its true potential inspite the legitimacy of those who participated in a blatant act of farming scripts, although it is not too late, as per usual remove it and bring its innovative design mechanic too make it more stream line and easy to understand is the only way to go and not quite sure if those suggestion are necessary?

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