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[Suggestion/Poll] Treat holidays as part of the living story


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I think that a number of players enjoy the holiday events and look forward to them. To these people the holidays are an extra event that makes GW2 stand out since each MMO has its version of in game holidays. Holidays are things that when people discuss MMOs will often bring up and note differences and what makes those events stand out. Whenever a holiday repeats though and players find that nothing has changed it turns some people away since they feel that they have done that content and their time is better spent else where. What I propose is whether or not holidays should be treated as part of the living story development cycle and evolve over time. The purpose of the poll is to get a feel on where the players see time makes sense if ANet would welcome opinion on the topic and what level of change they might be interested in if they could have a say. Thanks for your time. Please drop your own thoughts in about holiday events, likes and dislikes.

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None of the poll options seem to cover "I would like festivals to receive enough development and maintenance resources to bring back the "missing" events from Dragon Bash/Festival of the Four Winds/Queen's Jubilee, possibly by rolling parts of these into the Lunar Festival and combining the rest into a single other festival, and the "missing" events and Mad Memories for Halloween. I also understand that festivals in MMOs are meant to be fairly static and predictable, to allow for a breather in development and customer service needs, because game company employees deserve time off for holidays and vacations, too, so would not expect ongoing evolution of these events."

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I voted for "change the reward" since I like the holiday festivals that we have now (could be improved, but the base is there), but I feel they could put some new rewards that is more....achievable by the casual players; that does not require you to play the same content for hours every single day or to fork over 1000g.

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Here's the thing: I think Halloween is the only festivals with ongoing story potential. The other festivals are either discontinued or dont have deep enough lore to be continuing their story.


Halloween: 2012 introduced us to the Mad King Thorn whom according to veterans had a history with joko and what better time to update the holiday story with PoF coming? But Joko is in Elona and Mad king in LA then again there are refugees now in Commodore's Quarters but that area is untouched, not even decorations are there I think. In 2013 there was also the story of the Mad King and his son and that never got a proper resolution.


Wintersday: 2012 Tixx and Toxx infinirarium were we either do Toypocalypse (tower defense) or stop rebellious toy. In terms of lore, it makes sense for an asura to think his golem is patched up and perfect when in reality is causing havoc or have Skritt cause trouble on his ship and give us rewards for helping, nothing too deep to keep going imo. But 2013 we had a little bit of extra story dealing with Ho-ho-tron (Hero-Tron) And Marcello accepting donations to repair damages to DR, they were convicted for "aiding" Scarlet's attack on DR, you had the option to read their happenings or simply donate and start the event. After that Wintersday has been like that only now we have a single Replica Ho-ho-Tron instead who is purposely built to replace the original.


SAB: Probably the most cherished festival among the community. In 2013 enter a pixelated world paying tribute to old platfromer videogames with only walking and jumping obstacles and occasionally hitting enemies with a stick, our objective is simple: SAVE THE PRINCESS!!!!!!!. Originally only 2 worlds were available, a 3rd world was added later in the same year. Around 3 years later the SAB finally returned with only 2 worlds. Like Wintersday there is nothing too deep BUT I wish every year we get an extra world, there are after all 4 houses representing a world.


Dragon Bash/Lunar New Year: In 2013 originally Dragon Bash was to show Tyrians were not afraid of Dragons and was sponsored by the Captain's Council, unfortunately at the same time a Council member was murdered in the scene, after that debacle Dragon Bash was turned into Lunar New Year. 2014 onward we are celebrating the Canthan New Year (our version of Chinese new year) with 4 out of 12 animals going.


Queen's Jubilee: In 2013 we honor Jennah's coronation and gain access to her gauntlet in the Crown Pavilion, an awesome arena like place were we fight fight fight! Unfortunately it was shut down after Scarlet attacked. In 2014 it was reopened were Heal-o-tron (Hero-tron) activated the events. I Can see Queen Jennah opening her Pavillion once a year in gratitude of the Pact Commander saving her city twice now.

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I voted for I'm fine how they are, but I'm really only talking about Halloween and Wintersday. I'm not hugely interested in the other festivals, so can't speak to them. However, Halloween really could do with a little polish, something of a story resolution, a little tidy-up. Also bring back Lunatic Inquisition. I miss it.


Wintersday is fine as it is, I think.


I don't need festivals to be Living Story per se, as I see that as something different.



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> @TheGrimm.5624 said:

> > @Zaltys.7649 said:

> > Holidays are the busiest time of the year for me. So I always hate it when MMOs have special events during real world holidays, who's actually got time for that?


> People on holiday. :)

> That and people trying to break from things during the holiday seasons.


Totally agree.

And also, ANET, if you want to introduce some new reward please remember about the Winter's Presence... and please don't make anymore things like that...


edit: just to be clear, i am not against the aura... i am against the achievement itself.

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