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Make WvW a Stand Alone Game


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WvW has a lot of issues atm and anet is fixing so slowly that they cant keep up with the development of the game. When we got eotm wvw was already lacking players on the lower tear servers and that only got worst with the introduction of eotm. Instead of giving fast solutions to the long queues on resets and prime times when the demand was there, anet decided to go the other way and develop a bs map that has nothing to do with wvw at all, and the worst thing was, that it came way to late to fix a problem that was not existent anymore for 2/3 of the servers. All it did was cannibalizing the true wvw potential player base to a new map that was basicaly a 24/7 carma train. So players that came from eotm karma training to the real wvw could habe been shocked that objectives where being defended and that commanders where looking for fights and objectives in a competitive environment. Now a player who was introduced to wvw by eotm, had to do 4 important things which he never had to think about when he was brain afk eotming.

1. The player needed to be in ts to at least listen to a commander

2. The player needed to get a proper build for wvw, which could mean to spend up to 500g or even more if it had to be accended gear.

3. The player needed to know how to play this new build he got from the wvw players recommended towards him

4. The player had to accept that rewards in wvw are bs and that playing wvw was not a source to get gold or karma or whatever that could be used to get rich b***ch


These 4 points are only 4 major things that come in my minde atm, but as u can see there where a lot of things the player did not need to do while in eotm (wvw) then he had to do in real wvw. So for some players eotm was the nicer environment to play in. I can understand that, but these players could have also played other pve modes like fraktals or dungeons, but eotm was a nice way to brain afk lvl up too so why bother doing proper builds and fraktal or do dungeons or do play the open world maps. This issue was called out very fast but anet reacted so slowly that it was already to late.


This tipe of mistakes are being made by anet again and agian for wvw. How comes that still not every class has a place in wvw for the tryhard kommanders? Go on this website ez.gw2discord.eu/builds and look what is missing, right no Engies and no Rangers. Wow Same as day one in wvw, no matter what u do u cant get those classes to wvw. That is bad, that is unfair towards main engis and main rangers. The negative offensive behavior towards those players dose not help at all.


Than there are those fantastic builds which require u to go farm pve or get a crafting skills to 500 aso. Damn anet when will i be able to play wvw without all the other stuff, u dont tell pvp ers to go and play 100h of pve to get the gear they need for proper pvp builds.


Mistakes over mistakes over mistakes mada again and again.


All stat combinations should be available in wvw like soldier exotic gear is. No need to pve or play 10 times story of hot and its pain in the b*** maps. That is not hot you get players into wvw. I for eg was playing a guradian for a long time before i quit wvw and gw2 a while ago, now i returned and i cant play guardian because i have to farm gold and get the craftig skills to 500 and than farm for the accendad gear since i cant get the exo gear ez from wvw like i would when soldier gear was meta. These types of mistakes are made again and again and again. Players who play wvw should get the exo gear in any stat combination they want ez.


The dev team should react fast to new trending meta ecuipment and make them available in wvw fast for all wvw players so that they can quickly adjust their gear to the new meta, this would help to get better healthier wvw fights, because wrong gear or some mediocar bad alternative just cuz its cheap would not be the solution.


Things like this are core to the problems of wvw and i have a bad feeling that those just apear because wvw is still and wrongly to strong connected to pve. No one i know thinks that wvw is the endgame of pve. This is not ESO wher the wvw map is right in the middle of the pve maps, and i bet even eso players do not see their rvr mode as endgame pve or whatever.


So my solution would be to seperate wvw from gw2 and reRelease it polished and with new maps new mechanics and a good business model. WvW could be the pubg of RvR mmo's so u have to react and act. U could release it on Steam since it is no more part of GW2 base pve game, and u could let veterans of gw2 transfer(copy) their chars from gw2 into "WvW Wars"


Make WvW a stand alone game.

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AGREE!!! The steam part would be brilliant, it is 2018 arenanet please learn the modern game business already, we are not in 2003 anymore, make it stand alone and while u doing that also outsource it to a studio that actually gives a fuck and develops for it, i am sure a lot of studios would be interested!!! This way we all win WvW players finally get love, PVE players do not get bullshit from WvW balance on their precious raids, and Arenanet will finally get rid of this part of the comunity they hate so much since day 1.

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> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > And how exactly would making it a stand alone game fix any of the issues you're experiencing?




At least we won't see balance clearly made for PvE, and have to wait for months until they fix it for WvW/PvP


Population will probably shrink a lot.


It's never happening anyways

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> And how exactly would making it a stand alone game fix any of the issues you're experiencing?


Step 1: Collect all the underpants.

Step 2: ???

Step 3: Profit!


Sounds like an "underpants gnome" scenario to me, tbh. Unless he's talking about re-releasing the game with the expectation that all current players (and more) would have to buy it again, plus the introduction of a new maintenance revenue stream, I don't see how this would be an improved business model.

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never did 2 and 3 and never had step a foot into eotm dont even remember if it was there when i started..


exotic or ascended gear make zero difference in WvW if u ask me, got toons with ascended and same toons with exotic i dont see the difference tbfh..

if i get caught behind im dead w/e toon i use.

WvW is just dieing because this game has focused from start all its shit on PvE.


its like

1) PvE

2) sPvP (far behind)

3) WvW (almost non existance to anet)


do that for years and u end up with dieing game mode where every1 is complaining.

you gave us shit maps no1 wanted, you didnt even bother listening to community how maps should have been nope just give up pull em out return 1 shit map to red border so red side has easy time cus no1 bothers with this crap map etc balaba

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once again, GW2 is a mmorpg, a sum of its parts and more. For argument sake, are you expecting all player who love WVW and other elements of the game to suddenly split their time between 2 games, even though they enjoy playing WVW with their GW2 character(s) they have developed, or are you expecting Anet to support both at the same time?

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> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > And how exactly would making it a stand alone game fix any of the issues you're experiencing?




> @"Rampage.7145" said:

> AGREE!!! The steam part would be brilliant, it is 2018 arenanet please learn the modern game business already, we are not in 2003 anymore, make it stand alone and while u doing that also outsource it to a studio that actually gives a kitten and develops for it, i am sure a lot of studios would be interested!!! This way we all win WvW players finally get love, PVE players do not get kitten from WvW balance on their precious raids, and Arenanet will finally get rid of this part of the comunity they hate so much since day 1.



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> @"reddie.5861" said:

> never did 2 and 3 and never had step a foot into eotm dont even remember if it was there when i started..


> exotic or ascended gear make zero difference in WvW if u ask me, got toons with ascended and same toons with exotic i dont see the difference tbfh..

> if i get caught behind im dead w/e toon i use.

> WvW is just dieing because this game has focused from start all its kitten on PvE.


> its like

> 1) PvE

> 2) sPvP (far behind)

> 3) WvW (almost non existance to anet)


> do that for years and u end up with dieing game mode where every1 is complaining.

> you gave us kitten maps no1 wanted, you didnt even bother listening to community how maps should have been nope just give up pull em out return 1 kitten map to red border so red side has easy time cus no1 bothers with this crap map etc balaba


im not talking about exo gear im talking about geting allstats ez they shoutld normalize all gear to exo or hell even yelow if they balance arround pve

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> Absolutely NOT! We already have a game mode like that, it’s called SPvP. WvW is all about the freedom of rolling whatever you like, the way you like it, and trying to steal hearts and make a name for yourself. If you want balanced gear just go do SPvP.


id play sPvP if it didnt require me to do things.

i mean im a roamer in WvW i frankly dont really care to cap things or when my server loses things(yes ill help deffence but if lost its lost i dont care)

in sPvP my role would be very difference and i have a much bigger impact on my team when i do w/e i want then when i do in WvW.

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> Absolutely NOT! We already have a game mode like that, it’s called SPvP. WvW is all about the freedom of rolling whatever you like, the way you like it, and trying to steal hearts and make a name for yourself. If you want balanced gear just go do SPvP.


Well see it like this, in pvp u have one ruen and one amulet right?

I dont talk about that, understand it.


I am talking about getting minstrel gear and rings aso at an vendor in wvw ez for a few gold, lets say a full "wvw only usable" gear for 30g. U have all variations of gear u want and all stat combinations u want and each slot is still separate so u can mix for eg bersi helmet with soldier west aso. The only thing that changes are 2 things

1. U get the gear which is required for the meta ez again for eg heavy minstrel gear and accessories and runes of course, but u only can wear them in wvw. If u want them in pve u have to get them the way it is now implemented. so this way new players could be provided with the right gear from the get go and learn to play the meta on the proper right gear. Another thing is that people would be less pissed of of balance changes because the new gear required for the new meta after balance change or new class new what ever. For returning players after a longer brake the new meta can mean to spend huge amounts of gold to get their chars back to meta again. Which is not the case for pvp for eg.

2. im talking about tuning donwn the numbers of the gear in wvw down to yelow or exotic stats if anet is still whilling to only balance around pve. We have stupid high dmg for wvw atm according not only to me but to many players.


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> @"Darklight.5487" said:

> WvW has a lot of issues atm and anet is fixing so slowly that they cant keep up with the development of the game. When we got eotm wvw was already lacking players on the lower tear servers and that only got worst with the introduction of eotm. Instead of giving fast solutions to the long queues on resets and prime times when the demand was there, anet decided to go the other way and develop a bs map that has nothing to do with wvw at all, and the worst thing was, that it came way to late to fix a problem


Or because ppl whined that PvErs infested WvWvW (wanted each POI+ vista to unlock 100% completiotion achivement + Jumping Puzzle) and occupy spots from the true WvWvWers ask the company to do something .

And that era that Eotm was released , a WvWvW tournamnt where happening ....with hard achivements needed to get the end rewards ? like caping 60 towers ? or destroying 20 doors or something ?

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i would love to buy wvw stand alone game if it is directed and maintained by Guild Wars team.


* side note


Today i stopped by wvw and was yet again left with complete disgust; Aoe everywhere with 1 shotting and with skill spamming, pulls and teleports in/out like a fps shooter game.


It's like WvW has become a field of trashes dumped by garbage trucks. Seriously, it was that bad; couldn't even walk without seeing piles of dead players dying in seconds everywhere.


It's quite a shame where toxicity has become the standard gaming game play and environment for wvw.; you can clearly see where players learn toxicity from.


Anyhow, like i said; Yes i would buy a WvW standalone game as long it is with the original Guild Wars team.


No Exception


(Anything which promotes healthy competitive gameplay and fun environment; get's my vote)



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